Tuesday, May 5, 2015

1993 los angeles..."The Men"/"app-ed" pupil

(1)in a very real way.a guy stops caring.
stops caring about explaining it
.way past the point of caring if I wake up.

documenting "it"
was one of the reasons I bothered waking at all..
.it has crushed me though

.there is no justice
I see ..it in his eyes  the one
they have used.to kill
at the same time
another story
 I recognize the  recognized famous face from my past
who lured people I knew Ricks, Thomas E. "Nonlethal Arms, New Class of Weapons Would Incapacitate Foe, Limit Casualties," Wall Street Journal, 4 Jan. 1993, Front Page. Los Alamos Laboratory. "Non-Lethal Defense, a classified Conference with Janet Reno, Attorney General, Speaker," Laurel, MD, 16-17 Nov. 1993. Oris Search, CIA F80-0547 San 1974 02-08 "(Deleted) Scientist May Employ Pulsed Microwaves For Mind Control."
4. [Opall, Barbara. "U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology," Defense News, 11-17, Jan 1993, P. 29. Walker, Sam. "'Nonlethal Weapons', James Bond Style," Christian Science Monitor, 6 Sept. 1994, P.12.
 into "their game" in LA..
he's  doing  well..weller than well.

it all set me off.
more than I am used to
this week watching a killer/a shooter I suspect-- has reasons --not his own--for what he did
that nobody will ever get into
maybe not even him
,,someone important twill tell him to shut up
like they did me
or put someone in his cell to punch him around so he willknow--we don't talk about that
or tell him
"something bad might happen to his parents..and after all you did ..do you need that on your shoulders as well?"

I know .they did to him ..to james holmes what they did to me

I can't explain it...because I myself am still too afraid of those days
and those men
that have never quite gone away
(always somewhere.saying something behind you in a supermarket..about some "GUY..some GUY had HIS HEAD cut I hear RIGHT OFF.._ I used to turn around and see who "the guy was talking to-
he's smiling ..looking now at some People magazine putting his finger on Jennifer Anniston's..beach house..

don't talk .don't write ..
don't say..wha tthey did to you
 to discover IF
 YOU had what "it took" to be James Holmes

I watch him sit there..in the court..on the computer..they don't mention his case on tv

surely he's  not getting  the defense he so badly needs for doing something so indefensible
last week I had planned to go to Colorado..just to speak to his father
and explain what they
...and by they I mean mentors..i mean "The Men"...face to face and otherwise
do to you
describe how they can keep you up ,awake for a month..tell you to eat very little
talk to you some days very nice ..some days just warn you..
what could happen to 'who's this girl in this picture James"

 ..watching james holmes  parents on the screen  as confused as their son - how they got there.

strange bit s of news come out on the same day about a victim of rape  who I was all for

 finally breaking the barrier of silence
 and not being intimidating  of some of Hollywood 's elite...
who use their status to exploit ..
people with nothing.
 That same director.
who I met ..only 2 or three years older than me..at the time.
I looked younger than.
.I lived on and around santa monica blvd.
sometimes slept in cars..or behind dumpsters..
usually ..guys would buy you a hotel room for a coupla' days or nites come around after work..i was young.
and liked to party ...and wanted to write for the movies.write or draw  for animation
=I was stupid

mainly I want to be out there
I just didn't know what was "out there" or what I was getting into
in 1993
the entire part  of town they call Hollywood was doing testing.
silent sound.
MK -Ultra shit.

