Thursday, April 23, 2015

this video serve 2 purposes..

Presenting the information in a thoughtful, restrained manner

and how the 'remix" of this information using "powerpoint type" graphics NOT meant to help "mainstream" the Dr's credibility BUT in fact to "minimize and stylize" the content toward "the lowest common denominator" of "tin foil hat" hysterics

“Because Psychotronic weapons and Radio frequency weaponry that are tuned to act upon our RNA , DNA and sensitive "electromagnetism" that the human brain signal "runs on" are invisible  there must be a unique transparency to the discussion of these  weapons.the invisible nature of 'beam " technology "wireless" weapons are what makes these unique and terrifying weapons such 'assets: to our arsenal? We are not longer in apposition as citizens to sway the  government  to disclose these WMD which only work best within the framework of the continental United States (who are these weapons than to be used on? Is there an assumption that some day "the meek" might "wise up" and need to be quelled..Psychotronic Weapons that are of little use outside the continental USA can not for this reason keep hiding under the Homeland Securities the system (see HARRP) was designed to protect "us" from the so called enemy within. The Government must be willing to share data and findings between private labs , academia and  the military.. who  must "wake up to fact that neither Artificial Intelligence ,Brain Emulation and Human/Computer Interface is NOT being designed for medical enhancement but{ for foreseen ,pre emptive} "crowd control.

 At the TECOM Technology Symposium in 1997 the subject was openly discussed - that consideration concerning ethics  determining the effects and risks  of non lethal brain entrainment weapons  over shadowed a one single  individual's health and welfare

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