Wednesday, February 8, 2017

july in the narrows

I am not writing this correctly and I cannot really blame my exposure to the synthetic version of July HCL being distributed in the Narrows.My problems -in writing a manuscript only my "makers"read to perfect mind reading as it pertains to natural language that has to do with the nano seconds of conjuring verbs,adjectives and nouns as such pertains to signal and the subtle but prescient differation between the letter -d- and - l- and the words one in north America is vexed with in explaining to themselves who they are -what they need -at any given moment each time I -filled to the brim with biotech to discover such doings that -in my current lambasted state of in and out of consciousness -to some degree -from 'my duties' laying down with 'fleas' which has ,I promise  you dear reader much more to do with Proxy's dealings with Parasol Pictures -in providing -the masses- with more texturized versions of what -dirty white boy -sociopath -once again taking advantage of the ever waning compassion I have for those who have been taught by firms such as Parasol Pictures how to conduct themselves if for instance 2 AA meeting and a 11 dollar an hour "good boy" job ain't exactly gonna swing it for them to feel they live in the tiniest speck of Spectrum Parasol Pictures and Parasol Publishing shove in their (and our faces ) not just daily but minute to minute to rather have the same effect as the new brand of 'seeds" that are being released as we speak in the alleys and cutaways of places in parts of town a person like you only ventures in by way of picture show.
Larger than Life Lives
presented on TV and magazines
serve two purposes simultaneously
to entice one's lusts
and desires to BE THIS ,HAVE THIS
and simulataneously remind the receiver of these sounds and images of MORE THAN YOU are WE
to be reminded and reminded of their place -in Things
these new Seeds
new drugs
I and my cohorts -also raised in Cohort Studies have been working for some time to
bring those hurt the most by these endless Dueling Realities
out of the alleys
out of the cutaways
and into YOUR NEXT
of the WOODS

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