Sunday, April 19, 2015

swailing /Inway to the Enway

usually the fires me and XXXX set are easy to put out with just a big keg of water that XXXX keeps in the truck in case of an emergency-October  19 th 1994

   but this time
 we had to use the fire extinguisher, in the end
  XXXX said the chemical in the stuff inside the fire extinguisher are  not good for the first  he is hesitant  to use it... and that we will just take a "wait and see" attitude towards the fire ..

this time XXXX told me to light the small section of woods on fire myself
while he ripped some copper wiring out of some half finished housing development
near by
according to XXXX we are not only doing nature a favor
doing what he calls. Controlled burns...( or prescribed burning, also known as hazard reduction burning (HRB), backfire.
 Swailing, is a technique sometimes used in forest management, farming, prairie restoration and greenhouse gas abatement. Hazard reduction or controlled burning is conducted during the cooler months to reduce fuel buildup and decrease the likelihood of serious hotter fires. Controlled burning stimulates the germination of some desirable forest trees, thus renewing the forest*)

XXXX says that Swailing
is also GOOD for the Emanations in one's body to observe.
So one's pent up Bad Emanations  may follow example suit of the smoke rising and leaving
it's source.
XXXX says since the beginning of Mankind people have set fires to show their Bad Emanations
where to go.

XXXX said on our first fire flight "
 Indigo Children and Monarch Children need to find one another so their opposite extreme can Mentor their Soul Mate to renounce their tether to CUES and ASSOCIATIONS  to develop a strong sense of who they are and that The Children of Gary Rainy must prove that they can survive in the Emerald Forrest  and also burn an Illuminated  pathway through this forest so others raised like them
can be shown The New Way.


XXXX says the fire  THIS TIME has to be especially large
because I punched him in the stomach
but the fire got out of hand...
so out of hand that XXXX drove away without any copper.

I watched it burn and burn getting closer and closer to the development...and just kinda' started running around in circles..
like holding my head like an idiot.
Till I heard XXXX 's van pull up...

"see what happens when you work alone?" XXXX says,telling me to get in the van

XXXX,dressed all in one of the man uniforms he owns ...
literally walks into the fire
and begins spraying it...
luckily it goes out...

I am in a big hurry to leave. Cause I see even though it is night and the fire is out
billows of black smoke are still emanating skyward.

"Let's go ,Let's Go, "I tell XXXX who has gotten in the van but just sits there..

"First ,I need you to get out of the truck,"He says lighting a pack of matches and pushing them real close to my eyes.."

I get out of the truck and XXXX tells me to stand in front of the smoldering
so he can get a picture  of my in front of the controlled burn

He tells me to smile,like I enjoyed doing what I did..

"You told me it was us doing a community service" I say,not smiling

"It is...that's why I need documentation that you were willing to grow by steeping further up the rungs of the ladder to the Enway"

 * to re-seed a Target's discretization a Target's handler should utilize  false evidence and deceitful recordings and photographs in case the TI  needs to be reminded that "he or she's backstory" has already been written in a manner that will "recast" their narrative in such a way that was created to 'character assassinate' the Target well in advance of the Target being used for Sociological and Science based Human Research studies. The handler (or "Mandler) must always  they effectively control  the Proxy by always keeping the Target deceived "that what he is doing IS FOR his COUNTRY and THE GREATER GOOD .These"more with honey than vinegar " approaches to "stage managing" a Human Guinea Pig  are often more effective than  bullying and intimidation techniques as KINDNESS and a suitably UNSUITABLE LOVE INTEREST often  renders the  Target submissive and easily assuaged. The introduction of a suitably unsuitable love interest (often ,in terms of LOOKS  or SOCIAL STATUS "out of the Target's numerous brain studies subjects who saw photographs of cute baby animals performed better on tasks involving coercive behavior  ) can foster a "nesting period" which a Handler can easily "spin" to  isolation, which can than  gradually spiral the  Target into a state of depression and a secluded state of hibernation; causing them in-effect to alienate themselves from others .This manipulated  despondency can act as a SCENE SETTING for the "Love Interest" to convolute the Target's affinities when aspect's of  "the fem or HIM Fatale "true nature reveal. A "good love gone bad" especially when the Placed Person 's essence enters the Target's bank account, residence and heart is a very nice Establishing Shot for a" paper trail" Psychiatric diagnosis. Especially important ,is that a Targeted Individual being used for Direct Energy Testing see a neurologist who can add the diagnosis of "Malingering " or "Psycho somatic " to the Target's file. 

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