Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory /memoria technica

few but those raised "Rainy"raised on Neuronautics,raised on Referentials
raised in Black and White
Only very Good Days
and very Bad Days
days of zeros
days of ones
nothing in between
no gray area
except the gray area.the gray matter between one's ears being constantly
imprint with input
deliberately scripted
and staged quite nicely...seamlessly by a series of Foster parents...
actors all of them.
                                       their job as "Stylized Parental Figures"
                                       as is the job of parents not retained and
                                       "lent out" by Parasol Pictures
                                       is to provide INPUT to child
                                        to help the child "grow"
if one was conceived
only to be a Research Study
                                     so whitecoats and black slacks
could understand  Mnemonic Association and Cues based on
                                      external provocation.....
the child must be traumatized
"just enough"
so this input is retained
by the mind in a state of Heightened "reality"
which IS what psychological and physical abuse
as well as sexual abuse
physiologically incite in the human brain
primarily sections of the developing child 's mind
that produce pre -pubescent
chemical reactions  to force the child's
mind to
                                                             "escape to witch mountain"

to dissociate
the first requirement
of making a child an Empathic...and telepathic
or as Evan graph's,"Tommy Walker certainly couldn't have become no Pinball Wizard if
his "team' didn't "gift" Tommy with Situations pre-scripted to encourage Tommy to "sure play a mean pinball."

Nor could  the attempt to create a Manchurian Candidate who could Mnemonically be  brought back to a purposely partitioned "self"
by "replay" of visual,aural ,olfactory, reintroduction
of symbols and Cue that
could bring such a person raised on Monach programming BACK to Black.

In the early 1960's it was presumed that Human Computer Interaction
would be possible by the 1990's
and that symbiotic introduction of manipulated "holographic" sight based on Cues

could and would force a child raised in a Binary black and white ,zero and ones. A Ritualized Methodical manner
to revert to characteristics of  "alter ego" created so a human could function on several plains.
So the child ,now a man might retain information in one segment of his "divided self"
inaccessible to other "shards of personality/"beingship"
UNLESS a "team member "aware of exactly what CUES ,words,scents and images could
open "that file" of an individual raised in this manner..
with such "passwords"

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