Monday, October 19, 2015

"The Big Littles"

Breaking Down the Walls of Autism with Parasol Pictures Direct Neural Interface

Breaking Down the Walls of Autism with Parasol Pictures Direct Neural Interface
◦ "We knew that something was not right with our son when he was less than 2 years old.,' said Ben and Lisbeth Shaw,".He didn't react to touch or smiling like other children . Eye contact ,so important between mother and son wasn't there with Charly .We took Charly to many doctors who only confirmed our worst fears .Charly was autistic and would probably never really be able to interact with people in the way that ..well ..makes people .people..we had heard about experimental testing at the Trugenic Rational Laboratory that had recently won a contract and grant to test neural prosthetics on children with autism by introducing sound ,vision and story into an autistic's mind .The point was to read the child's brain signals and perceptions and attempt to coax the child through interfaced story out of whatever story the child seemed fixated upon in their minds.
◦ We of course first balked at the idea of making our child a living TV set that is until we noticed the TV set and in particular Parasol Picture's animated films were the only thing that could make Charly giggle ,clap and dance.

When Parasol Picture's animated "The Big Littles"movies were on the screen Charly ,so disaffected and disinterested in the world around him suddenly would light up. The only thing that seemed to make him happy was watching Parasol Picture's "The Big Little "animated movies, from morning to night Every little noise or daily routine that might sway from rigid community and structure would frighten Charly as if change of any sort meant impending doom. At first I thought it was just the sameness of 'The Big Littles"movies and cartoons that appealed to Charly's need for continuity but than realized Charly was being comforted by the modulation of sound coming from the safety of a screen with defined borders. One day I realized there was something else that made Charly respond to 'The Big Littles' movies that engaged not only his mood but understanding. The understanding that all action and movement taking place within the screen Charly knew could not hurt him.I realized it was that the "Big Littles"were not people but puppets that engaged Charly and that the fact that they did not look nor sound like people that made Charly free to let them into his world. I spoke about this to my wife who told me about something that happened that very afternoon that made me reconsider experimental brain research and neural prosthetics to help Charly.
Charly's brother Dexter who was born 3 years before Charly usually is very sweet, patient and understanding with Charly .Dexter is a very thoughtful kid who does not have the same problems as Charly and like I said usually goes out of his way to understand Charly's social and non social needs but of course everyone has their bad days and on this day Dexter wanted to watch TV something besides "The Big Littles" and changed the channel .Needless to say ,according to Lisbeth Charly flew into one of his world famous tantrums. Dexter got angry at Charly which is rare and began pantomiming the voices of the "Big Littles" trying to mock Charly but Charly instead of feeling teased Charly began laughing and dancing around actually making full eye contact with his older brother saying 'Do it again .Do the "Big Littles"voice again"
"I decided I would try 'doing what Dexter had done with Charly pantamining the voices of "The Big Littles" that night in Charly's bedroom, I pick up one of Charly's "Big Little" stuffed animals the red Big Little named , Damien Demarco which is one of Charlie's favorite characters from "the Big Littles 1 and 2. By now I am well versed in how a Big Littles sound and found it easy to talk like Damian to Charly.
"What's going on in that Big Little head of yours Charly ?" I asked ,'Everyone at the Big Little Biggity Bog want to know more about how our friend Charly is doing ."
Charly said without hesitation ,"I want to be like my brother Dexter and the other kids at school'
And that night I contacted the Trugenic's Rational Laboratory.
Ben Shaw says it took "Some getting used to watching Charly talk to things only he could see and hear. Especially because I was told eventually in the interface would be programmed to become more and more frightening to try to force Charly out of his own head and back to a non Virtual reality"
Tru Chrisite , who directs the Snap back Graph back program at the Trugenic Rational Laboratory. said, "We are conducting a study that uses Brain Computer interface and A.I. to practice first "affinity therapy" -- on autistic children fitted with Merge Bio tech and next and Night Terror like "tough love " Tele-Presence that entirely consumed the autistic in a manner impossible to stop so that after a time the autistic is trained to think as far away from their own head and thoughts as possible"
(2) The "apps" were on Layla Pace's mind and not inside Denny's for close to a year .Layla expected there would be at least some change in Denny's behavior -and truth be told, Layla had told her friend Kate from- The Kids Like to Kick Things - Class where Kate took her son Harper ,who was also autistic on Wednesday afternoons at the GymBa JumBa Center downtown..
"Truth be told Layla said maybe Denny is changing maybe it's me regressing.."
'Oh Layla ," Kate said"If we Think Away from Hinky Thinky we refrain from Hinky Thinky."
"Hinky Thinky".Just one of many infantile phrases and words that Kate had begun introducing into her conversations more and more.,thought Layla Pace
Soon.thought Layla , according to Neuronautic "doctrine" ,if she" kept up" her so called negativity ..her- Hinky Thinky-
Kate ,a Born Again Neuronaut would have no choice but to find her RUINER.

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