Thursday, December 1, 2016

In addition to weaving the subject of Elwctronic Harrassment into trope after trope that is recognized as conspiracy theory my job at the 8th Floor Search Engine is to create sites that emphasize what Caroline Macy a Mystique of Maudlin so a user of the internet who might research the topic will immediately distance themselves from "the brand' that is Target ,be they real or imagined. In most cases those who search the web for relevant information regarding all aspects of the program meant to compromise the physical and psychological integrity of a human organism are targets and therefore I must cater to the TI's sense of hope that anyone whatsoever not only takes their situation seriously but more impoertantly mock the TI's circumstances with information that is not only useless but offensive .My job is to use the web itself as a kind of street theater Gangstalking as to remind the TI whatever they might say,do or write in their own blogs or posts the house always wins as there is ingrained in the masses an unspoken understanding that an article by LikiLeaks or other familar and therefore recognized information purveyors means much more than information released by one not associated with such a brand Taking advantage of this fact I try my best to remind the target that "the spin they are in" Is entirely because the electronic media above all regardless of the illusion that because everyone can say what they want has since it's inception used the same hierarchy that defines credibility which is name recognition as the traditional format of broadcasting .Have fun with it Caroline Macy said regarding taking advantage of the way a user perceives information by tinkering with subjectivity.Often I imagine the faces of Targeted IndIi visuals coming upon one of my 8th Floor Search Engine posts created specifically to not only discredit the topic but define those who might call themselves TIs regardless of ones stance concerning truth or conspiracy theory as a class of people that are weak and pathetic victims of a society that has no place for a certain type.…
In addition to writing posts to either defame ,denounce or encourage other TIs to conitinue being living example of neuroweapon efficienc...

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