I always wondered why that particular part of town between vine and Wilcox was never
now I have too good an idea.
it's a casting stage in it self ..a huge net ..spread out to catch people..
it isn;t so hard...to captivate people who moved to a town that"promised" captivation..
everyone was "in ' on the testing..
from "that Church" I won't get into to the
:men in slacks ..to the studios themselves..
although I was in my early 20's I was still sorta a kid..
I worked at various escort services in Philly because I wasn't good at holding a real job..
and mainly because I wanted time to learn how to paint..it was a shit life
I met a boyfriend
and we decided we both were gonna "leave the past" behind. His drug problem my hooking
and start over..
in LA..he wanted to be a comedian...me a cartoonist or something
and we wanted to be in the sun where it never seemed like winter.
we were in love ..it seemed..
till we got to las vegas..
but carried on ..to LA deciding whatever out relationship ..we
were still in it together...
till we weren't ..
he started using again..and I was losing my fuckin mind workin in a hardware store
so naturally found my self back to what I did in philly ..
and that's when I met the tv and Movie people
and next the Black Slacks people
and also the "church ' people who all pretty much seemed at least at that strange time in LA to be working together
to procure people
into this odd program
it was all about sex and drugs
but the drugs weren't normal street drugs
they were mind expanding drugs but not lsd..something else.called dmt
and you were supposed to think in terms of colors and symbols when you were on them
you could never be alone after you did these drugs
or really ever..
the people were scary and wanted you to be scared.
my boyfriend had long since gone away...I was not tight with my folks who thought I was scum.
and completely depended  now on these people.
but it was the movie and tv people
who were the scariest..
they knew you like ddoing drugs..
so they'd get together and have sex with you and smoke crack.
but somehow they knew that you wer ein some "program"...they'd hin tat it..you knew you couldn't talk about it..the trying to think in symbols and colors
and all this crazy stuff they said..
and because they'your guys" thought you could learn to think a certain way if only you learned it
you were encouraged to go to "the church" and not so much take ..classes as help bring people into the annexes.
by just dressing in a tie and holding pamphlets,,and smiling
it was weird cuz' you kinda knew "this church' hated gays
but they also wanted you..to like focus on gay guys who seemed lost..or something..and talk up "the church'and all in the bars  in west Hollywood...by wearing your uniform and carrying your pamphlets around
than you'd go back to your flea bag hot in studio city or koreatown and do drugs with the tv and movie guys
who liked pushing you around an having big straight guys watch you do things.
it was never actors..always the
producers or assistant directors all who were married..
the black slacks guys..never asked about what you did with the church just if  anyone was teaching "on the sly" how one can learn to think "in white'
in Pure..
in symbols.."in the smallest ..idea for a thought..that is never suppose dto come unless you  hear it..from somewhere outside yourself"''was the jist..
these guys were older than you and seemed real fun ..serious but smart as you can imagine..
they didn't do drugs with you to get high

but only "for work" like you and they were both discovering "the mind'
got hurt pretty bad by one of the tv movie people..
wanted to get away..
that fear..this new fear in me showed..
and bothered the Black slacks guys who recoomended now I don't do street drugs or hook ..
and find a real job maybe within the "Church"

reading about an actor who sued several that I know used him like a piece of meat...who threated him with a gun
the accuser might be going to jail
I know how they work..
getting this young man who they knew had nothing and yes very much still 'had the nerve " to want a better life..
and seeing how they Procured him one.
specifically.with enough quicksand to fall in by several men who's job it was to "set up " the accuser to ...
"go ahead anyway' and buy into hot real estate ventures. not quite legal
all so when the right time came
one of the accuser's ...
power broker's could "call fraud"..

I see this movie director's face as clearly as I did when I first met him
back when I was in LA in my early 20.s
fallen on hard times.
him picking me up off the streets bringing me all over the city with his henchmen and hold ons
placing a gun in my mouth telling me I had to do what he said the big guys he ran .kept with him were not just there to dress up the room..
between that
and reading more ..too much about a certain shooter being told things..
to think a certain way..and to trust his mentors the same they did to me..
for years ...to see if I "had it in me" to
do whatever I was "there's for"..
months in that apartment ...being taught..
being trained
I took most of those posts down
they wanted me to
do something to an actor....I don't l know why..
when I made clear to them I couldn't ..wouldn't they asked me to move to Las vegas .That day..I didn't..
and the cops came..
I was out of LA in not time
but not before they arrested me under false charges..
made sure I would not come back to LA ..
expected me to not show up ..and thus know if I returned to California .
would be able to be picked up...for skipping court.
but it was taken care of.at great expense .from here..with a lawyer they didn't expect me to be able to afford..
currently I am seeking to re-open my docket
and sue the Los Angles Police ,2 members of the Van Nuys court and the board of trustees at UCLA who have a long history of using Olive View Hospital as it's "study room"

