Monday, September 16, 2013

"I can make you feel things and taste things Baby Boi...."

sometimes they go back to square one...I see space aliens and they talk 1950's b movie gibberish and I get dumb do they think I am? it might be in your best interest to get a bit dumber Dumbo and stick with the space man stuff . and .for all you know GENIUS! this is supernatural..for all you ."he harps at me

.angels don't commune this way.or aliens..aliens  I graph to HIM

how would you know PUNK
...the suspension of disbelief is necessary for direct neural TV  and direct neural PLAY man!

 I tell EVAN to call me back when they're done using it experiment on making a sane man mad OR OR OR he says making an insane man sane like we're doing with you it's called submersion therapy shock therapy but with bio sensors
and A.I.
he coughs ...
I mean if you want to think of 
as some technology
be my guest maybe this feels safer to you if you think of it like that
 ..remember like I said like the  snake pits they used to throw crazy folks in
 to help get them sane.
.this entire experience has been done with only you in  mind , hon...

suddenly I am excited

I want EVAN more than I want crack or quick good sex in a bathroom (the best sex there is ...quick and right near a sink with paper towels and liquid soap)
I can make you see things baby boi
and feel things
and taste things
if you just let go...
let your mind go
let your mind gone
and let the psycho- tronia shit alone little man
or I will" drive you" into a brick wall
BUT if you have some sense

I will drive I kNow you want to be driven

I imagine EVAN on head set
I feel him unbuckling his pants
the sound of his belt
smacking the floor

let us do our thing

he graphs

his bully boi stuff
less break u in half more

smack my bitch up

which I can Mandle   shut up Dumbo he graphs ...I can't do this with your mouth going
I feel
the belt in my mouth and smell and taste the leather
I hear his breathing
and feel something weighing down on me

I  can't help thinking  though   "hmmmm how can I feel the belt in my mouth
if he's on top of doesn't make sense



I hear the sound of a door slam

my senses all but return to me

nano particle bio sensor patent 

Publication numberUS5922537 A
Publication typeGrant
Application numberUS 08/746,420
Publication dateJul 13, 1999
Filing dateNov 8, 1996
Priority dateNov 8, 1996
Fee statusLapsed
Also published asWO1998021587A1
Publication number08746420, 746420, US 5922537 A, US 5922537A, US-A-5922537, US5922537 A, US5922537A
InventorsGavin T. Bogle, Thomas G. Ewart
Original AssigneeN.o slashed.AB Immunoassay, Inc.
External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet

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