Sunday, November 10, 2013

"She could control my task corrections and my parietal lobe with a turn of her headset.."

,,,,,-Neuronautic Teleoperators are encouraged to "see" their Proxy not as a "person" but a "subject"better yet:-
an enemy.:-Rules of "The Way"-
by 1993  each" subject" came equipped with a rendered 'backstory" which described in garish detail WHY they were chosen to be studied or READ by another.
Often the subject was 'explained" as a criminal
of heinous crimes...
Often rendered photos of these crimes were placed
in the subject's file.
The Teleoperator of course was under the impression that everything in the files was true
It was the Teleoperator's job to find out why the various crimes were committed
(the "Juggernaut" worked two fold as often the subject would be eventually convinced that in fact He Had Committed a Crime and once the "implanted" history of one's innate "badness" was initiated and ingrained  in the subject through the Teleoperator's constant hewing of the presented data invariably the subject at some point would break down and a tidal wave of other "bad deeds" would gush out of the subject who now treated the Teleoperator as Father Confessor.After 1993
Most if not all the information the Teleoperator received about a Proxy at the other end of an intraneural interface was to invoke a distrust and even a disgust toward the "subject" as previously very little "strategic" neurography was gathered between the  linked interfacers..

Patents for EEG thought recognition.   Patent # 5785653 “System and method for predicting internal condition of live body.” [11]  A stated use:  “the present invention may be used  to detect the internal condition of surveillance in criminal investigation” by EEG.  NEC Corporation licensed this patent.  Mardirossian Patent # 6011991 “Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity” includes remote EEG communication with armed forces or clandestine applications. [12]   This patent proposes transmitter capable skin implants, utilizes artificial intelligence, and is licensed by Technology Patents, LLC.
Studies of brain blood flow changes detected by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), confirms that viewing pictures of objects activates specifically identifiable brain patterns.  Comparing the distributed brain activity observed by fMRI for viewing faces, houses, cats, chairs, bottles, shoes, and scissors were 90-100% correct in all two category comparisons (with 50% as chance). [13]  A different group replicates the results of this report. [14]  Even though all these objects are described as categories because different exemplars and views were presented, discrimination of these objects generally requires an adjective, so that the distinctions qualify as specific concepts.  A further report examined just 20 seconds of fMRI data rather than one half of an fMRI session in the previous studies, and utilized different exemplars of an object category for training classifiers from those utilized during classification.  A support vector classifier provided the best results with 59-97% accuracy among ‘categories’ of baskets, birds, butterflies, chairs, teapots, cows, horses, tropical fish, garden gnomes, and African masks (with 10% as chance). [15]  “Brain reading” are descriptive terms titling the report.
Numerous fMRI studies show similarly activated brain regions for viewing images or words, and hearing words.  Viewing pictures of objects or the word naming them activates similar distributed brain systems for storing semantic knowledge, [16] [17] [18] and auditory presentation also shares the same [19] or a similar [20] system with that of viewing these words.  These studies give anatomical basis for the high cross modality recognition rates of concepts observed by Suppes et al. 5 7
Broca and Wernicke originally defined anatomy pertinent to aphasia resulting from brain injury. [21]  More recently described are brain lesion patients who have very selective agnosias, which is an inability to name or recognize specific object classes. [22] [23] [24]  Many word category differentiation reports reviewed below were initiated to explain and substantiate such deficits.  This literature is consistent with specific word recognition, because word responses are averaged by category, and distinguished with only statistical inspection without template generation or specific comparison thereto as is required for thought recognition.  Brain cell assembly activation provides a theoretical framework for both specific concept recognition, and word category discrimination. [25]
Electroencephalogram and Magnetoencephalogram Word Category Discrimination
Evoked EEG responses discriminate nouns and verbs.  Nouns elicit more theta power than verbs, but verbs have greater theta coherence decrease, particularly in frontal versus posterior sites. [26]  Noun waveforms generally are more negative than verb responses at post-stimulus intervals of both 200-350 and 350-450 milliseconds (msec.) [27] [28] [29] [30]  Ambiguous noun/verbs are more negative than unambiguous nouns or verbs in the early latency interval, and when context indicates noun meaning versus verb use, are more negative over both these latency windows. 30  Anterior-posterior electrode activity also differs for ambiguous versus unambiguous nouns and verbs. 30 [31] 
Action verb waveforms differ in amplitude, 28 and central versus posterior distribution compared to visual nouns, [32] with particular 30 Hz increase over the motor cortex for action verbs, and over the visual cortex for visual nouns. [33] [34]  Face, arm, or leg action verbs differ in amplitude by time interval, and activity increases over the specific corresponding motor strip locus as well as by frontal electrode. [35] [36]  Low resolution electromagnetic tomography finds irregular verb activity more in the left superior and middle temporal gyri, while regular verbs are more active in the right medial frontal gyrus at 288-321 msec. [37]  Irregular verbs respond more in the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex than regular verbs at ~340 msec. by MEG, which localizes perpendicular sources undetectable by EEG. [38]  Regular verb activity modulates more the left inferior prefrontal region including Broca’s area at ~470 msec with MEG, but irregular verbs have more right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity at ~570 msec.  Priming evoked patterns occur for regular but not irregular verbs, [39] [40] while incorrect irregular noun plural [41] and verb participle [42] [43] waveforms differ from that of incorrect regular forms.
Abstract word waveforms onset more positively about 300 msec., persist longer at lateral frontal sites, and distribute more to both hemispheres compared to concrete words.28 [44] [45]  β-1 frequency coherence during memorization of concrete nouns indicates left hemisphere electrode T5 as the main brain processing node. [46]  Left hemisphere electrode T3 is similarly important for abstract nouns, which have more frontal area contribution, and massive right posterior hemisphere coupling.  Abstract versus concrete memorization distinctly changes other frequency bands, [47] [48] and theta synchronization predicts efficient encoding. [49]      
Content words yield a more negative peak at 350-400 msec. than functional grammar words, with a subsequent occipital positivity that function words lack, and more electrode and hemisphere differences from 400- 700 msec. [50] [51]  In sentences, the late component of function words resembles preparatory slow waves that apparently subserve their introductory and conjunctive grammatical function. [52]  Other studies show content versus function word differences at additional intervals and more bi-hemispheric effects,[53] with right visual field advantage for function words. [54]  MEG distinguishes functional grammar words, or content words such as multimodal nouns, visual nouns, or action verbs, each by response strength and laterality at intervals of both ~100 and greater than 150 msec. [55]
Proper name amplitudes peak more just after 100 msec. negatively, and just after 200 msec. positively than common nouns, while one’s own name accentuates these peaks relative to other proper names with further positive and negative components. [56]  Proper names, animals, verbs, and numerals show electrode site differences:  proper name temporal negativity extends to inferior electrodes bilaterally; verbs and animal names are less negative and similar, but verbs have left frontal inferior positivity; while numerals have less waveform negativity, and bilateral parietal positivity. [57]   Non-animal objects are more negative in both the 150-250 and 350-500 msec. intervals than animals, while animals are more positive in the 250-350 msec. interval. [58] [59]  Animals are more positive in approximately the same latter interval than vegetables/fruits, while vegetables/fruits are more negative in about the earlier interval (150-250 msec.), and have stronger frontal region current sources than animals. [60]  Animals in natural scenes evoke different waveforms than just natural scene or building pictures. [61]  Responses to words for living things are less negative over the right occipital-temporal region than artifactual objects, while pictorial presentations of the same items further differ and have hemisphere effects noted as unreported. [62]  EEG waveforms for specific meanings could be as discretely categorized as indicated by the reported but unspecified Russian work, which claims that “the waves for such concepts as “chair”, “desk”, and “table” are all overlapped by another wave that corresponds” to the concept of furniture. 10
Affective word meanings such as good-bad, strong-weak, or active-passive are discriminated [63] by both category and meaning polarity according to response latency, amplitude, and scalp distribution at intervals of 80-265 and 565-975 msec. [64]  Positive words have amplitude increases peaking at 230 msec.
There is some agreement that verbs have greater activity in temporal, parietal, and premotor/prefrontal regions than nouns, while nouns have little [84] or no [85] greater activated areas than verbs, yet no noun/verb difference is also reported. [86]  German regular noun and verb fMRI responses compared to irregular words differ significantly in the right precentral gyrus, the left prefrontal cortex, bilateral posterior temporal lobes, and bilateral complexes including superior parietal lobules, supramarginal gyri, and angular gyri.

