Thursday, June 18, 2015

you had me going for a minute there.

the whistle blower I have not spoken to for some time explains to me that the TI's problems are the perpetrator 's solutions  and that -Gangstalking is ONLY about  mis directing a TI's  self NARRATIVE  in the TIs head..
and next to dismay whomever the TI explains the Gangstalking to. THIS is the point ...The researchers/perps/maverick  need a way to keep the TI  NEVER  speaking  about the  advanced   technology  being used in most cases on/against  the TI -just in case they are believed...

 year to year the "tech" itself seems less and less  illogical. Also  human testing   (unfortunately ) does not strike people as all that difficult to believe...
a TI might feel he or she is finally "getting somewhere'/being heard (I have experienced this many times)
until I begin talking about  Street theater ..gaslighting..gang stalking
as the idea  of one  purposely being  "stage managed " 
handed series  after series of mishaps
and "who's on first " neuro linguistics  mind teasers
 presented only  for the eyes and ears  of  the TI

sounds similar to a person saying'the tv was talking to them"

and really.
all it's for.

"sounds like the tv is talking to you
is what it sounds   like to one's friend and families -IT IS MEANT TO!

"sounds like the tv is talking to you
as well to the authorities s(drs lawyers policemen, federal agents ,congressmen..)
 The whistleblower an ex -employee from one of these federal agencies   tells me Gangstalking (by it's very design   and Gaslighting  by it's very definition  ...are done to a TI
 mad" if one speaks of "it"
first and foremost because the acts done upon a TI lack "reason"
and therefore come across as un reasonable

why is there no purpose for it ?because the very purposeless of it in fact it's purpose
The Pointlessness  used in Gangs talking..
is it's own Agenda
it's own alibi.

.inevitably he says a TI make things worse for them selves in terms of credibility if they are not very aware of how what they say comes across to another..
it is ONE THING to explain to some one certain aspects of this situation
and this ONE THING ..must be enough
or at least never explain the two together...
think Jim...what sounds
more ...understandable
Human Guinea Pig
or someone deliberately pasting upside down smiliy face stickers all over your car.
if one has gotten someone 's attention with the first and THAN talks about smiley face stickers...and garden gnomes out of nowhere...
in just second ..
you have lost every shred of hard one credibility you have gained..
the whistleblower goes on to explain how many videos are made about TIs ...
by people who are the TI's handlers
a very sophisticated video ...describing the apparatus and used of direct energy against another's nervous sys will segue suddenly into ..the illuminati new world agenda...and discussion of UFOs...
because people deliberately wanted to diminish the information that came before...very deliberately is this done
....telling another -not only is this happening...but THIS too is happening too
in terms of behaviorist semantics about subtraction
and dilution ...which is exactly why Gangstalkingis a second the whistleblower says "gilding the lily" just in case someone might buy the "story" one has been made a Human Guinea who has been told this MIGHT ...just understand ...but that understanding is fleeting once a TI goes on to explain the other aspects of their situation concerning parked out side...a strange toy being place in their house...a man or woman walking up to them who just happens to know their name ...
Immediately whatever believability you might have received ...goes out the window.
A whistle blower I had previously had more contact with ...understands the up down and all across of my "story writing"
for instance portraying graphic sexuality out of nowhere is not about sex but a way to hopefully make the reader stop and say to themselves" too much information. as to try to invite the reader to imagine even only briefly how one would feel about Too Much Information being impossible to holdback IF one considered that a human's mind could be decoded.
and if this could occur
without an off button
and no TI I know comes with an Off Button
how one 's private thoughts for instance regarding sex
are not private thoughts.
a sit on the loo
is not longer private..
a scratch of ones arse.
....the whistle blower
also understands the posts about monarch programing and the need to discuss humiliations required for such programming ..are rare but not as rare as he wished
.He not most readers (even TIs not programmed this way) understands why I write of make the reader (perhaps be only ashamed for me...)
when I try to portray shame so a reader might understand how Shame ..especially regarding once again one's private functions and humiliations being purposely made of such natural functions (onset of puberty etc. ) which ...are PURPOSELY used upon(and against) a small child to cause disassociated states.
.However the whistleblower assured me few others might understand this. Most TIs were not brought up "on it"
the whistle blower keeps bringing up FOCUS
and how it's all about keeping a TI disorganized in their focus
(one reason the alterations of another's Hzs by direct energy is used is to create mental confusion...spontaneity veering on mania...etc..
which one's "Operators" use especially when one is writing., trying to explain something...or recording themselves ...attempting to explain the impossible
for this reason we often must be vigilant ..of out own they ..can easily diminish our own point of view.
The whistleblower explains to me that a TI must understand the pragmatics he or she is dealings with
involving the lack of pre existing knowledge of Gangstalking in terms of context
and that the Gangstalking is deliberately out of even the TI's context...Most TIs get angry,weary of those who do not understand. Which is not fair because the TI does not understand ...the "jibberish"
the deliberate Jabberwocky or Gangstalking/street theater...
Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning. Pragmatics encompasses speech act theory, conversational implicature, talk in interaction and other approaches to language behavior .Pragmatics studies how the transmission of meaning depends not only on structural and linguistic knowledge of the speaker and listener, but also on the context of the utterance, any pre-existing knowledge about those involved, the inferred intent of the speaker, and other factors. In this respect, pragmatics explains how language users are able to overcome apparent ambiguity, since meaning relies on the manner, place, time etc. of an utterance.
Definition of JABBERWOCKY
: meaningless speech or writing Jabberwacky is a chatterbot created by British programmer Rollo Carpenter. Its stated aim is to "simulate natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining and humorous manner". It is an early attempt at creating an artificial intelligence through human interaction. The PARRY program was an earlier version of this and many A.I. chatterbots create din 1972 was a chatterbot designed to simulate schizophrenia

