Friday, February 6, 2015

butterfly effect

 we knock you bring you up
we brought you back to teach you a lesson
you were using..drinking...all the time..your art that once
seemed tender to only seemed to get  meaner...

.........we have not given up on you
                                                                                  please give up on me Evan
                                                                                   give me at least 2 or three days to not see or hear
a man who wants to step away from
The Lord
must be careful what he steps it                              
                                                                                   you are not the lord Evan...
                                                                                   and most bad things I step into
                                                                            are because you and your"" team" placed them there

look up the word Lord Dumbo
I lord over you
I am your overlord .your Boss.                                                                        
today is the day we begin
writing what they call a treatment                         
do you even know what a treatment is
first of all today we clean this room.
and today we begin dressing in a manner
that says I find worth in myself
                                                                                  Dude.the only thing I find in my self is you.

light blue dress shirt
a black tie
and grey or brown slacks not jeans
shoes...and you may wear your
Neuronautic's pin again                                           I may? I graph sarcastically(and                                       next   focus                                                           "my"inner thoughts on sticking the pin with the neuronautics                                                              logo on it right into my eyeball
deliberate deviant aberrant thinking Evan graphs back
I know he has been seen his own eye as my own...
they you see may DO things like THIS to me but I May not

 "bitch "Evan graphs," you don't think
we buffer your Ill-ities
  from ourselves and that we didnt glean  that- eye thing coming Pre-Neural Firing style ? hmmmmmm,,might be a nice "playback " In Dreams...Dumbo,,,
I have just marked that Visual graph...with a marker so Tru Christie can see what you do try to pull\
and besides Scumbo seems we already sorta stuck that logo pin in your eyes buddy
don't it Sllllick?
in your eyes ,ears,brain.....Chippy
and you think this Jew G-d of yours doesn't read those sick cruel thoughts you send us

I assure you Evan ,I graph back,G-d knows just who those thoughts are being 'aimed " at ...

"and where's this fairy tale god of your now huh...hmmm I don't see him coming down to save you...d-d-d-d-duh You dummy?"EvAN gRAPHS,'MAN..I WANTED TO TRY BEING NICE TO YOU TODAY......"
  AND NEXT EVAN GRAPHS".You will.Wear the The pin will help keep you on the theme is  Neuronautics
you need not write about how Neuronauts saved
your druggie
loser ass..    making you "our" pro bono
fixer upper..I  DID assume that by now! any animosity
toward your Mentors your "auditors" YOUR friends-  has diminished
so your "sticky kid stuff" in more ways than one
punk,,,won't interfere with the interface.
in fact     the money you might make ...writing a Science-ideology NEURONAUTIC'S
based script for mass consumption
 might help put a dent in what you owe us
for your mentorship"         
                                                  "   Mentorship?...BrAIN entrainment is more like it I graph back"
ignoring me Evan graphs in a new tone-
"You can't copyright an idea, only the execution of that idea . Writing a treatment is the first step to  writing a script,,,Evan graphs,,,,and I have no idea what the hell he's graphing about

                                                                       I shower.and put on my blue shirt and black tie and pin
                                                                 Evan graphs that I almost look fuckable....but might
                                                                consider joining a gym ..but of course...there's an app for that
                                                             I can tell what he's doing...he wants me to place Neuronautics        and the 'apps" in a Tran$humanistic "light",,,, my writing to ":be fair" and give both sides,,or something.....there is no both sides ...not even to a direct neural interface they can care less what I think except to twist see what I am afraid see what imagery even on the TV seems make me make associations...primarily on this nightmare...on this real American horror story everyone KNOWS ABOUT.,,,BUT NOBODY MENTIONS,,,,THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO LOSE ..THESE POLITICIANS AND SCUM IN HOLLYWOOD BEND OVER AND BEGGGING TO" Help "TEST artificial reality
strange strange bedfellows
 and fellowships and Fellas who were ...real live boys ONCE -   bought UP in such a way so they might be more CONGRUENT. More CRAFTABLE...SUBSERVIANT once   Taken by" IT.."
yeah....and I'm supposed to shut up about it..and understand in how many ways this tech is different from other...other what
ways of destroying someone?
or how many new ways people can be manipulated...and never let anyone know YES to this extreme ...or people might not have children,,,Nah people WOULD deliberately have children thinking the "apps" will make their kids supa' kidz

..."WHO  u think YOU playing with now. They ask
butch as far as anyone thinks I just be cwwazzzy
whom fuckin with?..who you are buddy
but someone you play with LIKE THIS hopes for early demise..,,
JUST CHECK OUT SOME PATENTS THE NEILSON Company HAS concerning   Interactive TV and you'd think Himmler ad albert speer created  this new kind of television......MORE GADGETS AND INSERTIVES AND DETECTORS to capture  EVEN THE SMALLESGT BLINK...TO SEE WHAT YOUR ARE responding to/.. algorithms to TO GANDER WHAT THAT BLINK MEANT..SECOND TO SECOND but true A.I. true Interactive not BASED

"IT'S SICK CUZ' yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyOU make IT ssssssssICKdUMBO"Evan graphs

making me see my own eye some how with a Neuronautic's pin in it...

