Monday, April 20, 2015

Query Result Records / Parse Tree Ouery Language

Good Morning DDDDDDDDDumbo!
wakey wakey
today's lesson
concerns the basic
 Methodology to Extract Information from the Brain Waves in a Multi-Core Environment
Seeing and Hearing and feeling like fuckin' Dumbo all day long while he's busy
writing confusing little  demented stories..

to make us want to hurt him

 with  his own extracted  decode

Evan reels me a joust  of ".Hannibal "
str8 to cortex
.Ray Liotta eating his own brain

"swallowing his own brain.." Evan graphs.

upon gleaning the word "swallow"
I felt a tingling of Direct Energy
through my skull..
as if some technician who is very very small
fantastic voyage teeny tiny is in my actually brain playing my temporal lobe like a piano //pushing levers, dampening moods heightening hormones
I suddenly feel sexual-holographically  as if floatin gin mid air . I see a bird .A Swallow.

that Dumbo is called an IMPRINT
Evan imparts...graphing that he is
"breaking me in ..refitting me with New Cues
so I might "serve some function/learn new tricks
for ,at ,over and ..under  some of more puerile clients..
                         who are not so choosey concerning outward appearances ..

proactive sexual participants who WILL do things to you that will literally Make your head spin
or snap"..Evan graphs,
stuff the Co-Op saves for Old waste cases - hustlers...whores.junkies-"in the program"

these guys like hurting Proxy like you ..
most of them
in fact are in the Mind Augment. A.I. business
and want to meet certain Ruiners like  you face to face
bat to bone

machete tibia

"you want me to get out my straight razor and slit slot my throat..?I graph,
thinking to him the scene from some French Movie "

"you'll fuck it UP Dumbo...and have this nasty, nasty line all round 'your neck" Evan graphs

"Like a puppet might.." I graph not in the mood for this garbage"

"you have made me quite hesitant about getting into cars or hotels with strangers. Now all I think of is my fuckin' arms being cut off.. or is that an Imprint as well.."

' can't have that," Evan graphs.
                .I suddenly get very sleepy...

that's how it is when you are Mandled-
everything is -Suddenly
one rarely brushes their teeth before bed..
because bedtime is when ever they shut you down

Good Morning DDDDDDDDDumbo!
wakey wakey
we must first  de-noising the brain signal by studying Recurrent  Tendencies of  the human Organism's "Brain Map"
 which become  really a  Brain Fingerprint
 for a subsequent  comparative analysis of initial
 similar "thought styles"
so this way
we can like do a quick scan of  some weasel-ie looking RUINER
with  some facial recognition tech  , some pupil scanning ..
and a quick Brain Map
a la X -Ray
and see..hmmmmmm that guy thinks like a Dumbo
let's shoot this guy
or burn his house down
know what I mean jellybean?

I fall back to sleep again

The translation of brain signals  involves the combined use of Fast Fourier Transform and Feed Forward Backpropogation algorithm  After translation, the data is stored in a Parse Tree database . The information about the brain-waves can be obtained using biological sensing and transmitting materials such as carbon based nanotubes or wearable sensors that can use refractive or sonic  energy 'pulse .Obviously Electroencephalography can capture  raw brain impulses but this archaic means of Signal Collection  contains very little 'information" and  a lot of unwanted data. The closer one can get to the actual specific signal one is mining the more precisely and thus quickly  the signal can be  translated into a form that can be understood by humans. Dumbo and his ilk 's mindscape can be decoded  every nuance of his soul sickness stored in such a way that the entirety of THIS TYPE that nobody wants around no more- New World Porter style- or otherwise there will be ..and IS no more hiding anymore for the likes like you...who have polluted the populace for centuries and begets and begottens !..Maybe we'll store some of your Neural information that can  be retrieved so efficiently with "the apps"..and place  "the Dumbo" a little museum...with the "other" all might KNOW exactly who walks amongst us...seemingly innocent. But so devious and cunning in his intentions all Jews.

"and you did it again DUMBO!"Evan graphs
I was testing you
to see if you "had a handle on it"
on inverse variables
what DID we say about no imagery pertaining to the holocaust Being allowed in the Enway?*

.Brain communication occurs through electrical impulses. But understanding what these impulses represent can only be done by understand what was DONE to thee that holds the signals..and Dumbo..Perhaps I am mistaken but I do not recall in any of out interfaces YOU ever being in a concentration camp..

