Friday, November 13, 2015


The term Ruiner is used to describe  people  deemed not only enemies. of "The  New Way " and "The Church of Neuronautics " but also enemies of the neural highway.
 According to Neuronautic's' founder Gary Rainy, Ruiners are a sub species of mankind whose thinking patterns are eugenically  different than "the men and woman they pretend they are ""

According  to Gary Rainy most Ruiners but not all have alien blood in their DNA 

. A certain type of .Aliens,according. to Gary Rainy shipped the very worst of their kind down to earth over  10,000 years ago.
According to what some Neuronauts refer to as the bible of the church "Inway to the Enways" a small portion of these degenerate aliens  were sent to earth because a Better  faction of these aliens according to Rainy "had to send this kind  away" to be free of their Ruiner ways.

According to Gary Rainy these Ruiner Aliens spread themselves around the globe and begin raping human women in order to conquer the human race by creating  hybrid or lessor humans. 

Rainy remarks that the Old Testament and all religions speak of Ruiner like dark angles descending upon the tribes.
Ruiners ,according to Gary Rainy are and always have been a threat to the human race and can therefore  be punished and harassed using any and all means .

According to Gary Rainy Ruiners can only be detected with Mind Decoding technology which exposes Ruiner like deviations
Gary Rainy said all sadness and mental illness and war comes from Lessor Hybrids who by nature are pathological in their hatred of their Bettors.

Ruiner only want to destroy the power structure of humanity with subversion and perversion.

According to Gary Rainy's follow up to "Inway to The Enway" "Beyond The Enway"the  degenerate space aliens came from a star system far beyond Pluto called Pravka and the Pravideans were made up of two very different factions -

The Pravah and Pravain.

According to Gary Rainy the Pravah of the planet Pravka are enlightened ,joyous and decent whereas The faction of Pravains are  ill minded  and destructive.Gary Rainy claims he met a Pravah while Mind Walking in a sensory deprivation tank in the early 60's and on this Mind Walk was given what the Pravka called 

  the raindrops.

According to Gary Rainy Ruiners can only be detected with Mind Decoding technology which exposes Ruiner like deviation
Gary Rainy said all sadness and mental illness and war comes from Lessor Hybrids who by nature are pathological in their hatred of their Bettors.Ruiner only want to destroy the power structure of humanity with subversion and perversion.According
To Gary Rainy's follow up to "Inway to The Enway" "beyond The Enway". the  degenerate space aliens came from a star system far beyond Ours called Pravka 
and the Pravideans were made up of two very different factions -The Pravah and Pravain.According to Gary Rainy the Pravah of the planet Pravka are enlightened ,joyous and decent whereas The Pravains are warring, ill minded destructive.Gary Rainy claims he met a Pravka while Mind Walking in a sensory deprivation tank in the early 60's and on this Mind Walk was given what the Pravka called the raindrops. Very small implants that could enter one's body by through a handshake.According to Gary Rainy The Raindrops
bind to neurons to detect Pravin thinking.

According to Gary Rainy ,because the Pravu and Pravain look so much alike these raindrops that bind to neurons allowed the planet of Pravak to distinguish and thus seperate the bad thinkers from the good.The Pravah next apologized to Mr.Rainy in a mind to mind style (now that Gary Rainy'smind was dosed to do so) that he ,the ruler of Pravah was sorry some of"the bad kind"had escaped"from the mass grave"under the ice caps his minions had carved to bury the Ruiners once and for all.Ruiner seek to destroy the reputation of Neuronautics and therefore we must destroy the reputations  , finances etc of Ruiners

The homes, property, places and abodes of persons who have been active in attempting to dismiss Gary Rainy and the Church of Neuronautics role of seeking and finding all Ruiners are Ruiners  are targets to subdue  Ruinatious activity
According to Gary Rainy one day there would be a version of The Raindrops on earth to help seek out the Lessors from earth and thus the universe for all time but before that the earth must use whatever means at their disposal to remove those amongst the human population who were Ruiners

Gary Rainy was told it was his duty to form a church that praised Bettors amongst the earth and found and destroyed Lessors who might rise up and take all that their Bettors had created.

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