Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tusk/Tuskeegee/To Kill a Mockingbird

"the problem is.that you don't think you are doing something wrong
is what is wrong.,"Evan graphs.

" MY JOB!. to expose it  and make sure is never ...used  upon others..

"it is being used ON you...not UPON world Wicker Man!who do you think you are in this asshole...the jackass we lured here..to investigate the death of his buddy ...but we never did jack shit to your buddy.BUDDY..
we just needed our little Wicker Man to come back to LA to be Jimmy Olsen..dumbass
 ..I do not hear nor read...of it AI and Immersive Reality Experiments  being demonstrated ..nor used on any "mass population"
just folks ...who were only conceived to give the apparatus  a nice spin round the block'..is it just me Dumbo?..that doesn't see or observe  visual over -rides being discussed on "The View?"or  Cybernetic association/referentialism  Trending
 anywhere.  DO YOU!
and do you really think some jackass..who appears ...and who "reads" as the most unreliable of narrators...(thank goodness ...for a time at least You got that right!) altering the course of Human progress?...
but you know what I DO read about ..when I am not "reading those half fried brain signals of yours..Crack head SCUMBO!LUDDITE LOOOOOSER! I do often read that people who speak about THINGS they have  NO !business speaking about! being found hanging by ropes ..or found in burn alive in motel fires...you are supposed "to fight " persuasive enticement via electronic means kid...but not be some turn coat whiny little bitch about "the entire venture" punk..or we will rip you apart..in real time...bask your fuckin' head ...just enough to keep you alive enough so you'll be some vegetable...why/ so US MONSTERS...can glean ..hmmm..what does a half dead human subject dream when he's in paralyzed and in constant pain in a hospital room...with half his mind Phineas Gaged..I suppose an awful lot of what this Human Subject will be thinking is about "How Much He Regrets ' not stepping up,manning up...and attenuating himself to having the "pioneering spirit " he once had...to think 2 ways...and thus enjoy living in two world simultaneously.

WE gave you nice safe..stories...to explain in a nice safe way...why "what is-is" for you...we explained that the people involved in "making Dumbo" did not quite KNOW ..nor were RESPONSIBLE for "what actions" they might have done....THAT's why we Imparted certain FACTS to you about The FREY EFFECT! and early technologies used as Causation..in the 1960's...WHY! so you couldn't HATE the people who helped do some of that "Tommy Walker " shit to you..do you want some of those people ,who WERE puppets..not YOU! to look back and think hmmmm...where did that MAN come from who destroyed my marriage...? Why did that job just come along....? Where is YOUR humanity is what you must ask yourself NOT OURS...Do you think it will help them to know? well of course you do!..why because YOU are the real MINF FUCKER round here ! not us...I have no idea if we can put Charles back together...but YOU'RE into XXXX again a man who went out of his way to make YOU know once and for always ...your thoughts and perception are beyond any shadow of a doubt...interfaced..Charles was placed in your life to Mend you and you broke him...he said do not write about TV and AI...and influence..which is "to see how IT MIGHT WORK!" not how IT WILLWORK...you want "world on a wire" Dumbo? "world on a wire' begins with people TALKING about a world being on a wire...giving people ideas...the WRONG people..."

"dude this is about me scribbling on symbols asshole...your precious symbols..which are yours..like all the words we talk ...are yours...like all the countries demarcated  are because so MIGHTY TYRANT type decided I own this land and I will call this land Denmark! or whatever and will name all the people within the LAND ..supposedly G-d  Given like the seas ..and trees and cattle!  not to some maniacs who band together with maniacs they call armies to OWN the land..and everyone within whatever boundaries they artificially drew ONLT because they could KILL enough people to give them MORE land and PEOPLE to own and rule...and NOW you with NO sentiment cuz';this IS SCIENCE ! right!...want to not only own people's bodies but souls...but minds...and their very senses!..and just cuz' you played shuffle board with who ever made me some Brood..and you made it clear hundreds of thousands were BORN to BE HAD!..millions!..now that you've TAKEN people not "raised to be " CUED by some yellow sundress worn by some redhead who LOOKS like some fuckin' movie star who LOOKS and thus reminds me of one of my foster parents who LOOKED  hmmm just like this ...and moved and spoke like this and wore a yellow sundress on the dea...my foster father deliberately (frey effect or not!) ..just happen to LOSE ..leave me forget THAT he left me at some fucking petting zoo 30 miles away from where I lived?when I was six...so some lunatic could drive me "home" after threatening to cut my arms off if I didn't "let " him ...

