Saturday, February 25, 2017

Bidding Time -A better man woulda' killed themselves a long time ago [Track number 4 ] Batman vs Bloom Soundtrack

Monday, September 7, 2015

Doc Rockers

"Doctor Rockers" will premier on Tuesday December 15th on the new Parasol Channel .The new station will offer round the clock updates on Environmental and Health issues .The first episode of "Doctor Rockers" discusses the health  issues of those  who claim to be affected by neurological  problems caused by their exposure to Electromagnetic Magnetic Fields ,Extreme Low Frequency and Microwaves caused by the proliferation  cell towers, smart meters and wireless appliances in our day to day lives.
  "Doctor Rockers" hosted by Dr Brockus Grant and Dr. Dean Dell* doesn't  hide from the cause and effect of what Dr Dean says  are 'a very small few who are sensitive to these unseen waves' stating that according to recent literature (and a new book printed by Parasol Press) some folks might have sensitive auras and mystic vibration fields that leave them open to  what he calls  'The Emanations".
 Dr. Dean Dell says his parting with the  Emmy award winning  "Is There a Doctor in the House ?" had nothing to do with his  controversial stance on quarantining children whose parents refuse to immunize them in "camps"
Dr Dean Dell explains that  his parting with the network pertained only to contract disputes .

*Dr.Dean Dell came to prominence defending a film director* and several movie producers allegedly involved in a  pedophilia ring with medical testimony that redefined what "child" and thus statutory rape  meant by being amongst the first to  introducing progressive  medical testimony from progressive scientists that DNA and RNA of "some children" scientifically indicated that the defendant's  genetic markers in terms of  age were  contrary to  age based on calendar years.

2014-A man who has accused "Facetaker" and "UNCLE"*director Drew Decker of sexually abusing him when he was a teen  has sued three more entertainment industry figures on Monday claiming they also molested him.The allegations in the latest lawsuits filed by *******   are substantially similar to  the action against Decker  .
Monday's lawsuits were filed in federal court  against Fox television executive ***** , theatre producer ****** and  ******* a television executive with *sney. *** and **

not respond to phone and email messages seeking comment.
***** could not be reached for comment. Phone numbers associated with him have been disconnected, and he did not immediately respond to a message sent through the social networking site LinkedIn.

The lawsuits were filed in Hawaii under a law that temporarily suspends the statute of limitations in civil sex abuse cases.

Decker's attorney calls the allegations defamatory. He has said the director was not in LA when the actor  was abused decades ago.

None of the men have been criminally charged and the statute of limitations for any such charges has passed.

****** the founding programmer at the Fox network, later going on to create programming for The WB, and was a top executive at NBC Entertainment.

****** appeared at a press conference on Monday alongside his mother, who tearfully described her efforts to report alleged abuses to the FBI in 1999 and 2000.

******** wrote several letters to FBI agents in Los Angeles and Washington, DC, urging them to take action. She questioned why those letters and information her son provided in interviews with an agent did not result in criminal charges.

The FBI has said it could not discuss specifically what **** told them ,
the agency denied
 last week that it had ignored any information about ******

******* denied her son's lawsuits were motivated by anything other than holding the defendants accountable.

******* spent several years masking his pain by drinking. He stopped drinking within the past year, entered therapy and sought out a lawyer who would pursue a case.

The AP does not typically name victims of sex abuse but is naming **** because
he  is
publicly about his allegations.

******  's attorney, said he had spent six months investigating before filing the lawsuits but acknowledged he didn't have all the investigative files or *****
records that show the director wasn't in LA during   the time frame

***** claims  he was
lured into "a ring"run by a former digital entertainment company executive, ******** , with promises of auditions for acting, modelling and commercial jobs. He was put on the company's payroll as an actor and forced to have sex with adult men at parties within Hollywood's entertainment industry, the lawsuit said.

pleaded guilty
in 2004   of
transporting  minor across state lines to have sex.*

UNCLE is a 1998 American thriller  directed by Drew Decker  and starring Thad Jenko and Owen Slotkin. It is based on the 1982 novel  'Time of the Season"  by Indis O ' Say. UNCLE takes place in the early 1980's in Southern California where a  high school student named  Nate Wood  (Jenko) discovers  a fugitive Nazi war criminal Karl Dorfman (Slotkin) living in his neighborhood . Wood , obsessed with Nazism  and acts of the Holocaust, persuades Dorfman to share his stories with him or Nate will turn the war criminal over to the authorities
"UNCLE" according to Decker was  "a study in cruelty" with Nazism only serving as a vehicle for the capacity of evil.
During the $14 million production, a lawsuit was filed by several extras who alleged that they were told to strip naked during a shower scene, but the lawsuit was determined to be without merit. The film was released in the United States and Canada in October 1998 to mixed reviews and made less than half it's budget.
An urban legend concerning the film began to surface sometime in 2003 that the film was only shot to see what type of actor would agree to play Nate Wood. And what type of director would choose to film "Time of the Season"

Translated from Swedish
Targeted Individuals Europe (Ingvar H)
You wanna play with me?
Because -we were giving you a break for a few days..
-you did your 'I Am a Camera " bit in and around a champ -for once..came back to the WRONG house you KNEW you not supposed to ..but -we can't have everything..why cuz' we always get the Dumbo and not the Damien because Dumbo fried his mind with cra... See More

'Dumbo I just wanted you to write the word "nigger" so tonight during a bit of sleep paralysis and 'He's my Lover , Sh'e my Mother : like dreams Baby of Mine you can get zactly' the type of Politically Corrects Dartmouth and Doll-ed Up Dykes I have to work with around here who actually were ONCE the very types who made sure I didn't Go Over some Ethical Line in THIS Our Fantastic Voyage !'
Dumbo I just wanted you to write the word "nigger" so tonight during a bit of sleep paralysis and 'He's my Lover , Sh'e my Mother : like dreams Baby of Mine you can get zactly' the type of Politically Corrects Dartmouth and Doll-ed Up Dykes I have to work with around here who actually were ONCE the very types who made sure I didn't Go Over some Ethical Line in THIS Our Fantastic Voyage !

