Monday, May 25, 2015

A large gift basket and two presents wrapped in black paper ,tied in red and bowed with a  white ribbon sat atop Adam Parker's newspaper outside his front door. Opening the  smaller box Adam removed a first edition of Henry Ford Senior's - 'The International Jew" .Tucked inside the gift basket of  Godiva chocolates e and three bottles of Nembutal with a half scratched out name (Mandy something something )  .....  "eat it up,drink it up... my handsome Prince...Inside the book Valerie had written in red pen"When we get through with the Hinky Dink there won’t be a Ruiner out there who will dare raise his head,his pen or his detraction in public."

Friday, March 22, 2013

      there is no point of view .not anymore.
perhaps never
the words the picture come inside of
what it meant or if it meant anything at all
I don't know.It was never my story
I simply wrote it to not have it in me..
to let it come out
like the nice lady at the school told me to do with the night terrors.the nice lady I begged to take me home with her.and not send me back
the hitting
the yelling
and slaps and much worse
my mother soon took me out of there.
but it never went away
it was there because it was a stage
and I was a prop
what I am now .they have no name for
may this technology never be around lonjg enough that they do
 -Denny Pace




Panic in Palo Park

The blue light blinked and blinked and Mandy began shaking her head back and forth to try to shake  the “why don't you just use the phone like a normal person youbitchyoubitchyoubitch' out of her mind
before  putting the headset up to her   temple and graphing ( direct neutral interfacing)what she hoped was a pleasant “hello Linda”
not so easy
a simple unbuffered ,"Hello" without extraneous bbburrrrr
of anything else that happened to be on your mind  at any given moment
"hellos aside"  immediately Mandy received a Direct Neural interface of  a hostility that was so severe in it's intensity toward/IN Mandy's nervous system that she all but fell out of her chair..
Frightened and  uncomfortably  heightened 
 tore the headset off her skull  and watched it  tumble  to the floor , instinctively backing  away from Linda's "postal"  brain waves
 that  were now being safely  absorbed by  the beige synthetic fibers in the  Berber carpet that lined the entirety of Merge's Palo Alto office complex.
    Mandy knew she would have to get back to Linda on headset eventually
 but the anger in Linda's about “some Ruiner who had evidently sold Merge's nano for a  little game called Pieces that  Independent "clients" played on Merge's bevy of "apped" Proxy.
The inserted "apps" made the Proxy "open minded" to all matter of Mind/Mind interface and back and forth Immersive Reality "rundowns.but while the special client who paid up to 12 million dollars to commandeer a "husk"
the Proxy ,implanted with nanotube transistors could not stop nor control the interface  which was ,of course part of "the fun"
Linda N. thought towards the Berber carpet ,unaware Mandy had removed her headset
" yes Mandy ,it's now online... that Thing  everyone knows about  but  dare not  speak  it's name this  information has ended up on some online message board whose sole purpose seemed to be about contaminating the Neuronautic Method.,"Linda graphed at the synthetic carpet fibers with no reply,Linda stopped her theta waves long enough to look up at her laptop to notice no Mandy-ish brain activity
Mandy stood over the headset, wringing her hands ,shaking her head back and forth ,back and forth,panicked not because of the lingering  tremor of Linda's emotional neural onslaught
 but because it was she
 who sold Reggie Grath,The MC of The Community Theater(a Hate Group with a conscious) seven nanotube transmiiters last spring
 when she was dating Reggie,  a dreamy construction worker who was working at ProxyCyber in exchange of a  promised 3 hour interface with a future”Piece”(some it some jew homo,Reggie asked)
Reggie persuaded Mandy to "go to any length "to sneak just one ,just one, little insert out of ProxyCyber Labs.
And she did.
Mandy shook her head back and forth ,back and forth making herself think of random objects around the office,which was the equivalent of counting sheep to hide and scramble thoughts during intraneurall conferencing
.Finally Mandy picked up the headset ,deliberately keeping her mind humming with an old Dr Pepper jingle she remembered her  father singing while shaving
“Are you On something Mandy?Are you out of your mind?. Focus," Linda urged
 but in one brief synaptic storm every bit of betrayal ,real or imagined Mandy had ever committed  flooded Linda N.'s cerebellum 400 miles away
Linda calmed her delta waves to a simmer  and graphed a call to Stevie at Proxycyber Laboratory
as a sort of emoticom
 Linda sent via headset a contextual overlay of her Cheshire Cat to parlay her conceptual countenance
to Stevie...
while as she graphed Stevie a Suggest to slip some Cosmetic  Bio Nano into "Pretty Mandy"'s potables
.Linda couldn't wait to  "remotely morph "Pretty Mandy's face, which would soon be permanently embedded with millions and millions of tiny shape shifting  nano bots that could and would make Pretty Mandy instantly “the ugliest woman in the world"-and back again and this way and that way and this way and that-  all  at the touch of a button that Linda could almost feel in the palm of her hand .The remote that would control " Mandy's facial nerves ,nasal dimensions ,cheekbones and everything else in  within the range of"The Reigns "




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A large gift basket and two presents wrapped in black paper ,tied in red and bowed with a  white ribbon sat atop Adam Parker's newspaper outside his front door. Opening the  smaller box Adam removed a first edition of Henry Ford Senior's - 'The International Jew" .Tucked inside the gift basket of  Godiva chocolates e and three bottles of Nembutal with a half scratched out name (Mandy something something )  .....  "eat it up,drink it up... my handsome Prince...Inside the book Valerie had written in red pen"When we get through with the Hinky Dink there won’t be a Ruiner out there who will dare raise his head,his pen or his detraction in public."

