Tuesday, February 7, 2017

tues 8;45

my teeth or whatever verb or adverb people use for tingle or wobble though no wobbling is apparent when one touches them
my throat also thickens up or whatever adverb /verb one might use to indicate damage one can only hop is temporary from whatever damage one caused oneself when a -one - in terms -of self is lacking to the point -damage - at least at the time of using whatever one might
to run away from mandlers rather the last thing one wants to do
regardless of the endless and ever changing reasons ones mind and very nervous system has been bypassed .overlapped and cul de sacked for input based on out put
the out more often than not based on theatrics of somekind performed by those 'in the field 'meant to instigate a type of thinking based on one who has been dosed with merge bio tech that -in spite of ones self - has to do with 'themes -enacted -street theater wise - by the manytoo many -
whose sideline -in life - is to be a sort of mini -flash mob - to elicit predictive response fromm you whose very neurons have been augmented to think in transmit to the receptionist/trascribers at proxy hqs
do you understand why i seem to care less and less if partake in whatever i feel i must to remove myself from the preceedings
and trust me
this removal -really -since this began back in los angeles
concerns much more than any version of -drug holiday

in my skimmerings of yesterdays jottings
I am reminded that much larger
topics than my own discomfort -as it concerns -tremors and dystonic jerkery of my nerves ending due to discontinuation of dopamine and other such otherings that do make a body move smoothly and without a wild gestulation of ones trunk,neck and tapping of ones lower jaw
to try as one might to appear and approach the normalcy
which one such as you dear reader do insist upon so in your day to dailies
with those in your social circles as well as those of lessor value you might encounter in your travels
often quite unaware those who give you that -there but for the grace of god go I 'high'
have been placed there -exactly to make u feel this


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