Jim Bloom shared his post.
The chatterbot -PARRY* was written in 1972 by psychiatrist Kenneth Colby, then at Stanford University PARRY attempted to simulate a paranoid schizophrenic .The natural language artificial intelligence program implemented a crude model of the behavior of a paranoid schizophrenic based on concepts, conceptualizations, and beliefs systems. It also embodied a conversational strategy to be used eventua... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
compo cola/bimbombay
INT- GOTHAM COMMUNITY COLLEGE - NIGHT ( a day pass from Arc-Him Asylum)
We CUT from the bus of INMATES to the large CLASSROOM where BLOOM and his COHORTS in the "tombs' of ARC-HIM fellow 'graduates' of various CHILD COHORT STUDIES are now being used to promote the cause of Cause and Effect on a much more wide spread basis ..

DR. PAYUS speaks to the Gang of Malcontents with weal -“When a Operating... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Whether you’ve been modeled to be but a shell of a man or a cast as a type whose personality profile serves a dual purpose to advanced weapons demonstration even the gullible human experimental subjects soon tire of writing upon a platform ( a blog , the social media) that serves no purpose to the human subject being discharged of their " duty" to laughing stock ,pariah and also to a very small pe... See More
Whether you’ve been modeled to be but a shell of a man or a cast as a type whose personality profile serves a dual purpose to advanced weapons demonstration even the gullible human experimental subjects soon tire of writing upon a platform ( a blog , the social media) that serves no purpose to the human subject being discharged of their " duty" to laughing stock ,pariah and also to a very small p... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.

Jim Bloom shared James Peak's post.

'After some time not talking or hanging out... I decided it was long enough.  @[695163312:2048:Noah Martin Benzing] and I buried the hatchet.  I enlisted him to help me get the footage that he gets best.  It's no longer Drunktank Oddity. It's two friends keeping it real and creating video art and music for the soul.  The song I call, "Phazed Out," It's an instrumental... but it stands for being yourself before you kick the bucket, with no apologies... The video's shot in a few different spots in Tulsa. Neither of us are the same as we were but we're still creating... from the heart.  Here's the art for the music video.'
After some time not talking or hanging out... I decided it was long enough. Noah Martin Benzing and I buried the hatchet. I enlisted him to help me get the footage that he gets best. It's no longer Drunktank Oddity. It's two friends keeping it real and creating video art and music for the soul. The song I call, "Phazed Out," It's an instrumental... but it stands for being yourself before you kick the bucket, with no apologies... The video's shot in a few different spots in Tulsa. Neither of us are the same as we were but we're still creating... from the heart. Here's the art for the music video.

Jim Bloom shared a link.
a clean sweep

Jim Bloom shared his post.
mean while in The Narrows commissioner Jim Gordon was getting his own set of Semiotic Signifier

Jim Bloom updated his status.
Mind "hacked" -how many more purposely idiotic terms have been created to describe something in a manner Marvel-eque. Even the term Targeted Individual sounds -self important ...what makes YOU so special that YOU specifically have targeted...Who are you Jason Bourne ? Barely aware their own only reference point is based on some fictitious character. 50 words for snow and all a "TI" is left with th...See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Comic Book Contrivance as Perception Directive -Advanced Technology testing on human subjects
"But the man in the JPEG doesn't even look real...light seems to be hitting his face from about 19 different directions least let me write a follow up the entire "big story" doesn't end on August 3rd" Jimmy Paulson said into the camera
"Nobody much cares what you think,his boss yelled from th... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
V.A. Hospital Is Told to Halt All Research
After six years of investigations and temporary suspensions, hospitals and clinics in the Greater Los Angeles Health Care System were ordered on Monday to halt all of their animal and human experiments. The order will go into effect on Friday.
About 100 researchers are conducting 500 experiments there, officials said.

Jim Bloom shared a link.
V.A. Hospital Is Told to Halt All Research
After six years of investigations and temporary suspensions, hospitals and clinics in the Greater Los Angeles Health Care System were ordered on Monday to halt all of their animal and human experiments. The order will go into effect on Friday.
About 100 researchers are conducting 500 experiments there, officials said.
In 1... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Doc Rockers
8/3/16 I meet Marcus at Steerage for light dinner and return to my cubicle at the 8th Floor .
An all nighter .
Caroline Macy wants us to write at least three pieces about the upcoming Dr. Dell situation .
as "bog" and website by Pete Himmel
Himmel -a lazy son of a bitch - left the bog empty since February of last year
and owes us big time says Macy
a conspiracy manifesto cannot be 16 entries long....See More

Jim Bloom shared his post.
TV Producer Marcy Carsey "Cosby Show" and "Roseanne" veteran takes over for former U.S. Sen. John Tunney UCLA'S Hammer Museum becoming its board chair in January 2013.
Carsey, a longtime fan of the museum's variety of community programs, joined its board shortly thereafter. However, she was hesitant when Philbin first approached her about assuming the chairmanship. Although Carsey co-owns a folk- ...See More

Jim Bloom shared his post.
Aug 5 2013 A report the Inspection Board of the Prime Ministry has recently completed on the mysterious deaths of some engineers working for a Turkish defense industry giant, ASELSAN, maintains that the young engineers may have been driven to commit suicide after being exposed to synthetic telepathic attacks aimed at destroying them psychologically.
Four engineers working for ASELSAN died in myste...See More

'May 19, 1970'
May 19, 1970
"I was just thinking about you and remembered I still owe you a favor.
So ---- I was in Paris last week and ran into Jean Seberg, who was
heavy with baby. I thought she and Romaine [sic] had gotten together
again, but she confided the child belonged to (deleted) of the Black
Panthers, one (deleted). The dear girl is getting around!

