Friday, August 18, 2017

Jane Parsons Invited you to play Candy Kiss Kittens

JIM GORDEN - You release the information.
JULES - Darius Crane releases the information every second of the day James..we're completely transparent here..still, it's heartwarming that you care. it really is. Childlike in fact.
Speaking of family Commissioner -
JIM GORDEN - .I wasn't speaking about family Jules.
JULES - But you were James.But you were.Let me show you something cowboy.It's a file and we're not talking about what you get up to -in your spare time with Memphis. it's about your parents James. Tell me sport - why do you think you're god damn Jim Gordon in the piece? Do you think it was your genetics or your rearing that made you such a- just this- seeking man.
Both Jim. ..mathematically
.Now I'm not the only one who knows every damn thing done to you to make you Jim Gordon.----From Year One.
And trust me -you don't want to know how this information -concerning roast mules cooking can be played with -quite Beyond -messages sent as written text, broadcast sound or projected image- and trust me you don't want to find out
Denny Pace
July 12
In which the dissemination of Placed Semiotic Signifiers with the intent of causal reaction concerning predictive response beyond the reasonable understanding of the receiver of such message is grounds for criminal action. A Placed Semiotic Cue transmitted through written text, sound ,image and/ or foreseen methods disseminated to the public, unaware of symbolic association strategies regardless of the reasons is grounds for network license revocation unless such methods are explained in full to the public in a manner free of abstraction and obfuscation -
James Gordon ,Police Commissioner, Gotham City 2019

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