Ears looking at you kid ... models wear the necomimi, or cats' ears. Ears looking at you kid ... models wear the necomimi, or cats' ears.
They may look cute or silly - depending on your view of view - but these ears are cutting-edge technology.
They can read your brain waves and transmit how you're feeling ... in ear movements.
When you are relaxed or bored, the ears lie flat, when you are concentrating or focused they perk up, and even wiggle if you are amused.
The "Necomimi", which means "cat's ears" in Japanese, were launched in May but are set to go on sale at the end of the year, and were picked by Time magazine as one of the year's 50 best inventions.
The invention's goals are simple - it has two brain-wave sensors that can detect and interpret what you are thinking, and show it through four movements.
"We were exploring new ways of communicating and we thought it would be interesting to use brainwaves," Kana Nakano of Neurowear told Agence France-Presse this year.
"Because the sensors must be attached to the head, we tried to come up with something cute and catchy."

The catch, though, is that accurately reading EEG (encephalogram) signals, which these technologies are attempting to do, can be difficult because of the amount of "noise" a brain generates.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/ears-how-to-read-someones-mind-20111122-1nseb.html#ixzz2xt3p3yrq