CONCENTRATION CAMP you sickkkkk fuck" I graph

so of course my mind automatically
thinks of images
pertaining to camps..death camps..

"wait .wait Dumbo..where did you see. these images of these camps?
On films..huh..because according to some of your jottings certain events.
were "set up" to make an impression..
isn't that what
you have thought
and have said...pertaining
to ....Sept Elev-----
"stopstopstop" I graph..but not in a panicked way. Strangely I am used to this..
THIS has been occurring over and over again 24/7 for years

"You can't have it both ways dumbo..that SOME things are REAL and some things ARE fabricated by the media..or what you are saying
what you are thinking DUMBO.
I believe is that the Holocaust was fabricated..

"what?"I graph..

'I am challenging you..." Evan graphs,,,changing his tune
perhaps realizing I am writing all he graphs down

"Like some Faggggit  stenographer. some little recording machine ..and that's all you are ...and don't you ever believe you are or were born to be anything else but a human experiment...a piece of ectoplasm..
to play with
know why cuz' your father sold you to us..why
because your mother ..was raped by one of YOUR TEAM Dumbo...drugged and little Dumbo would be born ...
course your mother's husband who I reckon you can "call dad" but ...
he sure knew
he wasn't your dad..which is why he ..hated you and your mother  enough to say MAKE THIS human organism
into a monster..
a shooter.
a whore.
a junkie
a faggit.
Luke I am your father Luke I am your father Luke I am your father ...'The Voice ,no longer sounding like Evan anymore says softer.than louder .than softer.than louder.
until the words mean less than the beat.the pulse.
the frequency and I fall asleep.again

Good Morning DDDDDDDDDumbo!
wakey wakey
using devices ,such as the ones your Team dosed you with are indeed capable of recording the  subject's senses and cognitions but often if one was raised to be a Husk like you were Dumbo...there is not very much "going on " that pertains to NORMALCY that might crossover as Consumer a freak such as your elusssssssive butterfly.....for this reason often we must re-arrange your some replication some semblance of a self not entirely your own...I feel the Ketamine signal..
and feel
just some regular kinda happy guy
who hears and sees shit all day and night
when the tempo changes.
The interface
changes '
in tune.
Evan is still Evan
but not
"the mean version of Evan"...that
version is Role Play...
to fix me
to help me get past the horrible things they had to do to me
for the sake of Science.

  "Look at it this way kiddo...Much like one can best test a patient's startle response by starting the patient ."

I had enough for the day
and the day has not even begun
I want Evan to put me back to sleep
and not ever wake up
I pop 3 Seroquels and an a Xanax..
and 3 or 4 Benadryl to curb some of the muscle tightening the Seroquel causes...I take a vitamin b complex ..the largest does.
to try to stifle off the tardive dyskinesia
that comes with the anti psychotics ..which have done nothing to "stop "the Voices'
nor has thorazine .Haldol.stelazine.risperdal

I see two tiny violins seemingly floating in mid air..

"two of the tiniest violins in da' wwwwwwwwwwwworld"Evan graphs...
his Tele-Presence the Great Gazoo..
all smiles
all green
all Harvey Korman he graphs ,"nobody cares bout '''the captive's little twwwoubles.
it's just soooooo much nnnnnnnnoise ...
 . and Noise Dear Dumbo is  may be an undesirable data which needs to be discarded from the actual set of signal. For example , if the subject is been asked to listen to a particular TV Show and the brain response is to be captured concerning his reaction to this particular TV show ..and this subject...decided he must smoke a cigarette...just while his team has locked upon the subject's "state of play" concerning the idiot's response an Beta  waver...hours of set up shot to shit cause the scumbo had to smoke when we graphed Oh please ..please no...and more and more so the participant became more and more of an opponent. More and more
 Dumbo caused "what should have been the experience of a lifetime for both sides
 ..into what it has become..

what has it become..
is what it was I think to my self from day one....Psychotronic Torture

and because I dare think this

I feel pain around the back of my head

"now I caught that pain signal Dumbo
and I can easily
vivisect that sensory data
from the tawdry ruminations of "i cannnttakethisanymore I must find the strength  to killmyself
from your brain signals that transmit what you see in real time
-that pricey straight" razor  AND THAT GODDAMN WHITE NOISE  MACHINE you have turned on when we asked you
to "play fair" you fuckin' dead man

suddenly my mood is lightened.
as is Evan's

sometimes we must revert to inducing pain upon the subject
via direct energy
especially when a subject
refuses to meet us half way

