Tuesday, June 20, 2017

is this much DIFFERENT
then ANYONE sitting in front of a TV BOX.Or Computer screen
or 46 year marriage across a god damn diner table DUMBO - graph the Mandlers

this tedium of temperament cause by the tenacious tuning of the Times
- the Mandler "graph' like cartoon cut out
twisting his mustache
"Is why YOU and I Mister Bloom must discover a way to Blow this Rose Garden back to Primal Weeds..
we together
bomb the garden
or You Mister Jib will be DONALD BOMGARTEN in the PIECE
so loose the MOPE- IE DOPEY
and wake the fuk up

//////the mouse didn't move in the cage we made so i had to hit it with a stick
//////the mouse starting trying to chew through it's cage so I had to shock it into submission
/////the mouse began to bite the hand that fed it so the hand pushed it's vermin face in water till it wanted to be playful instead of being a whiny nasty kunt////////  

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