"in tribal times..in ancient time....certain practices were performed on a child at the age of six so that child might be forced to instigate production of certain neural peptides in their amygdala" often to compemsate for such traumas the child's  cognitions would be enhanced.....and certain other alterations to their Beingship would cause them to 'become more" than threy were prior to such event..often certain induced allocations GIFTED upon that child in that tribe would instill in such child rare qualities..to make them warrior like in breadth or perhaps induce in them qualities to help them learn to Visage their carriage in such a way...to be either actors or men of high ethics...to become worthy of postions in such fields as civics and governance...Or to be quite honest Dumbo..just husks a "working production company ...which IS after all is really all men of high rank
in the social science we call governance "are"...might use as for instance catalysts..in fact we had you pegged early on as a shooter..not some RUINER...now your just some nobody of man...and I lose that term'man' loosely..perhaps just a man who might be shot...to act as example of what happens to Ruiners of things Progressive and Dynamic...when you posted that piece about G.H Peto Dumbo...as far as I am concerned..you were as good as gone..why anyone has let you continue after.."that breach" of confidence...is entirely beyond me....  You are on the short list now only for a Pain Reading...a neural read of not modern day marvel but modern day martyr...I for one will be headseted and eating popcorn on "This Perfect day"you won't see coming!"

"and this is a reason ..threats... to stop writng"I graph,I gulp.though no amount of warning dear reader will stop me from conveying "the abominations I describe concerning  quote  unquote  Progress that IS to the powers that be Men and Women placed on tracks like some boat in a pool of fake blue tinted water in a Disney park..'

"yet Dumbo people LINE up for hours to get on a boat they know is on tracks ..people.know the boat is steered by mechanics...why...a. so the boat won't tip over...b. so the fuckin' boat moves at the correct speed so many boats on tracks in blue tinted water can move around at the same time so the boats don't run into each other...and about you typing this shit nobody reads...except of course people watching delight our Dumbo bury himself deeper and deeper..no by all means write...why stop now..something one should never even have begun? and will regret he ever has"
 these are promises and not threats ..I do believe for someone like you can only Claim he does not know what he is doing,,,but you do..you think G-d...some babyish notion of some supreme being wants you to expose this atrocity of Human Inevitabilities on Merge!...this G-d of yours whose sole purpose was to CREATE SYMBOLS...that due to OOOOH I don't KNOW dumbo Televison and pop culture...no longer quite have the sway they once did...
but maybe you will when your found skinned alive in ..hmmmm perhps the same petting park...you were left at...to be taken by a man whose only fuction was to ...incite neural adaptation...towards HIGHER CAPACITIES!..but none the less or your self created Tusk.Tuskeeeeegeee type finale..for those who seek stories they  were warned they have NO business and NO righteous reaon to seek ..you..shoudla'  thunk! twice about placing  symbols you have scribbled upon online...as you have made us more primed to justifiably scribble all over you..."

YOU DO SCRIBBLE all over me,i graph back

"and you scribble all over US..if .. an awful lot of trouble was done to allow for a Precision based imprint of such Progressiveness of Format..that a lot of GOOD people NOT bad people...took an awful lot of risks  bucking the entire "paint by numbers" ...style of raising of child on symbols and associations...and yes,some ritualized Trauma JUST to make certain "themes " stick..and maybe that these people ,the foster parental 'figures/representations of 'authority/Father/mother"..probably had very little choice but to "do what had to be done"...and your digging up bones about "IT" is not helping anyone...especially NOT you..people are taught that the individual matters...significantly...more than the whole..and this is absurd..billions and billions of peoplein the world and ONE DUMB indiot....who has done NOTHING to adapt ...and help US therefore adapt the imbue to self autonomy AND a new system of outside influence BASED on COMMON and non archaic symbolism ...trust me there are a lot of people who would use cybernetics and contextual contextualizing ..in ways that would have driven you out of your mind in days...and how many years are we into this...and chain smoking,benzo popping...temporarily off street stimulants..is low and behold...in spite of DOING every fuckin' thing possible to FUCK with "the situation" we were purposely raised to withstand...is still alive..but not for long when he scribbles.,,pisses all over a Project that he was indeed only conceived to BE...there are no sentiments involved with Human Endeavor of this nature...but THERE is a growing BAD WILL here..that we cannot help but convey upon you FOR YOUR OWN GOOD ..that some grubby druggie ingrate  ..does not wish to "see'as blended reality...what comparisons to anyone and anything do you have to make?concerning what is normal...none...whose self will decided it was a good idea to stay with XXXX..and drop Charles COLD! to hook with again? OURS?No...what is predictive that XXXX would show you..literally the program that allows your tele -operators to see through your eyes..YES..why..because you decided..".I am Judah Maccabee "boy reporter.. and MUST know everything"... But did Charles?..Obviously
his Mandlers  decided NOT to Impart upon him information ..he could not possibly handle- about things like what YOU call  Monarch Programming ..but was it for  ...for Charles benefit? NO ..  it was because Dumbo decided to entice and corrupt Charles..and destroy Charles innocence.. to all but FORCE him to remember CUEING..and parts of his childhood Charles  NOR you! were supposed to recgress and wallow in.. NOW Charles is confused...NOW Charles is lost in "the fuckin' math" of it all..YOU made Charle's SEE himself NOW as some specimen...YOU Dumbo ARE a problem! NOT US...


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