Tuesday, December 30, 2014

a fish called kalev (2)/ i luv u ,u pay my rent

a friend sends me a link/present online some company that made the blog into a little book.(you like see this little tiny book...with your words on it...and u hit the tip of the page or arrow and the fake page flips forward..he said.-so it doesn't read backward...but like in order....as people don't really read books backward...and the posts...seem more like posts...than a story that is moving forward...you can also like pay this company to make your blog(what an idiotic word...especially when one is writing about Human Experimentation...and A.I. and bci being developed to "rid the world of folks with things on their mind..that don't "read " well back ward forward on paper ..etc...(half the posts I take down...as they "hit too close to home...and "my home"if this makes any sense is "my hook up" to Proxy Cyber...THIS
by the WAY.is about as FAR as a READER gets.
on any given post.
like when you
have a free movie ON DEMAND ...or Roku etc....and you don't quite like the incidental music....or cinematography
and say..."ahhhh...what else is on...."
if you paid for the movie (less than 5.99) you might force yourself to watch more...even if you "you've seen this story a thousand times or the actor you sorta' didn't like that much to begin with...seems more unlikable...hammy or "out of his depth"
or a million other things
according to EVAN who is attempting to adjust my temperaments toward adding 'some LIKABLE character 'to the story"....but story telling with straight to mind sensory
is not the same as "Old Way" project on screen....as Virtual reality once you've been "app-ed" for "it"
is all about making you...and thus your nervous system...brain etc...."the movie"
but the only way this can be done....MIND to MIND...is if a signal is first over lapped upon parts of your cortex and temporal lobes...that puts one in Simpatico with whomever ...is 'running the projector"
meaning ....a Tele- Operator....or in the case of Brain Computer Interface...a tele -Presence..
how best to explain this....except a Dungeon Master....when one plays Dungeons and Dragons.
have never been able to "play Dungeons and Dragons..." as I don't have the capacity to sit still
nor the...intelligence or whatever it's called to ..
avatar up some little piece of plastic...
supposedly I have cognitive problems .and what some kunt in elemeary school called a learning disability or autism ......which by the way is one reason the Powers that Seize spiked my nervous system...with "neural amplifiers " the size of molecules...
to see if they could FOCUS one such as me OUT of my own head....and INTO...the Wonderful World
of NOT just "Being There'....the problem is ...
I have no say...in what they present to either my aurals nor visuals...and certainly not the story lines
"that go" with "the feed"
and furthermore do not get along with My Dungeon Master (Tru Christie...)who believes I am not autistic but sociopathic... in nature
and thus decided to use the 'apps" to go MKULTRA on me ...since ,like day one..
Just as WE expected him to do
virtual reality ,A.I. and direct neural interface....is all about bidding and winning contracts....and
establishing various
methodologies ...concerning how this equipment can be used by
people willing to actually USE IT on a Human Subject in the first place
my folks.....and the folks ....who my folks ...were affiliated with it the time....(and I was raised by actors...playing "folks"....these actors(I was adopted) moved to Spain some time ago....why Spain?
because they've never been to Spain
this jist ..is ....supposedly...
not how a subject....a person "app-ed"without consent
ACTS toward one's Tele-Operator.
but how a Tele-Operator ACTS toward his captive (via the captivity...is Psychotronic )
supposedly according to "my team" whop sent me to LA to "be caught"
cuz' I was trained ....supposedly to be a dimwit...
..................I remember little of my childhood
          only CUES and TRIGGERS and stuff I don't understand "pull me back"
for Tru Christie's benefit ....and Neuronautic's benefit...not mine...
because the jist of this
is how not the captive but the captor ..."would act" on a human with this technology
who for instance hated jews,homos afro americans,mexicans ...etc...
based on some test or other done making some guys in college prisons and some ....guards...but with
since the situation 'had to be real"
they made sure...I was molded into a druggie hustler..(as I had little resources being raised on Referentials...and cues to EVER hold a real job) and my "lover" at the time kinda went out of his way...
to leave me with little other options...but Santa monica Blvd.


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