visual occipital over ride/overlay techniques for pruning self referential thought combined with "community theater" cues for self correction
Visual Tele Presence Bombardment .... using a symbol based system which in time will mold and modify behavior through associations until a co beneficial language of cued is established. Occipital Overlay as a technique to scare off unbeneficial styles of thinking that are not co-productive
.... learn what induced references may open key neural networks that produce self referential thought cascades
if done correctly .the mentor will himself be overwhelmed by the subject previous"withholds (I pissed my pants at my mothers birthday when I was eleven, I stole a pack of Camels , I watched my cousin rape a chambermaid and said nothing..
You will be amazed at the secrets that are held behind one key "With hold"
Do not acknowledge the landslide of information that one has gleaned...focus instead on mirroring second to second thought with :lessons in self buffering" The subject will assume you have only recently "caught up " with him... you will soon find out which thoughts he becomes self conscious that YOU MIGHT HAVE he will release a second gusher of thoughts that are in league: with his most guarded REVEAL. Again preemptively begin or resume "soft speak "lessons " in building self attenuated buffers ,,large rooms with patterned tapestry..."
system "overload "which will teach the subject what is expected of him during interface and what type of thinking is non beneficial to interface specifically what tendencies of thought must be disregarded for Open Mind Technology to work
insist through strength not empathy
...demonstrate by display not explanation
...instigate a "with hold" and enact a complete 5 sense over the subject he cannot "win" or fight the situation/the "machine".
Convince subject that if he tries to resist the interface(with rhymes or counting backwards or any number of time wasting measures he will pay not only by psychotronic harassment but might be driven to genuine madness by using a loop to repeat back to subject hours of their buffer, their inevitable rhymes or counting backwards. Remind the subject that you have the power to play these "attacks" back to the subject for the rest of his a series of pre recorded amplitudes and a hint of emotional overlap of a schizophrenics Hz frequency along side generic "Loop" of emphasized "familiar" sounds of obvious characterized simulations of exaggerated lunacy. Slowly re introduce yourself as a Mentor ,a guide who will never do this again..if the subject at least 'tries" to work within the confines that you BOTH must work ,remind subject that mind to mind interface is an art...
.assure the subject that he will face penalties and bodily harm for his shirking of civic responsibility to and toward the development of "the process"
make the subject understand that THIS was not an unwarranted involvement ..that the subject brought his participation in the study upon himself... instigate disclosure of all things he might have done be responsible for neural monitoring and suitable for thought transcription ,remind him that "the process and the interface are for his own benefit ,to "make him a better person" and remind him that "this unwanted interface" is a game, something other people might even pay to have one day. Remind the subject that this endeavor would be 'fun" for anyone but himself, who is afraid of everything a genuine MAN would be glad to "be a part of" remind the subject that the occipital over lays 'are far out" and "are a gift" for his compliance and participation. Remind him that he can be either hurt or helped by how he perceives "the events taking place"
make him understand that the Mentor/Mentee system has no use for either memories or sentimentalities of self based thought nor reminiscing ,recalling of events which will only embarrass the subject.."
Remind the subject that remembrances interfere with a seamless Mind to Mind correspondence
search the subject's conscious and subconscious for "easy wins" that will humiliate the Mentee into submissive disambiguation ...the mentor must be careful only to pick at "thought clusters" that will not re-awaken other branches of unwanted thought styles that are not beneficial to "group thought "unless it is beneficial for the mentor to shame the subject into releasing more "with hold "prior to enacting a sequence of "release" remember to have a lesson presented that is for the subject's sake...pertaining to creating co-adaptive buffer systems. This will also cause the subject's unconscious to "think about " things they do not wish to 'share
indoctrinate the subject with fears based on his own self referential style. If done correctly in time the subject's consciousness will lose all impetus to return to useless imprints and the subject will remember that YOU were there to watch them fight their fear ..remote neural monitoring brings about discovery which can be used as leverage and co -dependence..
Visual Tele Presence Bombardment .... using a symbol based system which in time will mold and modify behavior through associations until a co beneficial language of cued is established. Occipital Overlay as a technique to scare off unbeneficial styles of thinking that are not co-productive
.... learn what induced references may open key neural networks that produce self referential thought cascades
if done correctly .the mentor will himself be overwhelmed by the subject previous"withholds (I pissed my pants at my mothers birthday when I was eleven, I stole a pack of Camels , I watched my cousin rape a chambermaid and said nothing..
You will be amazed at the secrets that are held behind one key "With hold"
Do not acknowledge the landslide of information that one has gleaned...focus instead on mirroring second to second thought with :lessons in self buffering" The subject will assume you have only recently "caught up " with him... you will soon find out which thoughts he becomes self conscious that YOU MIGHT HAVE he will release a second gusher of thoughts that are in league: with his most guarded REVEAL. Again preemptively begin or resume "soft speak "lessons " in building self attenuated buffers ,,large rooms with patterned tapestry..."
system "overload "which will teach the subject what is expected of him during interface and what type of thinking is non beneficial to interface specifically what tendencies of thought must be disregarded for Open Mind Technology to work

...demonstrate by display not explanation
...instigate a "with hold" and enact a complete 5 sense over the subject he cannot "win" or fight the situation/the "machine".
Convince subject that if he tries to resist the interface(with rhymes or counting backwards or any number of time wasting measures he will pay not only by psychotronic harassment but might be driven to genuine madness by using a loop to repeat back to subject hours of their buffer, their inevitable rhymes or counting backwards. Remind the subject that you have the power to play these "attacks" back to the subject for the rest of his a series of pre recorded amplitudes and a hint of emotional overlap of a schizophrenics Hz frequency along side generic "Loop" of emphasized "familiar" sounds of obvious characterized simulations of exaggerated lunacy. Slowly re introduce yourself as a Mentor ,a guide who will never do this again..if the subject at least 'tries" to work within the confines that you BOTH must work ,remind subject that mind to mind interface is an art...
.assure the subject that he will face penalties and bodily harm for his shirking of civic responsibility to and toward the development of "the process"
make the subject understand that THIS was not an unwarranted involvement ..that the subject brought his participation in the study upon himself... instigate disclosure of all things he might have done be responsible for neural monitoring and suitable for thought transcription ,remind him that "the process and the interface are for his own benefit ,to "make him a better person" and remind him that "this unwanted interface" is a game, something other people might even pay to have one day. Remind the subject that this endeavor would be 'fun" for anyone but himself, who is afraid of everything a genuine MAN would be glad to "be a part of" remind the subject that the occipital over lays 'are far out" and "are a gift" for his compliance and participation. Remind him that he can be either hurt or helped by how he perceives "the events taking place"
make him understand that the Mentor/Mentee system has no use for either memories or sentimentalities of self based thought nor reminiscing ,recalling of events which will only embarrass the subject.."
Remind the subject that remembrances interfere with a seamless Mind to Mind correspondence
search the subject's conscious and subconscious for "easy wins" that will humiliate the Mentee into submissive disambiguation ...the mentor must be careful only to pick at "thought clusters" that will not re-awaken other branches of unwanted thought styles that are not beneficial to "group thought "unless it is beneficial for the mentor to shame the subject into releasing more "with hold "prior to enacting a sequence of "release" remember to have a lesson presented that is for the subject's sake...pertaining to creating co-adaptive buffer systems. This will also cause the subject's unconscious to "think about " things they do not wish to 'share
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