Monday, July 20, 2015

Scene One (alt)"The Blob"

Scene One (alt) Parasol Picture's "The Blob"
EXT- CREAKY HUT in the outskirts of MEMPHIS OHIO-DAY
The ubiquitous ,daft misanthrope /The OLD MAN ,dressed in a ragged bathrobe addresses a large scarecrow covered with copper wire (as is the man's "hut" ) Something has happened to this OLD MAN ,we get the impression from his cadence that "he was not always" so disenfranchised, run down ,poor , lost -crazy....

                                                                     OLD MAN

Oh forgive me for my trespasses against thee Mandlers ! and I DO ACCEPT my come uppance from Lash Mobs! whose interactive role play do so SHOW ME the WAY and CUE me the Unsaid SAY!...Oh troupes of traveling truuuuuu-be -doors who Gaslight my journey further and further down this Sabbath Hole !of Kabbalah ,Courts and Confront! to test and My muddled mechanisms of microbe managed Mandom #....Oh Make me more in thine image ...faceless and foreboding! We the New Kind ...the Man-ed Man! Like children we are and will always be -so accustomed by now to our Imbues 'Good Boy ..Good Boy!"..I need thy Jabberwock double talk and gleanings and Winkies from those practiced sneering eyes so reminscent of the import Input of the Gingerbread Houses of those loveless bloodless arranged marriages. Those segmented sequential stylings to best bake a Roast Mule)- to best Somersault for King and Kuntry and Usher in 'The New Way"! AND most of all BE PROPER, POSTED EXAMPLES- of why soon EVERYTHING MUST GO ..first and foremost types such as I..molded to BE a type such as I and thus type such I so my markings and markers could display EXACTLY "the kind" we must weed out of the New Gardens of the Elite Enligted Ones who must illluminate the masses with endless Sound and Visions lest we dare pause and think WHO has made the screens a screen that reflect nothing but someone else's dream
initially the human organism made test subject
believes that the mass media and Sci -Fi especially serves the host/subject in a useful way
as film and TV often portray certain aspects of their travail
and give the test subject the feeling that NOW thanks to a certain film or tv show some "common ground"has been established to discuss their Targeting with those not made human lab rat .

Soon though the TI realizes that the depiction of various technologies being "played out" in the media
might very well have been created to "play out" the subject of Psychotronics in a manner the TI might not have first assumed -
The TI now might see TV and film that deals with A.I. and Mind to Mind Interface
"inadvertently "oversaturating the collective consciousness -so that
-what a TI speaks about SEEMS to occur only "in the movies"
How many times have we seen and heard (in the movies)
a character who is trying to explain to that something "odd' and difficult to believe is taking place
and next "this character ,the eccentric LOON,in the piece "
Being told "You have seen too many movies"
The challenges a TI faces daily
concerning their mind's being tethered, laced, dosed for synthetic telepathy testing /torture and development
not what makes for good box office.

While one might go to the multi plex to see "Pacific Rim"for example
one might not want see a version of the synthetic telepathy demonstrated in "Pacific Rim" occurring to an innocent unsuspecting family in an apartment in San Antonio.

-Unless,of course this family is being "maimed' or hurt by something supernatural in origin (i.e.the  apartment complex was built over an Indian burial ground  or  the "spirits" of the murdered family who previously lived in the Texas apartment complex refuse to vacate "the premises "even after their demise )
Most citizens do not want to go see a film about their own government using undetectable mechanics on children as young as 2 and men and women as old as 90 in a San Antonio apartment complex for threshold studies concerning Direct Energy testing upon biological and cerebral function.
Most citizens do not want to see a 2 year old  who is  able to stop screaming from 'rendition"
or this child's mother (whose skin is dotted with burn marks from microwave "attacks/experiments " and the mother's capillaries " hit" so many times with "waves" that the whites of her eyes are now red.)
It would of course be ONE thing if Aliens had done thi
s or Angry 'paranormal activity" Spirits .. but quite another if the "paranormal" experience were in fact "para -military " in design.

We,the public  are all aware of the power of unseen wireless to make -something happen

it just does not occur to most (and why should it?) that such unseen energy might be directed to cause irreparable harm to another's mind  and body intentionally '
In most cased (unless it is own's "duty to create such weapon )" beyond the scope of imagination (as it should have remained) that   technology is  being developed to alter our brain signals and perceptions and moods in a purposed destructive manner .

the development and perfection of this peculiar weapon ALL BUT GUARENTEES ... eanother country  will be forced  to  develop these weapon with the same  "anything goes' attitude have been encouraged  to
these weapons do not require plutonium nor uranium supplies..

