Thursday, February 13, 2014

Patty H.

the kindergarten teacher had asked to be moved to the front of the class.
she dithered up to Valerie after class...
stating that she could think at another person
as cruelly
as any of her "pets" in the front row..
wished she had access to the serial numbers on Patty 
(tell me that's your real name )Hurst's from Witchita 's
("I married badly in more ways than one she would say....but she kept the the Stockholm Syndrome that develops naturally in any close relation good or bad lingered way after their split..and she wanted to Never Forget)

 access code.
her "so called source code" 
that fed her mentors her Neurals
however were off limits...(patty was told she doused to gills with biosensors and nanoparticles ..but was told that her transmission (for a small stipend Participating  in This exciting venture...she could not be there were people ...whose sole job was to acquire  such information ..."and you certianly wouldn't want anyone but us  knowing what's on your mind...sister)
were off limits
to anyone but her provider...a very traditional "wellness based" Mind Modulation start up in Santa Ana CA
Patty was  selected during a random 
facial recognition scan 
that "recognized" a quality based on comparison analysis
that classified her as  an Ascension Innocent"
an angelic 
Patty never bother telling "The Firm'
that had identified her
that she had recovered from a 2 year bout with a sort of Bell's Palsy
slender-ing of the facial nerve that control her smile.
and being that she never went to a Dr ...or had any recorded record of such affliction
no pertinent data
was available to
convince Her Team
that she was not quite as kindly as her visage predicted
after being" apped"
for a utilitarian Brain map
the discovery that she was "no angel' was 
swept under the rug
to avoid the start up embarrassment their motto was 'we sure know how to pick them"
they planned to use 
"Heightened Happiness" neural reads on depressives who had the money to pay for an emotional over lay
they kept Patty in the circle
and apped her with nano...
so that she could interface with a tele operator
for the sole purpose
of gaining access to Valerie Prentiss's DreamScape Class
that regulators insisted 
(for karmatic flow ,as who really really knows,that some angelic types ...balanced the Intense Wickedness required to Ebb or terminate a "Ruiner" with Pathology or Constituency on "their' mind..

the start up 
you see had found 
that future consumers
did not particularly want an "angelic " overlay
but an overlay of "tenacity and arrogance" that 
could not otherwise be acquired

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