"Anyway, I thought you might get a scoop on the others. Be good a... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Walking in Memfis and Dining Around
It is a pleasure to once again live dangerously and travel to the less seamy side of West Memfis.Victoria Vetri's Manchurian themed MK Often now is Catfish Nerubu.Catfish Nerubu may not look like much on the outside but once you -finally - get a seat at the tiny bistro that opened in March you'll never drive past the joint again without your mouth watering like a Pavlovian dog.Green tomato relish ... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Amen (2002) - Trailer
Memfis Ohio "Foodie" Savant reporter Lane Allen Frey known to his readers as L.A. Frey was one of The Memfis Ohio Times most trusted and most read reporters in online and offline world but this was before news of a little pay off (did I say little ? Or did I say $270,000?) was exposed ) by Alt Media Enterprises Network(AMEN)
Last month ,just when Frey's new Parasol TV" Rare Cooking" was optioned f... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
Memfis Ohio Times
June 2016
As part of my work for fellow foodies I sometimes must cleanse my palate of great finds around Memfis Ohio's now bustling resteraunt scene and discuss the less tasty aspects of dining .Food safety.
Recently in search of some comfort food I decided to stop by the Country Inside America diner where I ordered a hamburger and a shake.
The server asked me how I wanted the bu... See More
Memfis Ohio "Foodie" Savant reporter Lane Allen Frey known to his readers as L.A. Frey was one of The Memfis Ohio Times most trusted and most read reporters in online and offline world but this was before news of a little pay off (did I say little ? Or did I say $270,000?) was exposed ) by Alt Media Enterprises Network(AMEN)
Last month ,just when Frey's new Parasol TV" Rare Cooking" was optioned ... See More

Jim Bloom became friends with Lauren Worth.

Jim Bloom became friends with Marcin S. Wilusz.
here's what's gonna happen if you stay in house #3 and don't GO BACK to "the guy" who -all a' sudden - just -some JOHN - who keeps you - Our Version of ALFRED - these "Johns" who oh I don't know Dumbo feed you , spring you outta jail , literally shelter you..
your "mum" or whomever she is -meant to be SYMBOLICALLY "Tommy Walker" gonna go all Haywire Haywood on her Hus-Band and you..Hz-wise ...and ...See More

Jim Bloom became friends with Rollette Llamoso Bautista.

Jim Bloom updated his status.
Tru Christie stood at the lectern and made a deliberate shrug towards the power point graphics behind him..Tru considered himself and his "way of putting things" a power point that needed no other emphasis but his own visage. Theatrically Tru Christie made a gesture indicting his assistant should wheel in the large footlocker from stage left .In advance Tru ha...See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Foot Stompin'
It's interesting "Valerie said to Gary Rainy in the "control room" ,"interesting how they respond ,"Valerie said ,her attentions now "Attenuated "towards the oversized screens of social media content flittering before them than being inside Vegas .It was a tad jarring removing Vegas from her mind and herself from Vegas's nervous system. Hard to have sex with your ex -husband "as his newlywed " via... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
BLOOM stares at DR. LAUREL notice - it seems- the retro -ish quite complicated -pattern wise wrap skirt she is wearing
BLOOM - That thing ,that dress you're wearing.
DR LAUREL (smiling -this old thing smile) You like it?
BLOOM - My third stepmom or so wore something like that
DR. LAUREL - Coincidence
BLOOM - Really ? Because she had it specially made - one of a kind wise back ... See More
eating crayons
i b e l i e ve i n a c e r tain kinda' transparency - uuuuuh Bein' I'm basically this THING they use to "glean" and decode Mind's Eye ...think...regarding ooooh just be your vision ..hearing ..thoughts ect...and next VALIS u shit -right to your ooooh temporal cortex give ya' sights and sound - ONLY U... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Walkin' On The Sun
A quick cut to INT-STEERAGE -NIGHT - a noisy bar environment where a jukebox plays an Allman Brothers Band rock tune favorite - 'Ramblin' Man.' TRU CHRISTIE carries two frothy beer glasses to a table where he is joined by EVAN RAINY a fellow Remote Cue-er, son of Neuronautic's founder GARY RAINY. Clearly juxtaposed with the atmosphere of these progressives' New Way -ers' are "Old Way" clean cut mi... See More

Jim Bloom shared his post.
Manipulating a “Cocaine Engram” in Mice

Hwa-Lin (Liz) Hsiang, Jonathan R. Epp, Michel C. van den Oever, Chen Yan, Asim J. Rashid, Nathan Insel, Li Ye, Yosuke Niibori, Karl Deisseroth, Paul W. Frankland and Sheena A. Josselyn
Journal of Neuroscience 15 October 2014, 34 (42) 14115-14127; DOI:
ArticleFigures & DataInfo & MetricseLetters PDF
... See More
you know when a little child does something wrong ..something Un-expectable PUBLICLY ( Who should see this?
Anyone on or off Facebook
Your friends on Facebook
Friends except acquaintances
Only me (x)... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
DR. LAUREL CANYON ,a CW FOX Hot take on Mind Dockta' watches MISTER BLOOM,looking all patient-ie
cue POWER POP bop as the camera ZOOM in on MISTER BLOOM'S mouth ,teeth chewing on and next swallowing a yellow crayon.
"Does that make you feel empowered or just yellow ?"DR LAUREL asks.
Bloom ,now in MEDIUM SHOT is seen over the shoulder, over the over-hot and laid back DR LAU...See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Stanford University -
Invertebrates, which are animals without backbones, are often considered simple and dumb.Unfortunately, it's much more difficult to study intelligence in squid, because they're more difficult to keep in the laboratory. Octopuses live naturally in dens on the seafloor, an environment that is fairly easy to recreate in an aquarium, but most squids live naturally in the open oce... See More

