Friday, January 2, 2015

ethical concerns of A.I.,BCI and VR evoked response conerning assoctiative response by way of televised imagery in consort with Cybernetic Imbue Biotechnology

"if a man sees a pineapple and this man was attacked with a pineapple(the sharp leaves I assume...listening .as listen is all I can do )
and the voice ..the Imbue ...less personal and more authoritative
begins again .
"IF A MAN  SEES A PINEAPPLE and LET'S SAY THIS MAN ,in his childhood was ATTACKED with
a pineapple ...BY the Uncle of this Man who resembled Warren Beatty...
EVERYTIME this man,now grown up SAW a pineapple  This man would think of Warren Beatty

conversely  if this child ,now a man saw a movie or photograph of  WARREN BEATTY the man attacked by an uncle who resembled WARREN BEATTY
 would think of Pineapples.

in mathematical terms

 PINEAPPLE =Uncle who resembled (or resembles) Warren Beatty

and conversely

WARREN BEATTY=  pineapple 

"let me explain it this way Dumbo," Proxy Cy imparts,"If a person SEES the logo Pepsi Cola uses to brand it's product
even without
  the words  COLA...incorporated into the dialogue the  logo wishes to introduce into the person SEEING this LOGO  's mindset
of course
assuming that  one was "brought up" with( and thus "schooled in" Pepsi product.)
and hence the symbol for Pepsi

although the logo is not speaking ,not saying singing or shouting
"I am soda! drink me .drink me.....
in essence and Intention -it is"


Proxy Cy graphs," from now on I am to never to type my reports for
The Dept of Shapes and Lines
                       but only write these reports longhand in notebooks

REPORT ON "King Kong(1976) directly ON LINE,"I graph

"No Dumbo!...we wanted you to imply that the TV was speaking directly to YOY! reinstate  the premise  that you are schizophrenic and NOT cybernetic in nature.."Proxy Cy Imparts," But not by writing about Associations and Referential based CUES in television  you damn idiot!"

Definition of CUE

a :  a signal (as a word, phrase, or bit of stage business) to a performer to begin a specific speech or action
b :  something serving a comparable purpose

Definition of ASSOCIATION
something linked in memory or imagination with a thing or person
: the process of forming mental connections or bonds between sensations, ideas, or memories


transitive verb
:  to give a cue to as to incite association based self referential thought
:  to insert CUE and therefore ASSOCIATIVE SELF REFERENTIALS into a either broadcast or "staged " performance < to introduce cue withsound or visual effects>

, all cognitive processes − mental operations such as perceiving, reasoning, memorizing, or learning − occur at two stages. There is an active stage, in which the brain is processing sensory information, and a passive stage, during which no external stimuli act on the brain. In the former stage, the sensory information from environmental stimuli (for this purpose Tv and "Street Theater" is transformed  into neurochemical signals, which are then processed in the brain to enable us to perceive the world around us.

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