Saturday, August 19, 2017

Cal-ID- dough-mine

    Teams prefer "Proxy' to live in abject poverty - I do not know why
    It is bad for business. 
    Denny Pace
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    Denny Pace shared his photo.
    Many TIs kill themselves.
    Denny Pace
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    Denny Pace shared his photo.
    Many ,not all Proxy were purposely raised in very harsh environments to make them easier to Handle
    Denny Pace
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    Denny Pace shared his photo.
    Many Proxy turn to hard drugs to escape their "duties" as Biological 'filters' of stimuli
    Denny Pace
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    Jim Bloom shared his photo.
    So much of the testing was about psychopathology otherwise the data was  useless - the way they treated a "Proxy" was as's as if some researchers leafed through the DSM 5 every 4 months and decided how to best use electrical stimulation to engineer and next reverse engineer the condition ...
    Denny Pace 
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    Denny Pace shared his photo.
    What "man-ed " men want to do to Researchers ...( the "story" could never come out - never would- we 'd be justified in killing the lot of them ...even if we weren't - if people knew why we stuck a knife in their throats - gladly willing to go to prison - they would KNOW why it is a TI who murders anyone associated with the testing ( symbolically or otherwise) only gets a personal satisfaction -in no way shared by the community -unaware of the research - a protest, a march ( a blog entry , a post) mean nothing - do they - not for something NOT REAL --we would be protesting unicorns and big foot...can anyone but a TI understand - Oh one day you might dear reader...
    Denny Pace
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    Denny Pace shared his photo.
    How a "Proxy" Feels after Being involuntarily committed and warehoused on and off for years to hide the testing
    Denny Pace 
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    Denny Pace  shared his photo.
    What a Mandler Sees through a Proxy's eyes.
    Denny Pace
    May 3, 2011
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    Jim Bloom shared his photo.
    Mandler Shooting
    Denny Pace
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    did a "Mandler" really - see -out of a subject's eyes..
    or "read" their minds...HEAR their thoughts
    probably not..the point (synthetic telepathy) was to MAKE someone feel - as if - by disrupting nerve signals in the brain and nervous system to destroy sense - just as might a nerve weapons ...

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