 .  so PAIN is used as a quantifier ,as a means of  deduction concerning  Principle Component Analysis (PCA) which  involves the linear combination of original variables and whatever new set of variable has been introduced .PAIN DUMBO
and if you think it hurts
 so help me
you should pray to that jew God of yours you .Have >no >idea .what .we can do to you. when .maybe
just for a moment.
IT was being done FOR you

I feel my muscles tighten ..and feel the press on an old
shoulder injury

to dislocate NOISE from Neural Data  A different technique for Mind Translation OFTEN USED called RQNN (Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks) . In this technique,  brain signals are sent to a neural lattice. Here, a quantum object mediates the collective response of the neural lattice. Similar technique has also been achieved with  Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) . On applying DWT, the signal gives an approximate signal and the detailed signal which can be used  and processed with the  Mean Square Error method (MSE) . The use of an algorithm called Feed Forward Back Propagation algorithm, employs the technique of propagating errors in order to ensure the errors are obtained.  Now, there will be errors in the neural network. But, the errors are reflected only in the output layers hence, it’s not taken into consideration while processing. Therefore, these outputs are again back-propagated to the hidden layers to ensure these errors are taken care of; hence the name; “Back Propagation Algorithm”.

  the signal is analyzed at various frequency bands in order to obtain approximate, but detailed information. Here, high-pass and low-pass filters are used consecutively in order to decompose the signal simultaneously. This can be done using the DWT function in MATLAB . DWT has the ability to capture the transient features and can be localized in both frequency and time domains accurately. OTHER METHODS OF ANALYZING A HUMAN ORGANISMS'S THOUGHTS.  ARE FOUND BY SOME  RESEARCHERS AND MENTORS  to be  more computationally efficient for constructing bi-orthogonal wavelets for decoding purposes.
for instance jewboi  a Kalman filter is often  used as a real time processing algorithm. Now that we have the decoded information, we must  judiciously store this information with good techniques for fast and efficient retrieval.  A technique called Combining Tag and Value Similarity is effective and efficient in this regard ..oooooh  You, who have no regard for anyone..

. The  technique that was meant to segment aspects of for one's being into Query Result Records (QRR) that can automatically extract  useful Neural Data from useless your case was a waste of everybody's time...These is nothing whatsoever of any use..about you ..even your provoked potentials concerning television viewing has been found Aberrant. And therefore of no use whatsoever to any demographic that I am aware of.....   Mind Mining . is performed by taking into consideration, both a subject's  previously processed data and the unprocessed data one acquires via a successful Brain Link concerning sensory, cognitive and emotive interface . Incremental Information Extraction relies a great deal on the subject accepting the fact that he or she is being provoked to alter their mind set to a more standardized ,normal ,healthy base line..which brings us back and back again to the subject of what YOU OWE US financially for wasting both our time and many of our shareholder's trust   Data like parse trees can’t be managed efficiently as the  computation of the entire:" corpus" is  computationally expensive ,especially when the subject goes out of his or her way to alter their (and thus our neural data) with street drugs,alcohol ,nicotine,benzodiazpine,neuroleptics  and self abuse concerning other 'deviant means of " release"   Parse Tree Query Language (PTQL) lacks support for common features like Regular Expression .A proposed hybrid model  encompasses the techniques aforementioned to develop a system which is capable of extracting  brain waves, decoding them  and storing this data  in such a way that retrieving and thus using this data to "talk back" to a subject's mind  is both simple and efficient.  The system has six phases in all. They are: A. Signal Acquistion B. Brain Signal Isolation C. Brain Signal Translation D. Data Arranging E. Facilitating parallel approach  F. Creating a Buffer  Brain Signal Translation focuses on  de-noised brain signals which can be  translated from “waves” to “human understandable languages”. This is done using Fast Fourier Transformations and Natural Language Processing based techniques . This involves properly arranging the data in order to enable speedy information searching. The data is arranged using the Combined Tag Value Similarity . The data is made compatible for parallel data extraction using multi-threading technique. This is especially important to improve the overall performance of the system. The Combined Tag Value Similarity Technique  coupled with Parallel Approach greatly enhances the performance of the transcription and re-sequencing of sensory, emotional and cognitive  output of the subject so this information can serve as template to create Deep Learning Programs focused on the needs of a subject/client concerning consumerism.

