Monday, May 25, 2015

String Along Theory

The role of introduced visual data upon intracortical synapses in establishing a mutual  virtual environment based on cinematic models of perception

In order to assuage the subject to accept imbued mise en scene overlayed upon his temporal lobe requires that one convince a subject he is somehow 'getting something "out of the situation and therefore the Mentor must mask  the computational elements  of the subject's only function being his or her physiological reliability and predictive response to evoked potential. The apprentice /mentor model helps keep the subject always eager for input as the subject will feel he or she is helping and  incorporating their own  input  to develop "Game Strategies". While the Proxy is patting himself on the back for being of such uniqueness that his mind /body/soul has been co-opted by "The Firm" all matter of neural response from the subject's  subregions in the receptive field  concerning phase gratings and monotomic variation voxels can be gathered with as little fuss or  future denoising as possible provided the "good boy" coaxing remain consistent concerning p300 reverse categorization  (Chance et al., 1999)


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