At the 1978 SALT peace talks, Russian President Brezhnev suggested banning weapons "more frightful than the mind of man has ever conceived." Although no public admission of this was made, the Soviet's research was clearly worrying the US. And there was good reason to be concerned. For example, in 1974, Kaznacheyev believed that he had demonstrated death could be caused by beaming ultraviolet rays from a distance. Pavlita, a Czech engineer, showed he could kill insects at distance by using psychotronic devices. Soviet scientists were able to kill goats at ranges beyond one kilometer."
Trying to play catch-up, the US Army and Navy embarked on intensive research programs encompassing aspects of electromagnetics, microwaves, radio transmissions, and so on. Most of these programs were highly classified. Some sections which had not been initially classified were reclassified in the late 1970s. Laws were introduced to curtail any inquiries made by the public. University authorities were banned from questioning the members of their own academic fraternity engaged in such programs. Educational values and ethics became irrelevant. The results of some of the experimental programs were shocking.
Extensive testing was conducted in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and CIA, either through contractors or in their own laboratories. Contractors provided non-volunteer human testers. Several military contracts involved working in highly dangerous environments. Years later, a flood of court cases brought by unwitting victims once more raised the serious question: does the end justify the means? Several lives were lost, yet no liability has ever been admitted by the establishments or their contractors. The situation remains the same today.
Since 1961, work by Frey and others has shown that microwave energy is capable of producing tachycardia (speeding of the heartbeat) and bradycardia (slowing of the heartbeat). A 1976 US State Department report suggested it was possible to induce a heart attack in a person from a distance with radar. 
In 1973, Bawin et al.,      provided evidence that brain waves can be inhibited or enhanced by low power VHF energy. Animal brainwave patterns went from waking to comatose when Becker placed a magnetic field at the right angle to the brainstem.  By 1974, SRI had developed a computer system capable of reading a person's mind by correlating the brain waves of subjects on an electroencephalograph with specific commands.  The concept of mind-reading computers is no longer science fiction. Neither is their use by Big Brotherly governments. Major Edward Dames said in April 1995 on NBC's The Other Side program: "The US government has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people." Dames would not comment any further. P. 167, 170, 172
On 22 April 1993, the main evening news on BBC Television broadcast a story on a new American development – a non-lethal weapon.  David Shukman, Defense Correspondent, interviewed US Army Colonel John B. Alexander and Janet Morris, two of the main proponents of a concept of disorientating an enemy and rendering them incapable of retaliating without actually causing any obvious physical harm.  The main person behind this concept was Col. Alexander. He spent part of his career as a Commander of Green Berets Special Forces in Vietnam, and currently holds the post of Director of Non-lethal Programs at Los Alamos National Laboratories.
In 1991, Janet Morris issued a number of papers  and the US Army published a detailed draft report on ‘Operations Concept for Disabling Measures.' Laboratories were "developing a high power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapon" projecting non-penetrating, high frequency acoustic bullets. According to one Morris paper, US Special Operations Command already had a portable microwave weapon. "US Special Forces can cook internal organs."     ‘Infrasound' used acoustic beams. Very low frequency (VLF) sound, or low frequency RF modulations can cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains. "Some very low frequency sound generators, in certain frequency ranges, can cause the disruption of human organs and, at high power levels, can crumble masonry."
That such weapons have been used can be in little doubt. When the deployment of Cruise missiles at American bases in the UK was at its height, women peace campaigners staged a series of highly publicized peaceful protests. In late 1985, the women living in the peace camps at Greenham Common began to experience unusual patterns of illness, ranging from severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual bleeding after the onset of menopause, to bouts of temporary paralysis and faulty speech coordination. Electronics Today magazine carried out a number of measurements, and in December 1985 published their report which concluded: "Readings taken with a wide range of signal strength meters showed marked increases in the background signal level near one of the women's camps at a time when they claimed to be experiencing ill effects." They noted that if the women created noise or a disturbance near the fence, the signals rose sharply. P. 201
The evidence suggests that the technology to produce ‘voices in the head' does exist. The Dept. of Defense acquired technology to alter consciousness through various projects and programs. The abstract from one program states: "A system for altering the states of human consciousness involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferably sounds, having different frequencies and wave forms."      From another: "Researchers have devised a variety of systems for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby alter the state of consciousness of the individual subject.     Silent subliminal messages were "used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully."
Various types of apparatus have been tested and used to ‘inject' intelligible sounds into the heads of human beings. Sound could also be induced in someone's head by radiating the head with radio waves including microwaves in the range of 100 to 10,000 MHz, that are modulated with particular waveform. P. 204
The latest development in the technology of induced fear and mind control is the cloning of the human EEG or brain waves of any targeted victim, or indeed groups. With the use of powerful computers, segments of human emotions which include anger, anxiety, sadness, fear, embarrassment, jealousy, resentment, shame, and terror, have been identified and isolated within the EEG signals as ‘emotion signature clusters.' Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured. Then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesized and stored on another computer. Each one of these negative emotions is properly and separately tagged. They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and could silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.

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