 read me like a book
SHE saw me as a movie
I saw her as an Angel
and than
saw her just as an Angle
SHE could control my task corrections and my parietal lobe with a turn of her headset,her biosensors to my tattoo-ed temple..the chip that kept us intertwined
and her mine ..or was it always the other way around
."-Love With The Proper "Mandler"(1993){removed by author}

Human Connectome
The NIH Human Connectome Project is an ambitious effort to map the neural pathways that underlie human brain function. The overarching purpose of the Project is to acquire and share data about the structural and functional connectivity of the human brain. It will greatly advance the capabilities for imaging and analyzing brain connections, resulting in improved sensitivity, resolution, and utility, thereby accelerating progress in the emerging field of human connectomics.
Altogether, the Human Connectome Project will lead to major advances in our understanding of what makes us uniquely human and will set the stage for future studies of abnormal brain circuits in many neurological and psychiatric disorders.


The Blueprint has funded two major cooperative agreements that will take complementary approaches to deciphering the brain's complex wiring diagram. For more information see the NIH press release, "$40 million awarded to trace human brain's connections."

Once a subject is convinced that his inclusion as participant is because "there is something not simply WRONG with him but something pathologically disturbing about his very thought patterns it may be the right time to add to the "brain salad' a second teleoperator (perhaps "played" by the initial neural moderator) may be introduced to the subject as "good cop" or as "ove interest" to lead the subject both further down the rabbit hole and further out of his or her mind...


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