one reason (but not the only reason) I add aspects of the quote unquote illuminati (who I am not saying do not exist) is to demonstrate how ..
whatever credence I might hav built up with an audience ..understand my reason for presenting ...much of this as semi fiction..
EASY it it too lose another's understanding when one begins speaking about Radiofrequency ,voice 2 skull...and next brings up the 'New World Order/space aliens...monarch programming...'who REAALY shot JR...etc..
according to my contact one must focus on the issue of Gangstalking bein only done to because ethe powers that be know a TI will go to great lengths presenting their case ....with photographs,videos .recordings and end up in fact diminishing their case concerning the Direct Energy Testing..
the Gangstalking according to the whistle blower iS only done to not only drive a TI crazy but also as
Back -up
a built in reality that to anyone else but the target will be taken as delusional.
A whistle blower I had previously had more contact with ...understands the up down and all across of my "story writing"
 for instance portraying graphic sexuality out of nowhere eis not about sex but a way to hopefully make the reader stop and say to themselves"  too much information. as to try to invite the reader to imagine even  only briefly how one would feel about Too Much Information being impossible to holdback IF one considered  that a human's mind could  be  decoded.
and if this could occur
without an off button
and no TI I know comes with an Off Button
 how one 's private thoughts for instance regarding sex
are not private thoughts.

a sit on the loo
is not longer private..
a scratch of ones arse.

....the whistle blower
 also understands the posts about monarch programing and the need to discuss humiliations required for such programming ..are rare but not as rare as he wished
.He not most readers (even TIs not programmed this way) understands why I write of make the reader (perhaps be only ashamed for me...)
when I try to portray shame  so a reader might understand  how Shame ..especially regarding once again one's  private functions  and humiliations being purposely made of such natural  fucntions  (onset of puberty etc. ) which  ...are PURPOSELY  used upon(and against) a small child to cause dissassociative states.

.However the whistleblower assured me few others might understand this. Most TIs were not brought up "on it"

the whistle blower keeps bringing up FOCUS
and how it's all about keeping a TI disorganized in their focus
(one reason the alterations of  another's Hzs by direct energy is used is to create mental confusion...spontaneity veering on mani...etc..
which one's   "Operators" use especially when one is writing.,trying to explain something...or recording themselves ...attempting to explain the impossible
for this reason we often must be vigelent ..of out own they ..can easily diminish our own point of view.
The whistleblower explains to me that a TI must understand the pragmatics he or she is dealings with
involving the lack of pre existing knowledge of Gangstalking in terms of context
and that the Gangstalking is deliberately out of even the TI's context...Most TIs get angry,weary of those who do not understand. Which is not fair because the TI does not understand ...the "jibberish"
the deliberate  Jabberwocky or Gangstalking/street theater...

Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning. Pragmatics encompasses speech act theory, conversational implicature, talk in interaction and other approaches to language behavior  .Pragmatics studies how the transmission of meaning depends not only on structural and linguistic knowledge  of the speaker and listener, but also on the context of the utterance, any pre-existing knowledge about those involved, the inferred intent of the speaker, and other factors. In this respect, pragmatics explains how language users are able to overcome apparent ambiguity, since meaning relies on the manner, place, time etc. of an utterance.

Definition of JABBERWOCKY

:  meaningless speech or writing Jabberwacky is a chatterbot created by British programmer Rollo Carpenter. Its stated aim is to "simulate natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining and humorous manner". It is an early attempt at creating an artificial intelligence through human interaction.The PARRY program was an earier version of this and many A.I. chatterbots  create din 1972 was a chatterbot designed to simulate schizophrenia
 the whistle blower explains  to me that the TI's problems
are  the perpetrator 's solutiosn
 Gangstalking is ONLY about  mis directing a TI's  NARRATIVE  first  in the TIs head...and furthermore  IF the TI decides to discuss this narrative with authorizes ..

.He tells me by it's very design ....Gangstalking ...Gaslighting is done
mad" if one speaks of it

first and foremost because the acts done upon a TI lack "reason"
and therefore come across as un reasonable
there is no purpose for it.

why is there no purpose for it ?because the very purposeless of it is purposelessness
The Pointlessness acts as
is it's own  Agenda
it's own  alibi.

.inevitably  he says a TI make things worse for them selves in terms of credibility if they are not very aware of how what they say comes across to another..

it is ONE THING to explain to some one certain aspects of this situation
and this ONE THING ..must be enough

or at least never explain the two together...
think Jim...what sounds
more ...understandable

Human Guinea Pig
or someone  deliberately pasting  upside down smiliy face stickers all over your car.

if one has gotten someone 's attention with the first   and THAN talks about smiley face stickers...and garden gnomes out of nowhere...

in just second ..
you have lost every shred of hard one credibility you have gained..

the whistleblower goes on to explain how many videos are made about TIs ...
by people who are the TI's  handlers
a very sophisticated video ...describing the apparatus and used of direct energy against another's nervous sys will segue suddenly into ..the illuminati new world agenda...and discussion of UFOs...
because people deliberately wanted to diminish the information that came before...very dekiberately is this done

....telling another -not only is this happening...but THIS too is happening too
in terms of  behaviorist semantics about subtraction

and dilution  ...which is exactly why Gangstalkingis a second the whistleblower says "gilding the lily" just in case someone might buy the "story" one has been made a Human Guinea who has been told this MIGHT ...just understand ...but that understanding is fleeting once  a TI goes on to explain the other aspects of their situation concerning parked out side...a strange toy being place in their house...a man or woman walking up to them who just happens to know their name ...
Immediately whatever believability you might have received ...goes out the window.

one reason (but not the only reason) I add aspects of the  quote unquote illuminati (who I am not saying do not exist)  is to demonstrate how ..
whatever credence I might hav built up with an audience ..understand my reason for presenting ...much of this as semi fiction..
EASY it it too lose another's understanding when one begins speaking about Radiofrequency ,voice 2 skull...and nEXT brings up the 'New World Order/space aliens...monarch programming...'who REAALY shot JR...etc..
according to my contact one must focus on the issue of Gangstalking bein only done to because ethe powers that be know  a TI will go to great lengths presenting their case ....with photographs,videos .recordings and end up in fact diminishing their case concerning the Direct Energy Testing..
the Gangstalking according to the whistle blower iS only done to not only drive a TI crazy but also as
Back -up
a built in reality that to anyone else but the target will be taken as delusional.

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