Friday, May 22, 2015

operation dumbo drop.

Raven Mismanage swung the door of the computer interface room soft enough open so Evan Rainy could not possibly hear him coming.
folding his arms he watched the back of Evan Rainy's head .
watched him thinking G-d Only Knows

to Dumbo thousands of miles away.

sneaking up on Evan
Raven wrapped his hands around Evan's throat
hoping Dumbo as well was feeling the choke.
Raven ripped  off Evan's headset and  tipped Evan's chair to the ground.

"what the hell did you do that for ,"Evan said rubbing his head..while Raven crouched down next to him resisting the urge to choke him again.

"why!,' Raven yelled,"Cause .You can't be graphing Dumbo certain kinds of material ."

"Tru Chrisite said he wanted me to make other groups want to kill Dumbo..and told me it was Ok to use any means possible to do this.." Evan said."

" ...Where'd you get that information..about holograms going over a desert mountain Evan?''Raven asked.

"I don't know it just came to me,' Evan said.

"ask yourself HOW did it COME to you.." Raven said.

"uhhh.. I think...Dumbo thought it me,"Evan said.

"What do you mean fuckin' dumbo thought it to you..? " Raven said looking at the headset on the carpet as if the headset was Dumbo and not just something that could be hooked to Dumbo's  neural prosthetics .
Raven pulled Eva rainy off the floor and said " if Dumbo thought THAT to you it means  someone else put chips in Dumbo before we means DUMBO was set up to set us up.." Raven said staring at the headset on the floor again .

"sneaky jews !'Raven said  smashing the headset with his foot into tiny pieces.

Sunday, March 17, 2013"PIECES"

Calev(The Boyz From" Bro's Grill")

CALEV 2011 DR-..."the smartest guys in the room"have decided your thoughts,your mind should be open not only for inspection and collection but possibly even "rejection"
"as your "neurals" might be perceived as so deplorable. that they and you are expendable. The Final Solution ..without "the mess"
mind reading technology
it will make the world a safer place
and perhaps get rid of some of "the junk" that has built up thanks to all that "socialist reform "is what's spoken about on the putting greens and "hip" amongst the "In Crowd" who is being encouraged to see and repackage the Politically Correct / Everybody Is Somebody" speak "of the 1970's 80's and 90's as "Hippie Shit"
Neuronautics celebrates honesty,
celebrates the fact it doesn't want "ugly people" in the Club.
Keep them in back of the velvet rope
in fact Keep them Anywhere But Here
can't you see it ,feel it around you?the dark being the new light..?'s in young adult books,music,films,,,Sound and Vision..
somebody. Some people decide what Sound .What Vision enters our Collective Consciousness. But there has never been a way to make it as complete ,as Immersive as it can now be..
brain computer interface e..or what is called A.I. or The Singularity is here.,ready and waiting...being tested and tested on millions of Targeted Individuals
to learn as many "Thought Syles" ---Acquire as Many  Brain Mapps as possible
all "the right wrong people"can now be scientifically classified by brain patterning and direct interface.
there's proof.
ThaT We Are Indeed Better
the latest fad in Hollywood amongst these groups is game called "Pieces"
we want you to play" Pieces" Calev
because WE want to Play Pieces Too
it's the reason ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So scientific will these methods of observation eventually be ..that quite soon if the right wrong people have a say that new laws will be passed to solidify
the findings of
unworthy"of specie-dom
THEY call modern Eugenics Trugenics and cover up the techno" with the causality of Mental Breakdown instead of Direct Neural Interface
THEY call the suicide a dignified exit initiated by one's own self appraisal as an UNRESOLVABLE
they see the self appraisal as a noble deed
as one of "that sort"'s neural output can no longer effect or infect one's betters.
and You ou will know they are better by their readings and neural data.
And one has no choice but to "go along" with this technology
that literally holds one's 5 senses in it's headset
DR-Do you understand they will pose as anything,space aliens,quantum Time Lords,stylized families" whose sole reason for existing as a unit is and was to raise children for this very purpose,a movie studio.. will be in a world of nonsense.Of not knowing what is true.
Do you understand?
Do you know what a "plant " is?
X:Of course.
DR- They will deconstruct you,they will use your own thoughts and fears and memories
who,the motion picture company or Neuronautics
perhaps it's becoming one in the same,the motion picture companies don't give a damn about Neuronautics philosophy but the care very much about how to operate the technology so they use"The Process" and so is practically everyone else in this specific "New Frontier."
when I say "Hi David"into your ear i am not speaking to you,just through you , David's one of your buffers ... Oh ,the less you know the better
X:I don't like this
DR-if you did you'd be of no use whatsoever

X:what do i have to do
DR-write like you paint...all over the internet...,dress poor and have a bad haircut in the wrong right part of Los Angeles county

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