Virtual reality - a connection of computer graphics with interaction "man - computer"helps us understand the new language of "thought" . . . Tele-presence enables a person "app-ed " or rendered for such to be both a "man" in his own right but also "many men" to relate to whomever one at his helm decides to Tele-logue upon the user who has the biotech which allows the Proxy to interact with artificial agents or personalities. It may take years for a man "gifted" with Merge to overcome his initial artificial "need" for a closed mind to feel as if he is being 'invaded or conquered . Without "ease of entry" neither the Operating Tele-Presence OR the Proxy can
generate an effect referred to as "flow" This is - a sense of oneness- with the machine and or "team . When the subject overcomes the barrier of the intrusion, then what was first taken as abduction or "mind rape" becomes second nature. Virtual Reality requires an open mind and thus an open window to the brain's
sensory receptors.. We have seven main senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, balance and orientation. The brain integrates all of these signals from all receptors and next compares the new data one receives from an Operating Tele-Presence with what "inner vision "and "previously private monologue " that already exists in the subject's memory and Real Time Adaptives.
One of the main problems in the development of virtual reality is that the Proxy becomes defiant and closed off to overlapping sensory data inevitably causing the Tele-Operator to have to chide the Proxy back to the adventure. Often the OT is forced to interface upon the disgruntled dissonant or disturbing (often demonic)perceptions, especially if the Proxy refuses to stay in "flow" with his or her Operating -Tele-Presence who has little choice but to reel the subject back to the New Way with contradictory, disorientating or threatening tutelage . The Operating -Tele-Presence often becomes furious that the Proxy is blocking his or her interface with mendacity or heightening the mundane-ness of the Proxy 's day to day ,thought to thought life...or reemphasizing their "need' for 'alone time" although it has been explained that the interface must be 24/7 so the Proxy does not have to readjust constantly to "the situation" Merge.
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