they want me gone
maybe i had to pretend
for an awful long time
they didn't
they have
perhaps since the start..
i have an idea who they are..
they certainly do...
i met some of them
it was funny
to then
they wanted me to know
i wasn't crazy
they showed me
how it works
i wake up now only because
they want me not to
i won't soon
i know one day soon
i wil say i wouldn't do this to a dog...
i also wouldn't do this to an enemy..nor test it to improve it for real and imagined enemies here and abroad
i would make sure that
this was banned
even for all the good it might do..the fact that
it could and will be
being used as a weapon
all but
discounts the uses it might have for good
for entertainment and even medical uses in the field of elderly care ,dementia and "locked in syndrome"
it's the weaponry
and the "sway"that make this such a horrific technology
someone somewhere (g-d himself)should have said
wait a minute
this is too far
is too dangerous andtoo tempting
to use ...
they have used it on me
i am expendable but have been deemed somehow 'worthy" enough to be a "slow kill" with psychotronics''
what did i do?
i drew the wrong pictures..
the wrong time
i said the wrong things
about the wrong things
at the wrong time
and than as hard as it might be for you to conceive
i thought the wrong thing
nor could i undo
or hide thought
they hate me quite literally
to the bone
as i believe would anyone
whose job it is to
monitor a man(any man0as they do
the very act of a prolonged mind read..and an attempt(successful) to speak.interface to another's mind
is grotesque
and horrific
in ways i have barely begun
nor will begin to explain
have explained i hope well enuf
so much is much written as fiction..
.so much unfortunately written drunk or high because i admit..i did everything
to not feel the fear
or hear the hate
if anyone asks..
they will know
or at least i hop have a small shadow of doubt
that another Targeted Individual didnt
just take his life because he was depressed
or sad
the took it
as long as
i tried
i went to the ground trying to add the science
and the basics i had learned about Neurotronics Augment from sources(who chose to remian anonymous) in the fields of bioengineering ,nanotechnology ,Artificial Intel and Immersive REality based upon Directed Energy both transmitted and incepted
during an un-solicited Brain Computer Interface
I hope I made it Clear
this is not something that WILL take place
but is something NOW taking place.
if one reads the blog (or the posts selected from it and placed in and around social media sites.I ignored too the plain fact that FB was not or is not a soap box..for this type of story or material)
yet when one is both a Guinea Pig and and now an activist AGAINST
aside from the many posters i tried to cover the city with
(all by the way making me appear more and not less believable..I recommend Glora Naylor(a fellow Targeted Individual:authoress of "The Women of Brewster Place for a more linear version of events leading to her being attacked by Psychotronic she was ruled "a dissident" by the Powers that Seize
i attempted to help the the reader at least try to contemplate a
neurological weapon
created to induce madness and psychosis into another
all the while asking myself
"are the nano biosensors a stretch..
a chip...a stretch...should I attempt to write IT as allegory "The Vampire Pharaoh
has a-cursed the world
a potion that allows
the masses minds read and studied and than controlled by a supernatural force!
a strange methodology
is being established
that judges the
and next categorizes it.
into classification
THIS perhaps is more dangerous than the technology itself
that he who does the neural scan
and the 'feedback" to such scan
is the judge ,jury and executioner all at the same time
and that an awful lot of thought has gone into
and "How to DEAL with a TYPE"
unwilling to be " re-educated"
or submit to another's will
and after a while
(as this technological advancement)
is too overwhelming
stops fighting
stops fighting a technology whose primary purpose is /was
understanding the mind ..just enough
to create programs
to specifically cause type of synthesized
would it be the first time
these methods were used?
one must only look back to the 'sports' who created and went along with
the application of hallucinogenic during MKULtra etc
to is a priority to find better and more efficient and unusual ways to hurt another person
if it wasn't brain computer interface would be something else...unseen gases..or plasmas..revolutionary new means of directed energies etc.
