Monday, May 11, 2015

part one - MERGE BIOTECH CONFERENCE las vegas

Tru Christie stood at the lectern and made a deliberate shrug towards the power point graphics behind him..Tru considered himself and his "way of putting things" a power point that needed no other emphasis but his own visage. Theatrically Tru Christie made a gesture indicting his assistant should wheel in the large footlocker from stage left .In advance Tru had seen to it that the air holes were drilled only on the side of the box that would not be seen by the audience made up of potential investors.
Opening the box Tru purposely man handled the handsome actor model /male whore one of Merge's scout's had found on Santa Monica Blvd several months ago out of the box  and next sat in a large wooden chair another assistant had brought center stage, placing the unboxed Proxy firmly and suggestively upon his knees  .Tru purposely held the lanky "boy toy" like  the"  toy boy " he now genuinely was .After bouncing the  22 year old once ,twice on his knee Tru held up his finger to the crowd and next proceeded to stick his finger in "the subject's " mouth thrusting it back and forth, in and out in and out . Next  pushing the Proxy down upon his knees where the Proxy remained while Tru stood up from the chair and began undoing his own  belt ,ignoring the sighs of anticipation and apprehensive "aghast" form the crowd.. Tru next grabbed the  the Proxy's neck again  shoved the Proxy's face down  into his crotch  Next kicking  the subject so the Proxy was now prone on the floor Tru's foot on his face  before Tru made a  gesture for his two  assistant to place the Husk back in the box.Tru Christie ,as if nothing had occurred made a gesture one sees in old films about mind readers,placing his fingertips to his temples.Tru's one  assistant following the cue placed a head set upon Tru's skull.On the screen the power point showed the many modifications the headset had been through  to since it's inception..When the screen displayed a close up of a clear plastic "tattoo" no bigger than band aid Tru's other assistant removed the headset from Tru skull and made "a show of placing the thin paste on strips" of biosensor behind Tru's ear.Tru next made a magician's gesture that indicated "poof..there was nothing there to be seen" just as the power point showed a slide which at  first appeared to be a photo of nothing but blood cells..but there..there mixed into to the wonders of biology on a sliver of microscoped glass was the Merge ..
..and out came the boxed Proxy again ..
this time Tru put his arm around him and how the Proxy smiled.
With theatrical relish Tru handed the Proxy an opened straight razor ..for a moment the lights dimmed and a pre-recorded drum roll played from the speakers..a spot light came up first on Tru Christie holding his finger tips up to his temples.
and next a spot light on the Proxy holding the straight razor at the assistant's neck and than..only red.
the remains of the assistant on the stage
now lit from several beams above stage .Tru put his arm around his Proxy's shoulder
and said to the audience,"you know ..when I first interfaced with Kip
he couldn't even piss when he knew his mind was online
 "it was too intrusive," Tru said in a baby-ish voice .
he wouldn't "take orders" form a Voice he couldn't see ..that he knew was not his own
he "couldn't take " the images I sent him via Merge..they were
he refused to accept what was happening to him
he used to bang his ears...cover his eyes
Crazy he thought he was..
But look how far he's come?" Tru said waving his hand toward the dead body
how malleable
and thus how valuable."
Tru takes out a gun and shoots the Proxy  and when the ooohs ,ahs and even a scream here and there in the audience calmed down
Tru took his place at the lecturn as a curtain came down upon the
expendables behind him.
 In order to make Virtual Reality  simulation more realistic and to keep our Proxy from thinking THEY and not their Tele-Operators are running the game , a wider range of human senses must be weaved into an Operating Tele-Presence s daily involvement with their project . Proxy Cyber suggests that the  sense of touch which can be conveyed upon a subject through the Merge bio tech a Proxy already has steeped into their neural tissue  can make even the most obnoxious upstart follow the parameters set by their ward . Haptic sensory engagement makes even "this type" KNOW Proxy Cyber- ain't just Looking through them ,hearing through them and reading their every sneaky thought but that their OT is in them like a hand up a puppets backside.
 Why only incorporate another's visual and auditory cortex when every sense of a Proxy can be moderated  and used to 'keep morale up" on both side of the interface?
 Virtual Reality Activations makes Going Interactive all the more In-There and subjugates  any unwanted reticence on part of the reluctant participant who "doesn't want to play "
 Haptics added to Induced Lucid Dreams have a surprisingly high Fear Factor and thus efficiency rate as imbued fear of this intensity  demands the subject 'see their way round' to your Point of View "concerning  on how  "app-ed" for interface must begin to  see their position in "the scheme of things."
And help the Proxy understand that their Neural Data is in fact valued to  help Merge not only win the" War on Aberrants" but also be the  number one Neural Data Base to help standardize A.I.!  The impact of adding haptic information to one's current BCI system is closed loop BCI renditions often offer little novelty after a while to either the Mentor or Mentee who  often need "just a little bit more" than just plain sound and vision to keep the interaction "juiced up,sex-ed up..or whatever types of stimulation an OT and Proxy might need to prevail especially on "long ,tedious" jaunts.
Many a subject who has grown predictable and non compliant to their Tele -Operator has "come around " to see how very important it is that they "roll with- their new normal" and don't balk too much at being driven if a Tele-Operator can properly  exploit their Proxy's  lower-brain functions as well as their higher ones- so,in effect - even the most  reluctant Proxy can FEEL the NOISE. And than , perhaps once and for all  KNOW "just who here is riding the mule". Once this  is no longer an issue the  interface between the  OT and the TKO-ed Prox can be  a joy rather than a chore freeing both OT and Proxy can  perform complicated  tasks in parallel without the Proxy's selfish self  will  either destroying the Operating Tele-Presences 's experience and whatever actions the OT desires the Proxy to perform .

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