Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blue Book

Indis O'Say
was asked to write the a draft for" The Face Taker"...
he had done so  well re writing "Let Us Be Conquered"

as a Young Adult novel....

the same story about an alien invasion of beings far superior than humans 
the publisher suggested
 but one version as  told from a 16 year old girl's perspective
and another version told from a 16 year old boy's version

the books for the boys would have a pink cover
and the version of the "Let Us Be Conquered would have a baby blue cover
just to "jazz things up a bit," the publishing agent said,"just to ,make the reader feel like he or she was doing something provocative just buy purchasing the book..."

both versions.
written in first person of Sara and Jacob
what it felt like to
give up ego
and selfish thoughts
going through what the Being called the "Great Unlearning"

that would allow
"The New Way"

"How foolish it would be to try to hold on to Old Ways...
it would be like a young woman holding onto to a doll...or a teddy bear"

think for a moment what would have happened to a giraffe
if it could somehow
sat 'NO,NO.I will not grow ..I will NOT adapt..I prefer to stay as I am!"

would you believe me if I told you that at that moment
I saw a wonderful giraffe in the corner of my room?
an image of "giraffe"
just the right scale and height
The Being knew I would not be afraid of.

The Being could be so playful sometimes
and yet so severe
in it's teachings

especially when I became
self conscious about my private thoughts
private no more

"who are you now Sara? Are you Eve? in This Wonder Garden?
Covering yourself in shame with WithHold which I can only read  as rejection of Attainment and illumination."

The Voice

that she and her collective  species
were foolish
and arrogant
to insist that they could not be empowered
a power Greater than Themselves
"but instead you cower from Evolvement "
from a being 
of an Intelligence 
far superior to your own ."

in the novel Sara
begins to embrace
the  Intelligence  that could not only Read her Minds but also impart new and unique Thinking styles upon her
and presumable
all her fellow  earthlings
so long as they did not
attempt to
in any way buffer or hide their thoughts

in chapter 9 Sara has a "salon" with the Being who now appears as an angelic presence
Sara graphs her thoughts ,now tempered through much practice toward a style of "speak without speaking"Mind to Mind
about what happens to those of us
whose thoughts and thinking styles
are found Unresolvable by Intervention?
and the Being
emits to Sara that she should not worry about such things
that Higher Beings
will and have always made sure
is a
for those
that will not or cannot
be "part of progress and the new perfection of Our Times"

the Beings throughout  called simple the Beings
could also
offer the human a "co -conscious" experience
that allowed
the Beings to understand  how the earthlings
 saw heard touched and tasted

"the beings could SEE and HEAR out of me," Sara ,the heroine in "Let Us Be Conquered"(blue)writes in her journal in Chapter 3 .."they somehow knew my every thought...I felt as if I was being collected and studies ...and categorized...

Next the Being ,it's voice ,now sounding kinder and more pleasant as ever a voice,or any voice I ever heard said

"did Jesus feel he was being invaded by his heavenly father/"

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