maybe i had to pretend
for an awful long time
they didn't
they have
perhaps since the start..
i have an idea who they are..
they certainly do...
i met some of them
it was funny
to then
they wanted me to know
i wasn't crazy
they showed me
how it works
i wake up now only because
they want me not to
i won't soon
i know one day soon
i wil say i wouldn't do this to a dog...
i also wouldn't do this to an enemy..nor test it to improve it for real and imagined enemies here and abroad
i would make sure that
this was banned
even for all the good it might do..the fact that
it could and will be
being used as a weapon
all but
discounts the uses it might have for good
for entertainment and even medical uses in the field of elderly care ,dementia and "locked in syndrome"
it's the weaponry
and the "sway"that make this such a horrific technology
someone somewhere (g-d himself)should have said
wait a minute
this is too far
is too dangerous andtoo tempting
to use ...
they have used it on me
i am expendable but have been deemed somehow 'worthy" enough to be a "slow kill" with psychotronics''
what did i do?
i drew the wrong pictures..
the wrong time
i said the wrong things
about the wrong things
at the wrong time
and than as hard as it might be for you to conceive
i thought the wrong thing
nor could i undo
or hide thought
they hate me quite literally
to the bone
as i believe would anyone
whose job it is to
monitor a man(any man0as they do
the very act of a prolonged mind read..and an attempt(successful) to speak.interface to another's mind
is grotesque
and horrific
in ways i have barely begun
nor will begin to explain
have explained i hope well enuf
so much is much written as fiction..
.so much unfortunately written drunk or high because i admit..i did everything
to not feel the fear
or hear the hate
if anyone asks..
they will know
or at least i hop have a small shadow of doubt
that another Targeted Individual didnt
just take his life because he was depressed
or sad
the took it
as long as
i tried
i went to the ground trying to add the science
and the basics i had learned about Neurotronics Augment from sources(who chose to remian anonymous) in the fields of bioengineering ,nanotechnology ,Artificial Intel and Immersive REality based upon Directed Energy both transmitted and incepted
during an un-solicited Brain Computer Interface
I hope I made it Clear
this is not something that WILL take place
but is something NOW taking place.
if one reads the blog (or the posts selected from it and placed in and around social media sites.I ignored too the plain fact that FB was not or is not a soap box..for this type of story or material)
yet when one is both a Guinea Pig and and now an activist AGAINST
aside from the many posters i tried to cover the city with
(all by the way making me appear more and not less believable..I recommend Glora Naylor(a fellow Targeted Individual:authoress of "The Women of Brewster Place for a more linear version of events leading to her being attacked by Psychotronic she was ruled "a dissident" by the Powers that Seize
i attempted to help the the reader at least try to contemplate a
neurological weapon
created to induce madness and psychosis into another
all the while asking myself
"are the nano biosensors a stretch..
a chip...a stretch...should I attempt to write IT as allegory "The Vampire Pharaoh
has a-cursed the world
a potion that allows
the masses minds read and studied and than controlled by a supernatural force!
a strange methodology
is being established
that judges the
and next categorizes it.
into classification
THIS perhaps is more dangerous than the technology itself
that he who does the neural scan
and the 'feedback" to such scan
is the judge ,jury and executioner all at the same time
and that an awful lot of thought has gone into
and "How to DEAL with a TYPE"
unwilling to be " re-educated"
or submit to another's will
and after a while
(as this technological advancement)
is too overwhelming
stops fighting
stops fighting a technology whose primary purpose is /was
understanding the mind ..just enough
to create programs
to specifically cause type of synthesized
would it be the first time
these methods were used?
one must only look back to the 'sports' who created and went along with
the application of hallucinogenic during MKULtra etc
to is a priority to find better and more efficient and unusual ways to hurt another person
if it wasn't brain computer interface would be something else...unseen gases..or plasmas..revolutionary new means of directed energies etc.
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