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"those Jews" will

 be  surprised 

 how fast Israel 

 "taken care of"

 by the administration in the making. YOU my handsome prince Our King creole! Our Adam Parker!

  according to Gary Rainy that's all 


a subspecies 

 genetic bearing was geared ONLY to physical weakness...

 vermin like attenuations were that of roaches.

so at first difficult to crush

  • but we have found the nest

The standard way to revise dissociative states and thus determine an asset's pliability toward initiated cues that may "bring them back" to their Neuro Linguistic disassociate fugue state is to entrance the subject during dream state using the bio technology with a number of A.I. ,Virtual Reality chatterbox programs based on psychic driving to walk the asset through incited incidentals to determine is the asset will follow commands without relying on so their "so called' moral code-

הדרך סטנדרטית לשנות מדינות דיסוציאטיבית ובכך לקבועהגמישות של נכס לרמזי יזם שעשוי "להחזיר אותם" לנוירו הלשוני לנתק מדינת פוגה היא כניסת הנושא במצב חלום תוך שימוש בטכנולוגיה ביו עם מספר AI , תוכניות פטפטנית וירטואליות מציאות מבוססת על נהיגה נפשית ללכת הנכס באמצעות נלווים הסית לקבוע היא נכס מעקב פקודות מבלי להסתמך על כך "'הקוד המוסרי שנקרא
אה.הספירה למטה החלהאני אלך משם הדרך לרדת שורה ... אנסה לעשות Bog זה.למשהו ... קריא.שים לב איך הם לא עושים סרטים על יורים יותר.אני לא בטוח אם יש לי דבר היורה בי ..למרות שתאמין לי שהם ניסו.
  המחשבה על החיים במערכת הדרכה למישהו אחרתברור שלא די משהואחד שניתנו באופן כזה יכול לדמייןאני אנסה עוד פעם אחתקו את
  עם מקלדת מסורתית אינה צמודה לכל סוכני שינוי וסוציולוגי מתקדמיםמאבריקספשוטו כמשמעו מודד את amou-T של T-אני-M-דוארזה לוקח ללהלחין או למחוק משפט ..כלאמוד כוונה ... בהלחנה אולי מכתב ההתאבדות הארוכה ביותר שנכתב אי פעם ..אני כבר הלכתי משם לחיות "החיים להיאנח" של מוטלים פשפשים ג'ין Livin שורצים
 בדיוק כמו פופ ... תמיד אמרתי שאני בסופו של ..זה עלול לגרום לו להרגיש קצת יותר טוב על כל תכנות Monarch
 אם אני לוקח "אותו לגבול"אחרי הכל איזה סוג של ריאליזם
            אין הקשקושים האלה מרמזים למצב שלי בלי
                סיום מסודר יפה ..?לנסות יותר אחד הופך לשטות הזאת למשהו מסחרילזה כלאנחנו כבר לימדנו לקלוט ..כמובן שזה לא יהיה משימה קלהכבכוונהכל ממשק שקבלתי הוא ליניארי בכוונה לאלא רק כדי להקל על יניארי הפגנתי .non הנרטיב שפוי? כהוכחה לכך שאכן אחד יכול להרוס את של יד אדם ..ללא סימנים לספר סיפור מלבד ... על ידי הודעות ..כמה חלש ציווה אני מרגיש הגדרה "ציר הזמן" שלי של "מחאה"התאבדות בקרב אנשים ממוקדים לא באמת יכולה להיחשב כהתאבדות אלא רצח.
   ולכל הפחות אני מרגיש את זה אני חייב למשפחה שלי ש
  גידל אותי "על ידי הדיירים" של טראומה טקסית לשונית נוירו בזמן עם רמזים חזותיים מסוגננים מושרהלמען לעולם לא עוד ...ובפועל עושה מושלמים Psycotronic עינויים בענייןטכניקות ותכנות Monarch של הנוער שלישלי .one של מאות אלף קורבנות ...למען מטרהלעולם לא עודלעולם לא עודלעולם לא עוד ... A.Milchan


they wanted me to hound this guy .some wacko graffiti  artist  in Tel Aviv..some 25 year old wanna be wigger  named .Aaron Milchan....going all Talk2 Much according to Valerie Prentiss and my team
 about being some "laced cadet"
bio nano tech -care of  some advance techno firm in Tel Aviv

my team said they'd let up on me
 if  I played with this fellow "Piece"making the rounds of Hostels and flea bag motel around Haifa...