Jim Bloom commented on his own post.
..have some dude suddenly say "everything must go" outta nowhere..not even - i suspect - in this V2K ..cuz Mister Bloom ain't supposed to buy clothes ..? just snort "Augustine" and -think towards u some monkey stories i don't even GET! ..than I do go "to the Annex" and yeah for the guy -mainly - and to learn -How to Do this Better -Clear think Wise...and than pull some - Free Moving Animal... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
IT'S CALLED USE THE hzs to HEIGHTEN my.not YOUR Cabin in da' WOOD when you want - NO ..when I WANT something "Action-ie " UNDERSTAND ?..I mean it's nuts not to do that..and expect me to just Interact -at this point .ISN'T It...? seriously..

Jim Bloom updated his status.
"Brilliant Dumbo -but we already KNOW THAT -graph the Mandlers - ...but all we wanted was you sucking off the GUY who'd also been Woodhoused we went to some length to provide for you ain't a maybe next time thing with this's a we hate Dumbo for not doing what he's supposed to thing for days after .."

Jim Bloom shared his photo.

'September 15, 2013 
“There can be no ethics in these type of experiments, there can no rules ,there can be no mercy... as it is up to the subject to teach us what mercy and ethics are concerning this field of mind augment and mind regulation”-Brian Pasley (January 31, 2012 )
University of California Berkeley -(2011) Using computational models scientists quantify transmitted signal involved in processing auditory information from subjects presented with 'silent sound '(audio spotlight) recordings of words and short sentences. Next computer models based on intercepted auditory information/processed input is reconstructed to build semantic libraries of  decoded auditory information to create "chatterbot " like A.I. "entity" back into "silent sound" based virtual agents specific to the collected parsed neural processing of the subject.'
September 15, 2013
“There can be no ethics in these type of experiments, there can no rules ,there can be no mercy... as it is up to the subject to teach us what mercy and ethics are concerning this field of mind augment and mind regulation”-Brian Pasley (January 31, 2012 )
University of California Berkeley -(2011) Using computational models scientists quantify transmitted signal involved in proc... See More
Semiotic fuzzy logic user and metadata interface means for interactive multimedia system having cognitive adaptive capability
US20090133047 31 Oct 2008 21 May 2009 Lee Hans C Systems and Methods Providing Distributed Collection and Centralized Processing of Physiological Responses from Viewers
US20090150919 1 Dec 2008 11 Jun 2009 Lee Michael J Correlating Media Instance Information With Physiologi... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.

(directly to camera ,getting out of his sports car ,slamming the door )

That sticky tape ,those Xs on the studio floor ..soon a thing of the past ,so bad for the environment, so difficult to clean up, the bane of directors for over 80 years) -the apps
first developed by Neuronautic next optioned to Parasol Pictures to help emerging actor... See More
A quick cut to INT-STEERAGE -NIGHT - a noisy bar environment where a jukebox plays an Allman Brothers Band rock tune favorite - 'Ramblin' Man.' TRU CHRISTIE carries two frothy beer glasses to a table where he is joined by EVAN RAINY a fellow Remote Cue-er, son of Neuronautic's founder GARY RAINY. Clearly juxtaposed with the atmosphere of these progressives' New Way -ers' are "Old Way" clean cut m... See More

Jim Bloom shared his post.
February 22 at 11:59pm ·
not supposed to post ..not supposed to still be "Dumbo" but something else ..but I am treated as DUMBO! right..the little Pinnochio always in short pants ..
but I know somehow my response strangely - disrespectful...

February 22 at 11:53pm ·
what's this for anyway ... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
LAUREL CANYON watches MISTER BLOOM chew on and next swallow a yellow crayon.
"Does that make you feel empowered or just yellow ?"she asks.
Bloom half chewing a purple crayon spits it's out into a little piece of blue baby blanket he carries around.
"Funny they all kind of taste the same - Kinda' like you shrinks all kinda' case the same "
LAUREL ,unfazed removes a small ... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
ya' see what happens when you don't TRY to picture yourself -no not picture MIND'S EYE Adrien Granier BLOOM up a few notches kiddo? Cuz' NO WAY BLOOM gonna be that kinda' crazy - he be Jeff Cunanin crazy perdy' darn fast JEROME -or get's a Jupiter Genuflect dream tonight he maybe don't wake up from...
LAUREL CANYON watches MISTER BLOOM chew on and next swallow a yellow ... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
ya' see what happens when you don't TRY to picture yourself -no not picture MIND'S EYE Adrien Granier BLOOM up a few notches kiddo? Cuz' NO WAY BLOOM gonna be that kinda' crazy - he be Jeff Cunanin crazy perdy' darn fast JEROME -or get's a Jupiter Genuflect dream tonight he maybe don't wake up from...


LAUREL CANYON watches MISTER BLOOM chew on and next swallow a yel... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
ya' see what happens when you don't TRY to picture yourself -no not picture MIND'S EYE Adrien Granier BLOOM up a few notches kiddo? Cuz' NO WAY BLOOM gonna be that kinda' crazy - he be Jeff Cunanin crazy perdy' darn fast JEROME -or get's a Jupiter Genuflect dream tonight he maybe don't wake up from...

