Friday, November 14, 2014

1963(Mr Peto goes to Washington)

  Tru Christie graphs,"let me tell more about G.H.Peto...he ,as I explained, was a key player in early A.I. research....he knew that by the mid 1970's or so...Mind transcription would be inevitable
and next--
microprocessors might be developed...
and soon the presumptions was
these processors might be built in such a way to be size
and therefore introduced into one's nervous system

     G.H. knew everything ya' see.
but he wasn't like you- a prick about ...being ..or thinking he was a mista' know it all..
                it's what I like about you,your a dick and don't try to hide it..
in fact every guy we set you with
he's alright to fuck around with and smoke crack with...but
day to day he's an asshole
and I don't care how much you pay me....
I can't be with this guy

also according to your files you were the "do me" type sexually
too lazy even to reciprocate
except with
                   oh yeah...
                        I always know what you like...

we got another one for ya'....
but we want this one to work
in fact we kinda want him to
choke you to death

about G.H. he was the type of dick
know it all
that went out of his way to hide
his "i'm better than all of you being Mista' NNNNNNNice GGGGGuy awwwww shucksssss
well....G.H. was concerned with our research using A.I. to hurt people..
to torture them...
like those rundowns we did on you
but that he knew enough not to yap about
noooooo Mr' Peto had more lofty concerns .
 concerns about associations and referenitals..
this was of course before I took away his one and only
and than
used the voice to skull on mister know it all...just to see the bastard..
spiked him up but good with some LSD-25
...just to make HIM jump
it was awesome using the voice to skull on G.H.
as it was with the voice to skull...
that  I began explaining to him
exactly where and when I was to meet Peggy Sue
                                     G.H. thought he was havin' some premonition or something

                    ooooooo  sppppppooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooky
so G.H.
and shows up at the hotel...
sees his wife's car...
leaves I had him watched..
G.H. doesn't say a word to old wifey ...
but the seed 's been planted....and IN mmmmore wayz than one son of mine

why did  I hate G.H....cause he was so damned like-able...
and I didn't like it one bit
cuz I knew guys like G.H.
smart pants type....who like are arrogant on the inside....and to make up for their conceit they're OOOOOO so nice to
just plain folks....

it seems I wasn't the only one who hated Mistah' Nice Guy

 he was concerned
no he was consumed with
associations and refernetials
being used
in concert with artificial intel

he wasn't a very illuminated man
            in this manner
                        for all his wits  he was one  dim bulb...

I mean what's the fuckin' point of developing  A.I and brain Computer Interface UNLESS one has some control over
what material goes into one's sense to begin with
know what I mean jellybean

and G.H. had written all these fuckin 'papers about the dangers of Tv and film and pop music

here let me
glean it to you..I took one of his notebooks
when he
did a spin
         the bin

he graphs me an occipital of him putting on reading glasses.
he's in black and white and every now and than for
no reason
a little blip appears..
a lit fire appears in back of him
he's visages himself in a cardigan ...
and reads from a little grey notebook
with my Dad's(clearing his throat removing his reading glasses ,reading my thoughts,he Imparts-He's not your father....
and you should be glad he's not..
Baby of MINE!
...he clears his throat some real stately ,well mannered way
and begins reading-Imparting-
the words in the notebook
he projects the handwriting opaguely over his idiotic Overlay
like some dumb movies do

 Television produces sound and image...that our minds...interpret in such a way that at first our brain waves become heightened ...en guard to "what we see or hear around the corner" or what primitive sections of our mind perceive as DANGER...after a few minutes how ever the initial rush of heightened awareness....readjusts itself a beta wave state. Which diminishes  our state of arousal...The mind on TV ...becomes more open than ever to CERTAIN types of information that make one remember something ...or are introduced in a manner not consistent in either image or signal...even the slightest  unseen buzz or ripple of image...or a slight change in set design may once again cause an arousal level that receives this information in such a way that" it" enters sections of the mind...that are INBETWEEN brain states...and therefore become IMPRINTS..there are some in the broadcast industry that I fear are purposely altering signals ,set design(in a way similar to "There are 8 differences between these 2 pictures that on the "surface" look alike)"

ya' see Son
G.H .Peto was concerned about the eventualities of
cybernetic human engineering and how tv and what TV was to become(and  is for lucky dogs like yourself) and how much Sway it would have concerning the eventualities of
A.I. and Immersive Reality
and formed this
kind of committee with some of his like minded dim bulbs that
would be watchdog types
monitoring the airwaves
and wrote this trestie of ethics concerning "placed" associations and referentials in TV,Radio and Film
like he was obsessed..
now...there were people like Him and people
like US who thought people LIKED
knew PEOPLE liked being"on track" ...attenuated to the One ness of Mind that ONLY Tv and film and radio can insinuate into another
mr kennedy was also obsessed with such shit as this...
fuck only knows what type of New World they perieved where
every damn song show and movie had to be inspected for some kind influence
what the hell you think tv and movies ,pop music were made for...?
who did G.H peto think he fuckin was...
is what the genral consensus was...
he wanted people made aware you see...of associations....and referentials
and if they were made aware they'd be less open to the majesty of it's influence
...he wrote articles..
which were about basic brain function and perceptions and how senses incorporate televised sound and image

and he began getting published.
even mista kennedy supposedly wanted him on "some team"
but poor g.h. had a bit of a breakdown
musta been something he drank
now with this breakdown
and the fact peggy was...ritualistically doped
with my own conconcotion of Love potion number nine...
also being imbued with voice to skull pulse pulse pulse
things just went
worse and worser for the petos...
and than
Dumbo was born
and we got our little
to play with

 Television produces sound and image...that our minds...interpret in such a way that at first our brain waves become heightened ...en guard to "what we see or hear around the corner" or what primitive sections of our mind perceive as DANGER...after a few minutes how ever the initial rush of heightened awareness....readjusts itself a beta wave state. Which diminishes  our state of arousal...The mind on TV ...becomes more open than ever to CERTAIN types of information that make one remember something ...or are introduced in a manner not consistent in either image or signal...even the slightest  unseen buzz or ripple of image...or a slight change in set design may once again cause an arousal level that receives this information in such a way that" it" enters sections of the mind...that are INBETWEEN brain states...and therefore become IMPRINTS..there are some in the broadcast industry that I fear are purposely altering signals ,set design(in a way similar to "There are 8 differences between these 2 pictures that on the "surface" look alike)"

ya' see...he made himself a target...
he asked for it...
your mum
I reckon "not so Much"
but without Mum
we wouldn't have Dum
would we

and I have a feeling kiddo
listened  just a bit too much what that
Ruiner said

so we're gonna shake

all that nonsense outta your head...
and help you see the light
and the wondrous ways illumination
can make US ALL stay on track
and in your case
stay alive

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