.you can write the script,,the treatment  many ways.,, unlike regular church or synagogues
we can take some aspects of dissident like thought  .as we understand  RUINER's take on things
are misguided possibly on a biological ,eugenic level
but we Hate the ABBARATION but do LOVE  the ABBARANT...or try to

XXXX knocks on the door

"any guests?" he says
sorta mocking
and than he shouts in my ear...Ground Control to Major EVAN "am I interrupting anything?"
than XXXX licks my ear and glean Evan say "Yum:
XXXXXsay a type writer ,an electric one came in the mail...with a note...that he accidently opened.He tells me to please get the type write out of the communal area..  cause one of the roomates having people over
 .XXXXX is wearing his blue shirt and black tie..and pin like
and I think if XXXX looks fuckable
and Evan graphs "yesssssum:

I look at XXXX we may as well be  twins,,,Mormons-- I think..and feel a sharp pain in my arm
I read the letter XXXX "acciedently" opened"

Hello Jim Bloom, I have been following your blogs now for some time and I took the liberty of printing both Small Life Video and Wallhangings ..part one I assume...and Compo Cola..part two of your story which I sent to colleague of mine in the "industry "who read the stories you have written and said he was "intrigued" I also took the print out to another colleague, a publisher who wrote-

 There is no plot in a linear sense.but only plottings in this peculiar story/novel which Bloom claims and than disclaims is based on any real accounts. The main character, Bloom's alter ego?is only referred to as Dumbo,who simply grows three years older as the tale unfolds.Bloom presents a chronological series of scenes in the life of a man who learns he was born only to be a Human Research Subject for a Biotech Company that spiked his brain with bio-chips which enable Dumbo ,whether he likes it or not, to correspond telepathically with a series of what Bloom refers to as Mandlers. These Mandlers Brain Computer Interface and induce  Tele-Presence upon Dumbo that allow him to See,Hear and Feel whatever his "Mandlers "decide Dumbo should be shown .The Tele-Presence is discussed by Bloom in a rather cold manner.The Mandlers Dumbo has been "kidnapped" by offer no warmth to their captive but only tests and  or renditions meant to it often seems to drive Dumbo to commit crimes, interface vicarious "kicks" or kill himself. Bloom introduces Dumbo first as junkie ,hustler in his 20's "picked up" or "set up " to be picked up by some shadowy characters who may or may not be "agents" of some kind .Next Dumbo is introduced as a middle aged man who doesn't really  seem "do" anything but live in a house with roomates who essentially "handle" Dumbo.We find out Dumbo has been" handled "since his birth and an entirely new story lines presents concerning aspects of Human Engineering ,MK-Ultra and Monarch Ritual Abuse, a  trauma based form of programming a person's mind {the Manchurian Candidate}. Other characters much more interesting than Dumbo, who mainly "speaks/interfaces with others via a Brain Computer Interface, are introduced and than left untended...seemingly based on Dumbo's ability or inability to write as Dumbo has on again off again crack habit. Bloom often  presents meticulously detailed description of Human Testing and the specifics of elements of The Mind Augment Industry and Television working in tandem to control man ,or at least men born to be "mechanized" in quite disturbing ,terrifying detail. The two primary Tele-Operator's of Dumbo's mind and senses are Evan Rainy and Tru Christie, members of a"cult/religion /movement" who also run a movie studio,These two "Mandlers "work on" or "work against " Dumbo's faltering sense of self autonomy. Both Evan Rainy and Tru Christie  present interactive stories to Dumbo that Bloom often leaves unfinished preferring to get back to his own experiences of being a man essentially held hostage and tortured  by A.I.

Some of the characters and situations are quite amusing. Bloom is at his best when he is not in "Why So Serious "mode.

The producer who read both blogs said he saw something like "Little Shop of Horrors "meets" MK Ultra" meets" Rosemary's Baby" meets "Brainstorm"...and of course the Patty Hearst "thing" with Dumbo..He wondered " if Bloom" could "make it"(the story) more fun and write a movie treatment that could present at less than 2 and one half hours of running time.Please let me know if you want or need any help with this proposal?-*****