Jim Bloom shared a link.

DR. LAUREL CANYON ,a CW FOX Hot take on Mind Dockta' watches MISTER BLOOM,looking all patient-ie and patently as a lunatic of his type-casting should in the Casebook Case of TIGHT CLOSE UP the mouth of BLOOM ...the first image we see to seer into our mind's that -This One -is no one ...nobody gonna want to be next Halloween
SICK is BLOOM and we ain't talking s-i-c- sic...See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
DR. LAUREL CANYON watches MISTER BLOOM chew on and next swallow a yellow crayon.
"Does that make you feel empowered or just yellow ?"she asks.
Bloom half chewing a purple crayon spits it's out into a little piece of blue baby blanket he carries around.
"Funny they all kind of taste the same - Kinda' like you shrinks all kinda' case the same "
LAUREL ,unfazed removes a small drawing ,presumably BL... See More
DR. LAUREL CANYON watches MISTER BLOOM chew on and next swallow a yellow crayon.
"Does that make you feel empowered or just yellow ?"she asks.
Bloom half chewing a purple crayon spits it's out into a little piece of blue baby blanket he carries around.
"Funny they all kind of taste the same - Kinda' like you shrinks all kinda' case the same "
LAUREL ,unfazed removes a small drawing ,presumably BL... See More

Jim Bloom updated his cover photo.

Jim Bloom's photo.
Oh and we're going to need you to begin thinking of yourself a little taller. Adrien Grenier is 6 feet tall and in this way he dominates Ben...

Yeah,yeah sure ...I graph /think to the Mandlers ,counting little quarters to get a pack of smokes ,angry on one of the quarters I see Ben McKenzie's face

Oops ,graphs the Mandler -sounding like James Franco, 'shoulda' been a dirty penny...a very dirty ,bad,dirty penny...

'What's On my Mind ?Between $5,000 and $7,000 "per-episode' if I can speak freely -i graph 

You know you can't ,speak freely -graph the Mandlers -Nor get paid a dime ,or it won't work 

Is this working for you now because it sure as shite ain't for me 
Actually -I'm beginning to see a nice arc..maybe you expect more...we sure did ..perhaps another stay at ARC- HIM for more Method Writing needle to arm ,four point restraint thang..that's what you're asking ..isn't it need more impetus.. Now ,that shows a real integrity often missing from the work. Anything else Dumbo..or we gonna give it rest?'
What's On my Mind ?Between $5,000 and $7,000 "per-episode' if I can speak freely -i graph

You know you can't ,speak freely -graph the Mandlers -Nor get paid a dime ,or it won't work

Is this working for you now because it sure as shite ain't for me
Actually -I'm beginning to see a nice arc..maybe you expect more...we sure did ..perhaps another stay at ARC- HIM for more Method Writing needle to arm ,four point restraint thang..that's what you're asking ..isn't it need more impetus.. Now ,that shows a real integrity often missing from the work. Anything else Dumbo..or we gonna give it rest?

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Elon Musk thinks we need brain-computers to avoid becoming mear cats to artificial intelligence

Musk believes that humans are going to need to add a digital layer of intelligence to their brains to avoid becoming house cats to artificial intelligence.

Musk believes that as AI continues to advance, humans will be left behind, and that even in the most banal situation, we'll be treated like pets ... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
BRAVO! way to destroy another 3 days of panelized CHARACTERIZATION ...graphs Tru Christie.
-Know Why we Do stuff like dat when MISTER BLOOM goes to buy shirts or something something
cause MISTER BLOOM ain't supposed to be buying shirts ...
his entire POINT OF VIEW is AGAINST such Ventures Capital
that indeed will or would not have much PURPOSE in the New World BLOOM wishes to create when in DEED ... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
BRAVO! way to destroy another 3 days of panelized CHARACTERIZATION ...graphs Tru Christie.
-Know Why we Do stuff like dat when MISTER BLOOM goes to buy shirts or something something
cause MISTER BLOOM ain't supposed to be buying shirts ...
his entire POINT OF VIEW is AGAINST such Ventures Capital
that indeed will or would not have much PURPOSE in the New World BLOOM wishes to create when in DEED... See More
I'm glad that you enjoy them.

Jim Bloom updated his status.
i look down at the past entries "A Real Fixer Upper"-
an invitation - to be spoken to "beguiled pawn" style..
prior to venturing out into the Cue - Man Show that has and maybe always has been my "habitat" as much as it was the focus of my habituation -initiation into THIS ...that Never Ends...
as I am warned by Voices..initiated Sensations of 'Winkies" like Waking Dream FEAR...and endless ...See More
one of those days of pure "targeting " without -extra -curricular input I can Mk Often -too often -say "to myself "(lie to myself?) makes the Guinea Pig gist of all this -at least-as intellectually interesting (to me ..and me alone) - as it is terrifying..
the "stuff" of other TIs I graze through every few days
seeing nothing has changed..
nobody is helping us
saddened that NOBODY but other TIs... See More

Jim Bloom commented on Charlotte Cooper's post.
it's when the dark "magic' is made just a variation of muzak -unseen ( the "rubbish /delusion" I rave on about daily ...lately wondering if I am not just part of the problem ) of the 'unseen ' seen "zine' of oh so bizarre -oh so everywhere Young Adult How To of -DARK DARK affect ..Your posts do so get me going ( and thinking ) Charlotte -thank you

Jim Bloom shared a link.
The Book Of Biff ( scream)
Tim Tucker wrote on his 8th Floor Social Media Page
no talk of synthetic telepathy or JPEGS of black vans or "perps'
one could see why Tim was targeted...

