Saturday, December 27, 2014

bayone ,new jersey (1910) Lumieres and Lunatics ( early experiments with "virtual reality")

When "Lumiere's Arrival of the Train "the film was first shown, the audience was so overwhelmed by the moving image of a life-sized train coming directly at them that people screamed and ran to the back of the room. Hellmuth Karasek, in the German magazine Der Spiegel wrote that the film "had a particularly lasting impact; yes, it caused fear, terror, even panic, on the audience who were unaccustomed to the amazingly realistic illusions created by moving pictures. The Lumière brothers clearly knew that the effect would be dramatic if they placed the camera on the platform very close to the arriving train.-LONG SHOT-  to establish the setting of the film, followed by a MEDIUM SHOT, and finally  a CLOSE SHOT  was conveyed to the audience  by the movement of the subject alone The train arrives from a distant point and bears down on the viewer, finally crossing the lower edge of the screen. The terror that film caused in an audience as yet unaccustomed  to seeing or, more so, processing what they had seen in  a NEW WAY was noted by various Regulators of Advance Weaponry Technicians in America who asked Al Christie to discuss methods of using film to both terrify an audience as well as control an audience. Especially as the public quickly grew accustomed to intrinsically perceiving the relatively new medium, for a time Regulators and those with interests of Mass Influence."left the movies", as they say, on the cutting room floor...concerning  the  movies' ability to induce 'mass hysteria or mass hypnosis " on a large crowd. According to records Al Christie,spoke to members in various branches of Regulatory Depts. regarding ways  of bypassing the audience's 'new processing of   mediated perception and  discussed how the thought processes of the insane...concerning "how a Lunatic" SEES "life" in his "Mind's Eye" might help an audience now accustomed to processing a moving pictures lexicon into it's collective sense in a removed fashion could be provoked nonetheless to be afflicted  by the visuals  IF the content AND the configuration of "The New Language Of Film" was altered in such a manner as to provoke a visceral  response.
Al Christie discussed a meeting he had with several 'special" patients from the Mercer Hospital in Trenton concerning  those hospitalized for hallucinations and how it might be possible to at least indirectly induce temporal madness in a sane man with film making processes attempting to synthesize a lunatic's  perceptions onto the 'silver screen'

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