Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Parasol Pictures goes Straight to Cortex on "Gamers" who Need Help Going " Interactive"

Why "The Lawnmower Man" Case Won't Go Away nor Ever Be Tried In A Court of Law by Indis O'Say
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) demonstrate difficulty with social interactions and relationships, but the neural mechanisms underlying these difficulties remain largely unknown. While social difficulties in ASD are most apparent in the context of interactions with other people, most neuroscience research investigating ASD have provided limited insight into the complex dynamics of these interactions. The development of novel, innovative "interactive social neuroscience" methods to study the brain in contexts with two interacting humans is a necessary advance for ASD research. Direct Neural Interface allows an Individual to interact  by thought alone with one or several "teams of  researchers in the burgeoning field of  Mind  Assuagement with Neural Prosthetics.Studies applying an interactive technology based  approach to studying how an individual with autism perceives the world will also allow the Gaming Industry with significant neural data concerning mind thought  and sensory based  interaction  unique to an individual literally trapped inside his or her own head.

Merge Proxycyber in  partnership with Parasol Pictures and Neuronautics according to CEO Valerie Prentis is  not for everyone...and refuses to discuss the many lawsuits against the Direct Neural research division from participants who claim "they participation "was nonconsensual and furthermore that Parasol and especially Neuronautics ,trained to operate Tele-Presence tech use both the "Participant" and the imbedded "apps" in a manner one "consumer" of Merge product who is sue-ing both corporations  for using straight to cortex "Tv" in an abusive manner ,one claimant states  ,"that one's Tele-Operator ,who at first , might be patient  soon gives up on  trying "to fix you" and than " like ,..goes all shaken baby syndrome on you"with Virtual Reality you literally can't turn off"and that once one has been 'app-ed" one "has no say" in what images and story is introduced into their cortex /senses ,emotions 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Tru Christie ,a licensed Steersman laughs at the claim "that any such monkey business occurred...and that yes ,of course sometimes a Tele-Operated got a bit exuberant but never,ever abusive.Tru Christie  ,a second generation Neuronaut and level 9  Operating Tele-Presence (or OT) responded to claimants "that these punks give as good as they get ...and that 2 -Way definition goes  2 ways...and that he would be  excited to have" his day" in court..not just to show off the  new technology...but demonstrate  the liability of one "rendered Transhumanistic",who refuses to "play fair" with the aid of the participant's recorded Neural Data . Tru Christie explains that "if you saw what I see...and hear through these Proxies ,believe me would know first hand what we're working with here...and if anyone's a victim it's usually the Operating Tele-Operator and not the Participant .Tru Christ explains that first and foremost Parasol 's Direct Neural Interface Division is a gaming company that needs to often go to extreme lengths to "Make the participant " better while at the same time attempting to "bypass  the disability " of one who seeks respite in their own senses and own "story" which we ,the OT one the other side of the interface must endure and also ignore 24/7 to focus of creating a consumer product not entirely based on the whiny ,self centered  crybaby aspects of  many so called Autistic malingerers .Tru Christie claims that nobody in the "game" did not sign a consent form and many "so called" Autistics  often have underlying Personality Disorders or ,"believe me ...they wouldn't be sue-ing anyone who has gone to this length to save Them from themselves"..with any Neural Prosthetics.Because the technology has implications and uses as a weapon,many claimants have been told they cannot "have their day in court" until such a time that 'Homeland Defense" is satisfied that no threat from outside elements from other countries developing nano neural technology not as  a Game or a Behavioral Tool but as a way of inducing an entirely new means of terrorism upon the free world.

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