His job was to present as lunatic ...why did he think he was sent the damn synthetic insanity to begin with .
I post several TRUTHER posts on his page
... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
The FEN (Frontal Executive Network) Enigma
The Psychological Characteristics of Dopaminic and Norepic Associative thinking Systems (the neural correlates of linear and nonlinear thinking

Dendritic Comparative Systems and Narrative Substrates thereof..

'Batman's Terrifying New Villain: Snyder and Capullo Introduce Mister Bloom ...
Scott Snyder and  Greg Capullo Introduce Mr. Bloom Batman's Terrifying New Villain. According to Snyder," now it’s just continuing to try and make him look creepy..."'
Batman's Terrifying New Villain: Snyder and Capullo Introduce Mister Bloom ...
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo Introduce Mr. Bloom Batman's Terrifying New Villain. According to Snyder," now it’s just continuing to try and make him look creepy..."

Jim Bloom shared a link.
DRONES EYE VIEW of "GOTHAM CITY" we ZOOM in on the ubiquitous LONER through the apogee this POINT OF VIEW of infra -red and blue beam the nicotine stained fingers of MISTER BLOOM typing as such LONE 'WOLF" do to incite others of such Brain Map "whack" to take up arms, bats ,aerosol cans with lighters against the rot that is GOTHAM CITY...
Saturday, November 14, 2015
March on Mall St
It was as if ... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
The Memfis ,Ohio Department of Shapes and Lines asks permission of the Memfis Ohio Arts Council to seek suitable 'participants" to maintain investors in Pro- Active Denial Systems that specifically use millimeter wave source that excites neuronal tissue in the target's brain that causes visible but temporary disfigurement and "hypergraphic" speech.This Discrete Non -Lethal Deterrent we feel safel...See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
TV Producer Marcy Carsey "Cosby Show" and "Roseanne" veteran takes over for former U.S. Sen. John Tunney UCLA'S Hammer Museum becoming its board chair in January 2013.
Carsey, a longtime fan of the museum's variety of community programs, joined its board shortly thereafter. However, she was hesitant when Philbin first approached her about assuming the chairmanship. Although Carsey co-owns a folk- ...See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Semiotic Signifiers ( The Frey "Affect" ) Dr. Linden Lineaus
Memfis Ohio University

Richard David Falco was born on June 1, 1953 in Brooklyn, New York. Within a few days of his birth, Falco gave the child away, her reasons for doing so are unknown.The infant boy was adopted by Pearl and Nathan Berkowitz.The Jewish-American couple of modest means reversed the order of the boy's first and middle ... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
Richard David Falco was born on June 1, 1953 in Brooklyn, New York. Within a few days of his birth, Falco gave the child away,her reasons for doing so are unknown.The infant boy was adopted by Pearl and Nathan Berkowitz.The Jewish-American couple of modest means reversed the order of the boy's first and middle names and gave him their own surname, raising young David Richard Berkowitz as their onl... See More

'What is Outsider Art?
Although the roots of Outsider Art can be traced back thousands of years, it is most useful to look back to its most vital articulations and true spirit; the Degenerate Art Exhibition organized by A.Ziegler in Munich from 19 July to 30 November 1937. The exhibition presented 650 works of art, confiscated from German museums, and was staged in counterpoint to the concurrent Great German Art Exhibition. The day before the exhibition started several radio programs focused upon themes concerning civic values and the cultural disintegration of ideologies by cynical "chatterboxes, dilettantes and mentally diseased artisans who wished to corrupt others with their aberrant world view. Newspapers and radio programs nonetheless encouraged the public to view the inside /out of 'what a perverted thought style"depicted on canvas ,sculpture and paper to purposely contaminate the public's perception of reality. Outsiders of what fine art has meant for centuries to serve as ideal subjective of beauty.
Over the years, the parameters of Outsider Art have expanded dramatically to include art made by a wide variety of art-makers who share this variable as common denominator.
Outsider Artists began to emerge as a force to be reckoned with during the early 1920's, with the publication of two pioneering studies of art made on asylum inmates, conducted by European psychiatrists in search of universal truths about human factors.'
What is Outsider Art?
Although the roots of Outsider Art can be traced back thousands of years, it is most useful to look back to its most vital articulations and true spirit; the Degenerate Art Exhibition organized by A.Ziegler in Munich from 19 July to 30 November 1937. The exhibition presented 650 works of art, confiscated from German museums, and was staged in counterpoint to the concurrent Gr...See More
What is Outsider Art?

Although the roots of Outsider Art can be traced back thousands of years, it is most useful to look back to its most recent precursor, art brut (Raw Art) to hear the most vital articulations of its true spirit; the Degenerate Art Exhibition organized by A.Ziegler in Munich from 19 July to 30 November 1937. The exhibition presented 650 works of art, confiscated from German m...See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
the lingo of LANGE
-nothing is more hearty to a king than stories portraying the court above court degreed laws of mere men
in all it's cruelty!
ADRIEN BODY, watches the screen of Indis O' Say's daily jottings and FOX /CW recap of his Direct Energic slip and fall at the Payrite on Charles Avenue with just the type of self protective 3rd person strategic he had b... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
"The first televised presidential debate between the handsome Irish-American senator and Vice President Richard Nixon fundamentally altered political campaigns, television media and America's political history. "It's one of those unusual points on the timeline of history where you can say things changed very dramatically — in this case, in a single night," says Alan Schroeder, a media historian and associate professor at Northeastern University.