I don't know if this letter was written by anyone of any importance or just wank job to fuck with my mind..they in Hollywood had done that before.
lured me.
Hooray for Hollywood shit..."Oh how interesting it would be to see how an OUTSIDE artist ...might write ...a story...for da' pictures..
so like the dumbass Evan calls me I go...
just pack up pay for an apartment I never even saw...and move out to van nuys..
I had written a little story called The Boy With A Tusk where His Pinky Nail was
and this boy ...who was about 7 or so....has all kinds of troubles cause he has this small affliction...a very small tusk where the nail on his pinky should be...
obviously he can't get the tusk surgically removed...
(I recall going into that obvious ....point...rather early...
to get it outta the way...
well the kids at school don't really like a jid who has a Tusk growing where his pinky nail should be ...and they give him lots of jostling ,name cALLING ABOUT IT..
and his parent ...all sweet and parents in little kids book are...usually
give him their kid with the Piny Tusk///all kinda pep talks
which make Pinky T feel good for a while
(they call him Pinky T at school the kids...can you imagine have a visble tisk where a pinky nail should be? "job" in Hollywood ...or so I thought
before I realized MY JOB was to be Gang Stalked and "app-ed" with Merge...
my job that little apartment on Burbank Blvd was to write
of Pinky T
and how Pinky TR "saves the Day " one day when
there this horrible horrible incident at the school
....this teacher who is like Pinky T 's mentor..
his "itll be alright" kid guy
is a science teacher
and one day the science teacher does this experiment
that goes awry   cause a huge huge huge bubble to form
so huge is this bubble ....trapped inside it..
Pinky T...with his Tusk was is soooo sharp and strong
breaks the bubble and every one lifts Pinky T up and says joy good fella...
and all that shit.
I wrote the story for a friend's nephew...who lost an eye
thanks to some art class scissor incident.

well the story was a bit more elaborate than that...and I drew pictures ...etc

and put some of the stories and pics on line...even a painting called ESCAPE from PINKY TUSK ISLAND!...for some follow up..
yeah so I put the story online...cause that's kinda ' what     people do..or did in 2010 who had websites for their art and stuff..
and some Hollywood dude says come out to Hollywood man
we can help you...
suggesting they would spend time with me and teach me to be like Mister Outsider artman screenwriter King of the land shit..
like I was Pinky T being lifted from my bubble to the big time
but that's not why they asked me to come to LA...
I had done some dumb paintings...
silly ones...that "mocked" Hollywood Royalty or something...
I still don't get but BOY do I still Have it.
so what makes them think i'm so dumbo to go back there,,,or try to write this as movie.

'WHY! because we LIKE YOU "Evan graphs ,making me see a small white mouse with black ears and next I see the mouses tail has been cut off and red is all around the mouse.i had lived in LA before..years ago when I was in my 20's andmet up with some black slacks types..

I woke up in a hotel room....half unaware where I was...
but I see butterflies....real ones monarch butterflies like 50 or more all fluttering around or hiding ,close up ,their wings closed in the drapes ...
of course it would have been a thousand times more scary if they were moths....cause butterflies are like NICE...
like lightning bugs are "nice" insect" and lady bugs...and butterflies...not Un nice insects like silverfish or cockroaches..
but they don't seem so nice when there are tons of them ...obviously someone placed in your hotel room...
well I just quick packed up and left..
only to see what money I had,,,,was gone..
I used to have to hustle....or whatever they call a whore I guess. I never hustled anyone...if they paid me I did whatever big big difference...between a hustler and a whore...
one is a thief trying to shake you down the other just does what he's gotta do to make some money...
I don't know why I never was able to hold a real was just something I feel into...
and cause I was an artist it didn't seem so bad...
cause if I worked a real job I could learn how to paint...than the problem becomes being kept....which is not good...because you're sorta   owned..
and you end drinking a lot with the guy or guys or doing drugs ...cause ;;;it's all about "a party"
than I meet a boyfriend ..a real one I thought at the time...
and he says no more hustling...and we're moving to la cuz he wants to be an actor and I have to get away from my "tricks" and learn how "work a normal " job
I did the normal job stuff in LA working at this big hardware store in west Hollywood..
while my smoked crack and took acting lessons..
real fun I can tell you
and than I 'm like this aint' cool workin this job and go back to my old ways....and those old ways find you fast..
especially in LA if you don't have a  car...and just are sorta lingering around bars waiting for someone to buy you a drink and a hotel room

but not one of course with monarch butterflies all inside it/.//nor guns in one's mouth..
that's when people started calling me Little Dumbo..our Little Dumbo
they wanted me to get a monarch tattoo
on my mini bicep and I wouldn't...and this was a big deal
cuz according to these guys I was raised Monarch and must show it..showing it also meant sucking off olkder guys on video in the hotel in studio city...cause
That's what you were raised for and that 's why that boyfriend we set you up with brought u to LA you either do what your big mouth is good for
or we'll make you little drummer boy with knife..
somehow I got out of LA and came back to philly but soon the sound began again...
and it went on for months...
they destroyed me
everyone in philly who previously thought I was ok..."cool"
now just thought I was insane.
you get a reputation in a small town...and if you're at a bar....a gay bar and someone who doesn't know you "flipped"
for sure some guy noticing he's eyeing you comes over to the guy and says can see..something  guy saying "like "uh uh..that one's crazy..
so what do you do..
you draw...and you take tons of pills that make you sooo tired even if your hearing shit you feel think nothing
the pills make you feel disgusting..
look disgusting...they make you literally spittle at the mouth..
and than
one day they end...

and than ONE DAY you learn
you weren't crazy...
you learn about silent sound...the frey effect...bone conductive hearing..
and you don't go mad you get mad...
so if this real or fake producer woman who went the type writer thinks DUMBO will be so DUMB to go back to LA a 3rd time..
and cheapen this story into some ...little shop of horrors...

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