Tuesday, February 7, 2017

my id has recently been taken
and such a toll it is to imagine myself having to go thru the tossle andturn of getting a new one
but what a nice feeling it is knowing that piece of plastic
I can not minds eye being the only thing I need to jump on a bus or train to start over a new life -
anyware but here
and taking the needed steps of becoming a dishwasher or bagboy
attending two 3 aa meetings a day to be come whole again
overlong house of pancakes war stories with fellowship types
hearing of my hearing and seeing only what proxy cyber wants all day all night
'oh yes I had a cousin who took PCP but one time and feels to as you do -but look - he might say rolling his phone -this is him now -14th place in a triathalon in austrailia -

the ID incident was bizarre
as my cash and cards besides the ID were left intact
I fellow 'drug buddy' who I believe was sent to get through the holidays for a bit of verbage
and vicarious sexual depravity that I send (whether I wish to or not ) back to Proxy Cyber so such nuance and haptic signals can be decoded and re-calibrated into bytes fed into algorythims being made like mad for robotic variations of life as know it (but not for much longer) on earth

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