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Adam Parker comes to Memphis Ohio
1955 The Office of Interior Intent -Memfis Ohio
Substance and apparatus (radar, radio,X-ray.., ) which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.
Materials which will cause the victim to appear haggard .
Substances and apparatus to produce physical disfigurement and visible disability jaundice , hair loss, acne, anemia, etc.... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
"I'd say dear chap dat' dis' would be duh time one might return to Memfis Ohio...and dat' awful Department of Shapes and Lines agency oh so far removed from ANY government "change agent - SEE...
or dude we'll make ya' SEE -go to duh Mirror Style Tommy Talker with dat' stwange GLASS -CO -ed smile...dat' comes and goes when our burden /version of Jimmy Olsen -Advanced Weapons Demonstration doth' wander too far from Gotham ...
let the Mighty Cogs of Electromagnetic Spectrum not be too offended by thee talk of induced myclonus,edema and bubbling boils that do so and must tarnish a Charismatic's swingin' sway

Jim Bloom updated his status.
"I'd say dear chap dat' dis' would be duh time one might return to Memfis Ohio...and dat' awful Department of Shapes and Lines agency oh so far removed from ANY government "change agent - SEE...
or dude we'll make ya' SEE -go to duh Mirror Style Tommy Talker with dat' stwange GLASS -CO -ed smile...dat' comes and goes when our burden /version of Jimmy Olsen -Advanced Weapons Demonstration doth' wander too far from Gotham ...
let the Mighty Cogs of Electromagnetic Spectrum not be too offended by thee talk of induced myclonus,edema and bubbling boils that do so and must tarnish a Charismatic's swingin' sway

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Appearance ; Reactions to & The Emotions in Man and Animals
Facial Structure, Facial Deformity -(need for study and deviation of aesthetic "worth" as it concerns social acceptance of)
Ecology, Human Factors - facial expressions: “I want, anyhow, to upset Sir C. Bell’s view … that certain muscles have been given to man solely that he may reveal to other men his feelings” (F. Darwin, 1887, Vol. 2, p... See More

Jim Bloom became friends with Devin Devine.
I use my name as foreplay. lol ;)

Who got asked to become Senior Writer for the Future of Sex news website? This guy right here! 😀

Jim Bloom commented on B.j. Murphy's post.
a name like B.J. couldn't have hurt

Jim Bloom commented on Petrus Baiame's post.
who the hell woulda' thought we'd find ourselves in a boat to be interested in this -I sometimes wonder if the intrigue spite of the torture making -a bit more than half the time -me "ideate' leaping from a bridge -keeps me going ...literally existing...

Jim Bloom updated his status.
that one i wasn't supposed to post...yes...yes..Mandlers...i SENSE8 it to das bone...but
I BE DUMBO! right..the little Pinnochio always in short pants ..
but I know somehow my response strangely - disrespectful...

Jim Bloom updated his status.
what's this for anyway
something violent...I presume -as they amp you up adrenaline wise
and with enough induced fear in a way u become fearless.or at least have so much of this RAGE in you that you could literally bite a guy twice your size's nose of and swallow..
And -there you have it case Das Deep Purple Falls
we gonna need MANIACS on our side - graph the Mandlers
... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
ooooh...ok ..I will take this SERIOUS ( i salute Mind's Eye)
last dude I think took this seriously and followed the bouncing ball of brain computer interface blew away a dozen folks in a Colorado Movie House..
but -hey - Mandlers...
I 'll try take it SERIOUS

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Spiders & Snakes
Temporal Signatures of Processing Voiceness and Emotion in Sound -Annett Schirmer Thomas C. Gunter
Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci nsx020. DOI:
17 February 2017

This study explored the temporal course of vocal and emotional sound processing. Participants detected rare repetitions in a stimulus stream comprising neutral and surprised nonverbal exclamations and spec...See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
some bitch (pardon but that's "her" role -role play wise -as HARRP-ie thing..starts menacing taunting -yap-ery ...HEY ...don't put that're ruining "it" ..cooler heads neural interface -wise...a kinda' pleading "Father in Apron Strings type of "Father -figure (?) or -my 3 sons type of mcMurray thing that's a little half assed...forget the cognitive dissonance thing...sometimes it's like 4 things going on at once...i for some reason tune in to Only the dude who calls himself Tru Christie...or Evan Rainy...
and he's like "Oh yeah...they have this whole Jeff Cunanin Thing..they think you can pull off...and I'm like "YO! This is DUMBO "

hmmm...I graph --- insulted...
and curious

Jim Bloom shared his post.
man - we had bets you'd OD that night you see WHY people are so angry with you who "Mandle" you....Now , as much money I bet -yep - this this the demise of Dumbo Day ---I'M LIKE nooooo....we gots so much more wacky things to do this dude...and YOU LOVE IT can care less if you live or die...but you keep getting up anyway..and you're like this mean,angry dude who knows he has no f...See More

Jim Bloom shared his post.
THINK Damien Darkh-O why we lead u to the monKey cLotH inFo u dumb homo...cuz' we be tryin' to explain to u ..a few -hmmm...why I neVer be bonDed to me mum...the step mum..well..that was central casting..but "The Other" ooooh could it be...could it be...oooooh the things we wicked researchers wanted so much to see...see Wild Pawn Spawn....don't jew (?) worry ya' always got ME ...and the Other "21 Pilots" to steer you in duh RIGHT direction ...
"well that's good Mister Bloom-you're gonna need more and more of a sense of humor -cuz' it didn't really sink in..that we picked Jew
cause your quote unquote 'Dad" (re-read 'How I Met Your Mother Sometime -and ask thyself hmmm -wot was dat' all about -really Jumbo) was named Bloom -and we wanted to Discover how he'd deal with having a dumb MICK with absolutely none of the EUGENIC properties of h... See More
see (below) Mandlers...just keeping it all one big jokebook/comic book like jew' want...