 After a subject's data is decoded and analyzed  the subject and his Tele-Presence must work together to create a Buffer Database so both the Tele-Operator and the Subject will feel comfortable using only the "Language of Thought". The creation of the buffer depends very much on the Tele-Operator wanting the subject to FEEL the interface is as non-intrusive as possible. If However the subject has gone out of his way to MAKE the excruciating task of Neural Acquisition a chore to his or her Tele-Operators  the Tele-Operator has every right to 'pay back ' the subject ,in kind.

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*Evan brings up the question he's been asking me for years,"How many seconds should pass between an image of Anne Frank on a TV and a Dunkin' Donuts ad..why you think I keep calling you jew this and Jew that idiot..because with A.I. there can be NO Anne Frank ...or no imagery from the during a Direct Neural Interface IMAGERY becomes weapon..."

Evan explains that that's "THE JEWISH PROBLEM"

I try to blank out my mind....I know what he wants me to start wrting's in the notebooks they sent me .The one's Denny Pace was interfaced to write before he killed's about altering all symbols involved with the holocaust to ....1966 occultism red ,white and black...

I graph to him what about OTHER human atrocities ...are people really supposed to think only of unicorns and rainbows..

YES!Evan graphs
and you ARE going to write about Substitutional Represetation
concerning the Holocaust...or you will dead like Denny Pace...

"How long should a person WAIT before jerking off? after one sees a broadcast of the Twin Towers going down...4 minutes? 8 minutes?

I pass out...or what Evan calls Fugue state...

"can't you make a buffer that swings mental imagery....from atrocities to..."

"Sex",Evan graphs....

"...I want no part of this I never did "

"you owe us"Evan says,"nobody rides for free..;

"nor gets over -rides they NEVER WANTED! huh?"

I graph ,that I will visit a Rabbi...and discuss this matter

and Evan graphs sarcastically ,' oh hello rabbi .I communicate with a research lab that placed biochips in my blood stream for A.I. studies and to investigate Brain Computer Interface...which as you may or may not know ...involved visual imagery moreso than words...and the Holocaust is a problem...and anything that "makes one think of the Holocaust" a lampshade,a chimney with smoke coming out of cars..grainy black and white footage..of...this or that...and my 'Mandler" wants to create a computer program that "buffers" these associations 'The New Way"wants to slowly...I mean rapidly ERASE from the public's collective this disturbing visual accumulated data
disturbs the pleasures of a Mind to Mind rabbi can you help me help proxyCyber ,a mind augment agency that quite literally OWNS me...and has threatened to torture me physically and physically until I can "Help them: find a way of making a computer program to "work" with an Intra-cerebral interface that shifts 1938-1945 to a New York Night Club 1966..,"Evan pauses," yeah...I can imagine first the rabbi slapping you in the face next throwing you out the door...."

"you're a disgusting man Evan," I graph

""and you Dumbo are a childish man....I presumed was sophisticated enough to understand IMAGERY and CONTEXT and  REFERENTIAL ASSOCIATIONS
based on CUES!..Your Holocaust!Dumbo! will destroy A.I. and Brain Computer Interface ! before it even gets off the ground!"

"MY Holocaust?." I graph

"Yes ..yours..when those images are in your mind or something makes your THINK of those far as I am concerned YOU are attacking me with this imagery..YOU are placing these images in MY MIND...and we must TOGETHER find a get around certain aspects ingrained on the collective consciousness...and we need a Jew to find a reasonable and respectful way of introducing this topic..."

"well,it won't be me,' I graph

"OK..than YOU will be responsible for us having to USE another Jew who will inevitably kill himself going through years of "Training"Evan graphs

"training?is that what you call's psychotronic torture's holding another hostage with invisible bars..,I graph back

"oh you enjoy it most of the were Born for It...scumbo...and you are going to help us develop it ...further...with 1966
thinking to replace 1936 symbols...with equivoicals based on mathematic principles  of inverse
variables...I will help you Dumbo...I will help you NOT THINK ..and just DO ,just WRITE what we say.....


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