Friday, April 24, 2015

august 1969/grassy knoll/grassy roles

your POSTS concerning the subjects you have concerned yourself with
(these subjects that have concerned themselves with you ...YOU being -a Human Subject
are not SAFE SUBJECTS to POST  UNLESS one understands the premise of Diminutives and Nullification of Content. order to present certain truths one must also be prepared to offset their credibility by deliberately discussing subjects that render void  a previous post's integrity and therefore your own  For example, when you write about Hollywood  and it's sway upon a populace's ears and eyes and mind and introduce the topic that "it might Go Without Saying"  therefore...
that the writers ,actors  etc.  may or may not have been groomed to "play these important roles" ( i.e . Monarch programming )or what ,for now we may as well call The Illuminati ONLY in as much as the term "Illuminati" serves our case that certain words ,by design (and by MEDIA -a-tion) ARE  examples of certain words serving to nullify  of one's credibility. Meaning , if one such as yourself chooses (perhaps unwisely ) to continue describing Advanced Technology and Human and Social Experiments it is in one's best interest to continuously add posts that "cancel out" any relevance you might have attained -for instance- your post about  "the same Hollywood that set up Roman Polanski Twice..." is a marvelous example of  the writer completely marginalizing his attempt to act as reliable narrator....because "this last statement" seems to concern the incredulous implications of Hollywood setting up Roman Polanski- insinuating  that (a) Charles Manson was allegedly used by certain "change agents' agency to "test mind assuagement techniques" (MK ULTRA).and that (b) Manson was given great leeway concerning "Tests concerning Coercion, Drugs ,Group Dynamics and "Collateral Damage"This post in particular  emphasizes how disinformation is based on "a shadow of doubt" as much as "a shadow of truth".Also this post also  reintroduces the notion  that certain "happenings" might be pre-staged to cause instantaneous shifts in the culture ..and therefore the Collective Consciousness's perception of Reality..In the case presented - a Realty Test" concerning "what can happen" if   a younger generation attempts to not only denounce but also destabilize   social structures  that had been created for centuries to ensure that society would not become "unhinged "based on radicalism and communal living strategies not based on  mass consumption 
What is peculiar about the Manson case is that Manson was given the "jist "of his role by actor  Bobby  Beausoleil,that "the point of "The Family",after enough data was collected concerning "sociological testing "pertaining to -How much control a charismatic could have over an individual or individuals. This information now quantified  The Family would participate in a staged "event" to insinuate upon the culture= that staid rules of social control when allowed to be put aside- can and would cause an inevitable escalation of the "Have  Nots" wanting what "the Have's "acquired..In the "Never Let the Right Hand Know what the Left is Doing "Bobby Beausoliel  deliberately  convoluted the "reasoning" for  "A Happening" to take place ...Charlie" had to remain un aware that -"Deviant  Social Structures" were to be  "placed  on trial".Beausolei ,taking a page from MK ULTRA used  Manson's own ingrained  Grandiosity  of "what would or could ' happen when rigid societal  controls are enticed to fal by the wayside

I am confused.
I have just woken up..

I am not sure if I am being applauded or "given a talking to

"do we EVER applaud you Dumbo?" Evan graphs
"no," I graph back
"so this means what?"Evan graphs
"This means I am to listen.." I Graph

when one is given what they had referred to as "a pack*"one's mind doesn't register the information through mere words but
through what I can only explain as instant understanding..

 the presented as an idea ...rather than a verbal explanation..

*Pack Learning (thought transference ) -to receive non verbal, non visual information via Brain Computer or Direct Neural Interface via neural prosthetics  - involving Deep Learning via Artificial Intelligence  - accomplished by the large fiber tracts in the brain  that form webs and neural pathways of electrical field that surround these dendritic "trees" "spiked ' with bio technology. "Pack" learning (instant understanding) or "Pack" processing  occurs  in dendritic  trees entangled but not in direct contact with section of mind "lit" by electronic imbue . In this way, processing in the brain can occur in a non-localized manner. This type of processing is properly described by Dennis Gabor, the inventor of hologram, as quanta of information he called a "holon", an energy-based concept of information retention. The same  wavelets used in quantum holography are also the basis of MRI, PET scans and other image processing procedures
Gabor wavelets are windowed Fourier transforms that convert complex spatial (and temporal) patterns into component waves whose amplitudes at their intersections become reinforced or diminished. Fourier processes are the basis of holography. Holograms can correlate and store a huge amount of information - and have the advantage that the inverse transform returns the results of correlation into the spatial and temporal patterns that guide us in navigating our universe.
David Bohm  had suggested that were we to view the cosmos without the lenses that outfit our telescopes, the universe would appear to us as a hologram. Pribram extended this insight by noting that were we deprived of the lenses of our eyes and the lens like processes of our other sensory receptors, we would be immersed in holographic experiences.


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