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Kanye West ,hospitalized for exhaustion told PEOPLE he “felt like he’s under spiritual attack.”
West, 39, canceled the remaining 21 dates of his Saint Pablo tour, the rapper went to the hospital following the advice of his doctor.

Jim Bloom shared his post.
CHAPTER 5 'Shills in the Till'
Valerie wants the story of the wayward soldiers who cut the noses off several captors to seem as if it was leaked through The 8th Floor Social Media 's own LikiLeaks site. A site created by the 8th Floor SearchEngine in association with the Office of Interior Intent to catch would be leakers .A film was made about Daroff Vanhoff the creator of LikiLeak to promote the... See More

Jim Bloom commented on his own post.

Jim Bloom's photo.
ahhhk bang OOOOuch the electromagnetic "seeds" running through the dastardly Bloom gives him the power of telepathy.The evil Bloom spreads the toxic poisons through Gotham! Suddenly -and without warning people are seeing and hearing things-acting like monsters -their bodies,minds and actions no longer their own...

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Aug 5 2013 A report the Inspection Board of the Prime Ministry has recently completed on the mysterious deaths of some engineers working for a Turkish defense industry giant, ASELSAN, maintains that the young engineers may have been driven to commit suicide after being exposed to synthetic telepathic attacks aimed at destroying them psychologically.
Four engineers working for ASELSAN died in myste...See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
Aug 5 2013 A report the Inspection Board of the Prime Ministry has recently completed on the mysterious deaths of some engineers working for a Turkish defense industry giant, ASELSAN, maintains that the young engineers may have been driven to commit suicide after being exposed to synthetic telepathic attacks aimed at destroying them psychologically.
Four engineers working for ASELSAN died in myste...See More

Jim Bloom shared his post.
Aselsan signs deal at $33.9 mln with Savunma Teknolojileri Muhendislik

Aselsan : Signs deal worth $33.9 million with Savunma Teknolojileri Muhendislik . Deal regarding 499 units of Rotary Wing (Multi Rotor) UAV System Project .Deliveries of the order will be realised in 2017.
Aselsan-Havelsan JV signs deal worth $80.0 mln

Aselsan : Business partnership with Havelsan signs deal worth $80.0 mil... See More

Jim Bloom commented on Michael Denon-Ross's post.
hang in there Michael-
We know you aren't mentally ill Michael .you , like many of us are a victim of phsycotronic weapons.

Jim Bloom commented on Robert Szwarcz's post.
human engineering
COSMOGRAPHIA BOOKS is pleased to announce our official pub list for 2017-2018 (so far)!
ISLAND CHAINS, by Patti Lavell (SUMMER 2017) A smart and sultry beach read for your summer lounging. ISLAND CHAINS is a raucous tale of bizarre characters trapped in endless cycles of addiction and bad relationships in the land of perpetual happy hour; just becau...

Jim Bloom updated his cover photo.

'September 15, 2013 
“There can be no ethics in these type of experiments, there can no rules ,there can be no mercy... as it is up to the subject to teach us what mercy and ethics are concerning this field of mind augment and mind regulation”-Brian Pasley (January 31, 2012 )
University of California Berkeley -(2011) Using computational models scientists quantify transmitted signal involved in processing auditory information from subjects presented with 'silent sound '(audio spotlight) recordings of words and short sentences. Next computer models based on intercepted auditory information/processed input is reconstructed to build semantic libraries of  decoded auditory information to create "chatterbot " like A.I. "entity" back into "silent sound" based virtual agents specific to the collected parsed neural processing of the subject.'
September 15, 2013
“There can be no ethics in these type of experiments, there can no rules ,there can be no mercy... as it is up to the subject to teach us what mercy and ethics are concerning this field of mind augment and mind regulation”-Brian Pasley (January 31, 2012 )
University of California Berkeley -(2011) Using computational models scientists quantify transmitted signal involved in proc... See More

Jim Bloom shared a link.
Day 27 the set of "King Creole"
You Write it LIKE THIS
or YOU go MAD From IT
-ya' see....NOW you're getting it ...You SEE? it Works if Ya' Hurt -IT
you have alot more control of how this works than you think Damien Dexter
ya' keep writing about it like it's a nightmare we give ya' worse and worse nightmares
ya' keep sayin' the 'link' and the electromagnum' that causes all that extra participatory perception makes your muscles tense we make you more dystonic
ya' keep saying we're hurting you
we hurt you and the folks around ya'
it's oooow the whole supa' hero thang works
it's what cybernetics basically is we 'ORG' and You Human organism
it's nothing personal Jumbo -in fact we barely think of you as person at all

Jim Bloom shared his post.
to set things Str8 to Cortex Mister Bloom -cuz Jesus Christ did u freak some of the "sensitive" -"social-ie worker - types out working on this perdy' darn progressive NO HOLD'S BARRED venture..we reiterate some of the more COMPLEX -complex building -Science-ie things some of our predecessors did to -uh- maybe stay as true to possible to their belief in the tenacity to 'Ends Justifying the Means "
... See More

Jim Bloom updated his status.
the ONLY deal was
you don't do this for money
and never TRY to
- what DEAL?
you signed a bunch a ' papers at the courthouse and the Psych Ward at UCLA ..
-c'mon - we trip you 24 hours a day ...and ya' got sense last night
how we can spin this Amazing Journey into Jeepers Creepers-always you shall have enough money for whores ,drugs and new sneakers...Let me remind you punk the Mandler graphs ,... See More

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