Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nov. 13, 1938 NY Times :
An estimated 25,000 Jews were under arrest today in the wake of the worst outbreak of anti-Jewish violence in modern German history, which left throughout the nation a trail of burned synagogues, smashed homes, wrecked and pillaged shops, and at least four known dead. Police seizures of Jews continued throughout the night and this morning. Three thousand were in custody in Berlin alone.Throughout the city hardly a single Jewish shop or restaurant window was left intact as bands proceeded systematically from street to street, smashing panes with hammers and stoning these beyond reach. In some sections plundering followed swiftly.
November 16th 1938.The NY Times
At Leipzig, rabbis and Jewish leaders were driven to the river’s edge and forced to stand there most of the day before being taken to jail. From Vienna, there were unauthenticated reports of Jews forced to lie in the streets while S.A. (Nazi storm troopers) men marched over them. At Brandenburg Jews were reliably reported forced to run a gauntlet in the streets.

November 17th 1938 The New York Times

 Miss Edith English gave a luncheon yesterday in the Louis Sherry Room at Sherry's for Miss Mary Jane Cuddihy, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lester Cuddihy.

October 1939 NY Times

     Nazis began the mass deportation of 100,000 Jews from Vienna to camps in Poland.

December   1939 NY Times-

  David Selznick's 'Gone With the Wind' Has Its Long-Awaited Premiere at Astor

April  1999 NY Times- 

Directorate General for Research of the European Parliament published a report  on Crowd Control Technologies evaluating  the second generation of 'non-lethal' weapons which are emerging from national military and nuclear weapons laboratories in the United States as part of the Clinton Administration's 'non-lethal' warfare doctrine . These devices include weapons using directed energy beam, radiofrequency, laser and acoustic mechanisms to incapacitate human targets."
The report states that the most controversial non-lethal' crowd control technology proposed by the U.S., are so called Radio Frequency or Directed Energy Weapons that can allegedly manipulate human behavior as "non lethal' tools have been created specifically to interact with the human nervous system"    


Sept. 1999 NY Times-
Ms. Faturoti, who took a break from fashion for a few years, gave deconstruction an elegant polish, overlaying deep blue crocheted lace on a gold satin chemise, for instance, and splicing vivid yellow damask into a black wool dress, leaving the ends of the fabric bolt that say ''100 percent merino wool'' around the hem.

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