Wednesday, February 8, 2017

comic book punishments

they have over -stemated by
my "Dumbo-ness"
in writing about my targeting -as if it ( being targeting with electromagnetic weapons)
is a unique experience that anyone not familiar with the term  (nobody is except those exposed )
except as such doings are portrayed in Comic Books
for decades -with no end in sight- I see not a beacon of hope in these doings being exposed
by a rational man or woman on TV (and what else matters in terms of legitimizing what is real or not real)
so busy (frighteningly so is TV legitimizing the growing divide between us -never letting up for even a moment to consider the Capricorn One of it all which is flourishing even more now than even 'The Age of Aquarius " when Style really became the substance of what is real and unreal )
I myself do not often stop and think WHY I am writing a word I write
(but do often hope someone else considers -WHY in god's name is a man who previously (as dim or dumb as he might be) once -somehow -spent his days creating -a product (art) that meant
-I do so hope someone -anyone - can read through this bizarre seizure induced hypergraphic rambling -about everything and absolutely - in it's sheer volume -NOTHING at all WORTH a dime

Do you see? Dear Reader THIS is my punishment -
to be transfixed by electronic harassment to be steered to the utterance of misanthrope madman
who may as well be speaking to a telephone pole in the pouring rain

Each morning awakened by the most disturbing thumbing ,tremoring of the head and limbs
-oh do forget what I say of my dope problem
clean as whistle for years and years this aimed angst has been a part of my life
with weapons nobody speaks of unless baked in "illuminati' ravings of Mind Control -ed Souls
a word now almost as much of an earmark for one to cover their ears -
as Nazi,Stasi ,Big Brother ,MK Ultra and the like
purposely weaved into the web -as am I - it seems -to make psychophysical manipulation of the mind and nervous system seem like so much Conspiracy Theory
it matters very little if I stop now
my words -my blog - my "comic book-izing - in FEAR ! at the start -the endless metaphor - and now in FEAR -of a new kind -that I am but part of the problem (knowingly ,so knowingly by those who -sponsored my decline years ago )
and to be perfectly honest because so injured am I
by these weapons -
I can barely do anything but bear witness to my own destruction
that hell yes has been compromised by my confession I have been
time and time again sent back to the paces of using whatever drug I might get ahold of to
not feel this deliberate pain
and painful it is -
humiliating it is
to portray in ALL HONESTY  without indeed having to marginalize my targeting to but a "good read"

the most awful human testing is taking place right here right now ...and yet another Never Again holocaust movie is released by Hollywood up to it's ears and outsourced contracts to do onto "others" (jews and gentiles -doesn't matter ...and did it matter THAN -to anyone of any ethnicity so long as those that wanted got there's ?...I doubt it more and more ) and you bet this does not sit well with those who wished me to blame -the usual suspects -on my endless upsets being but a pawn to various "Change Agents" of yes that persuasion -dare I say it aloud and NOT Clear!-the same persuasion of "chosen" (?) -really
by WHOM ?
the many Outsider -Wackos you groomed to be so far removed from earthly -trappings-
is it any wonder they can do little but listen and prophetize
the Word on High
you monsters

I have been told more reasons than Moses I am to live small
in shells
provided to me along with "handlers" to engage -the lunatic with due patience that in retrospect makes less and less sense
for I am no longer -and not by a long shot in any position to position myself
for "father-ly " love -or whatever -these men and so many of them - knew before I did I would be seeking so badly
and willing to exchange anything at all for just a hint of "it"
that trust me is not what any Daddy but a Sugar Daddy bestows upon their ward
and nothing but a ward
of the =state= within  a state of fuk if I know
is a man raised in Human Cohort Studies that DO end
in quiet ODs in Super  Six (es) all the time
what a moron I was and am describing 'my task ' as Proxy
-playing rogue - super cop
"in the field" to mask the very real things they can do to a guy
who didn't or couldn't play along
but what help "they" (the They us "looneyz" speak of and of ) give me to even get through the day
via Immersive Reality to convince in dribs and non drab
how wonderful it is to be a "participation" via particals
I cannot prove are in me
except that beyond this induced hypergraphic cry to anyone not invested in robbing humanity of the last safe place they could ever find peace that had no piece of the falsity that is pumped into our eyes ,ears and spirit minute to minute
-our minds
now open for business
and mining
whether you like it or not..
a few days ago
I had been granted the larger picture I did so hope would make me not want to disappear into another bender
but the larger picture only guaranteed this limited sobriety on my part
will be short lived
-what the'Change Agents" have planned as we are trained to build ourseleves up as TV equivalents
of Beingness
is the end of everything but TV and themselves
ensnared by it
and the films they are making -and have been making now for decades
are not cautionary
but self congradulatory
to the few who Know what is Coming..
and that is where I drew the line sometime ago
and therefore all but invited myself to be but a cartoon
in the scheme of "it"
that remains nameless
-as does and shall forever be Mister Bloom
who has no face to speak of
and never ever will

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