I was surprised Israel did Monarch Programming on their kids..thought it was just americano
 more surprised this Aaron kid was "allowed ' to yammer away
about his ideas that  'Never Again" could NOT mean except by us"-meaning Israel

Evan said they needed this guy minimized

he wrote that his country was after him
but he didn't write it in a way that made him see crazy

and this according to evan was the problem

..can't have jews going Off about Jews..NOT YET they graph me

I have no idea what they means....I can barely think...

I feel pain down my arm

I am so confused at this point
I just do anything to they want..

and what they want keeps changing...
they call me now by different names..
and they zing me with pain if I claim I am a Jew.

they say they got the Jew out of me with the mentorship
and that I hate jews as much as they do
but I can't afford to think about myself...
they will think for me...
through me

the send by mail a few ...files on this Aaron guy
but the information they send isn't very different form what Aaron writes himself

  •  purposely been psychologically traumatized to such an extreme he would
  • be easy to not only "app" but commandeer..
  • highly suggestible
  • and basically so "spun' by his bizarre upbringing 
  • can barely manage his own affairs...would always have to be taken care of.
  • Kept.
  • maneuvered or "saved" again and again like some male version of a damsel in distress
  • older man would extra room in his bed.
sound familiar
sound familiar

Evan graphs that's what your JEW parents did to YOU

that's why we took you
and studied you

none of this was your fault.Not even being born Jew.

and it became  my job

 to basically counter every single post this Aaron posted.
The guy was writing about A.I. and it wasn't time ...Eva said..
it was going to mess things up for Adam his plan was to expose .. what the jews did to their own children for the sake of "never again"
one of Adam Parker's main claims to be was to expose this
the use of Nazi tactics...Mind control
Monarch programming
 to turn these messed up  kids born "to be apped"  again their parents and against Judaism

I had to  learn  basic Hebrew for this guy..this  Aaron
or at least enough of it so I would have to  translate every damn word Aaron posted

my job was to discredit Aaron's evidence of A.I. and brain interface being done on Israeli citizens  and Neuro Linguist programming being done on children

.for every piece of scientific evidence Aaron  posted
it was my job 
under more assumed names and personas I care or could even try to imagine

always some  friendly, helpful  information about
schizophrenia being much easier to treat these days..

each day
 than each hour he removed these friendly counter posts.
since Aaron Milchan WANED crosstalk and comments...he never blocked his ..sites...because  he wanted to be an example. A victim ...a whistle blower...or something
Aaron also bothered ever changing his online name ..nor any of his many sites.

and it became a full time job ....posting psycho -babble ...about "his delusions'

..אהרון אני כל כך מצטער לקרוא שוב אתה מרגיש לי unwell.I חבר ינוחו על משכביו בשלום, שלקח את חייו משום שהוא גם סבל מהפרעת מחשבה ולמרות שאני עשוי להיות מעל דריכה גבולותיה שלי יש לי לעשות את זה העסק שלי כדי לנסות לשמור במציאות אתה ...I wrote
I of course knew every damn description of his "tether" being technological was true
this campaign wen ton for months until I suddenly switched tactics
I  knew Aaron
 when I and nearly 1/4th of Aaron's followers /readers/supporters .  conceding that
"ok Arron" I do believe there could be another explanation for what is going on with you

a Dybeck has taken over your body
or perhaps it's just 'The Greys" aliens

the rage in his emails ...

and IMs that I must stop whatever I was trying to do him ..for I could not possibly understand
now changed tone
"who the fuck are you/and who do you think you are..."
 finally I was  getting some where

is this enough Cwazzy for today.  I think and thus interface Evan..
even seconds later I have no idea what I have written...
I am drained .now...forgetful.gone
but something in me thinks
something about these  character ...not fleshed out enough...not linear  enuf ''''the story I was demanded to write and write and write
to come off as anything but madness

I  had realized early on that that such a strange story with out the fixture of form of novel..
comes across as nothing but me writing views that are almost the opposite of my own...

                                 .the imbue of the story lines involving Jew this Jew that.
                         some odd faction on the west coast..
                                              some odd motion picture company...jew this jew that..

.the pain coming back

have I fulfilled my purpose..? I force myself not to think
that synthetic telepathy works at destroying a man who has done nothing

didn't they .wouldn't they
need example after example of success stories
to prove
how flawless the machinery take over another man's will, senses...and actual ideology

am I done for the day.? I graph

tomorrow I will  be at it again writing nonsense..condemning myself discrediting myself and also this innocent man Aaron

the sheer volume and velocity  of focus is what they need especially if they successfully clear me enough
so I may serve the cause

so much nothing after nothing
couldn't it have been done differently

but it could not
as one of the reasons I  was chosen was  so I would be kept too busy
to paint anymore of my illness


compo cola/bimbombay: Mosfilm threatens to sue...

Mar 03, 2015 · *Mosfilm ,a Russian movie studio threatened last week to sue Nikodim Egotrov for publishing stories based on the studio's research concerning a non


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