Long ago Targeted Individuals may or may not have received attention
IF their was inerasable PROOF
that these crimes were /are taking place for "the greater good'
But unlike chemical weapons whose 'half life" will  "read' in a blood test..or traditional weapons that employ  bullets..that can be seen..
psychotronic weapons have the advantage of leaving little or no evidence upon a person that cannot be explained traditional medical science absolutely useless against the "untraditional" /un G-dly methodology and impact of Psychotronic and Direct Energy Weapons aimed at a biological "being"
The mother's capillaries bursting could have been caused by hypertension
the burns on the mother's arm's-were perhaps self inflicted ..? or a strange rash?
the less easy to explain and much more easy to wrongly diagnose (cukoo ,cukoo) aspects and effects of neuro weapons by now hopefully the mother I hope knows not to speak off...without her being court mandated for a 72 hour psych evaluation.
..these evaluations often lead to months of
involuntary hospitalization and forced medications that often lead to irreversible
Parkinson like symptoms (as these medication are used to curb "delusion "and Temporal Lobe hyper excitation caused by neurotronic weapons intentionally)

Neuro weapons were created to re channel neural pathways and induce in a human "organism" symptoms
that imitate "the paranormal" experience ,psychosis and thus delusion
many doctors cannot be blamed for not "being in the know" of testing so repulsive in it's nature and follow through
But is there good reason the mainstream media cannot discuss weapons testing on it's own citizens in a logical and thoughtful manner ?
off grid testing"on private citizen's being a homeland Security issue .

Only decades later does information concerning human testing  tend  to come out
often   because the whatever department had tried developing
has gathered more than enough data to cease this testing
or that certain agencies have discovered  these weapons were not be the panacea for causing as much pain and suffering to another nation as inexpensively as possible

Yet 'these particular weapons WORK wonders at attacking the so called "enemy' within
the dissident ...was and is STILL   in many circles "the  REAL reason' the Vietnam War  was lost.
thus an American version of "NEVER AGAIN" has been at play since the early 1970's
concerning the so called dissident

Most psychiatrists (in spite of a media blackout) SHOULD "keep up"on Neurotronic Weapons whose entire point is to instigate psychological and perception displacement as well as psychological terror for it is their job to 'be in the know" of 'Sociological and Situational changes in the environment that demand closer examination of "root cause"
If nothing else a decent psychiatrist should be concerned
that neurological problems a 'shrink" tries to fix these weapons try to destroy.
In film and TV advanced technologies regarding mind to mind interface and the ability for another to control what input (sight ,hearing,emotion) is introduced upon a human is presented as something exciting .,,intriguing ,,alluring and enhancing
The narrative concerning just how terrifying mind reading ,mind induction technologies are is not discussed much in films that present these themes . Nor is the fact that this technology no longer requires on sit in a chair and have a researcher line their scalp with sensors
...nor does one need "chips"to be "read' another's thoughts
when technology is(and has been ) available to "read .000001.hzs (signals) of any living organism on earth.
The same tech that can "locate " underground oil supplies miles of feet deep beneath the earth's surface using "bounce back" sonar from space
is the same tech that can penetrate the mere 2 inches of skull separating beam from brain signal.
We have, in a way, not quite figuratively - made the entire earth a giant Magnetic Resonating Machine .
Wireless (and wireless devises) are part of the fMRI in the sky.

 billions attempting to Brain Map /Brain Fingerprint
every human's distinct Neural "signature" on earth
so it may be "locked' upon .subdued ,influenced ..driven mad
.as if one's neural signature /inner monologue was/is nothing more than a SIM card or IP number
instead of perhaps the vessel or "being" of  one's soul.

The Mind was once not something Man believed anyone but G-d had any business 'mapping,judging or listening in on"

In film and TV the "futurist" public in the Sci Fi future on the big and small screen  are usually aware of advanced technology( I can attest aware or unaware these neuro weapons are just as effective punitively as they would be
if one surmised their "brain link" was paranormal

Advanced Neuro technology in film and Tv often focuses on 'mind Tech" being used to enhance human intellect.

But one must ask themselves is the internet our current  so called 'advance technology" used to enhance human intellect. Or more so  to collect human "impetuous "for marketing and demographics and thus pop up ads..or enticements that use Pattern recognition (albeit often uselessly and pedantically -an insult actually to intelligence artificial or genuine)
"YOU  liked THIS
and OTHERS in your DEMPGRAPHIC also LIKED and BOUGHT this
never mind you bought ONE patio chair 5 years ago
that in spite of the implications of Patio or Chair ..does not necessarily mean Tiki torch
or bombastic drinking parties because one 28 to 35 who enjoys being out doors often "parties"

When YOU or your child become tether to a must have" type of service provider
that one cannot  live without..

                                                                     OLD MAN
hios voice nor stammering,his eyes seem darker ,blacker.For the sake of cinema...WE SEE waves and pulses "aimed' at the OLD MAN's skull
and for the sake of cinema ..we now use Animation  TO DEMONSTRATE THE EFFECT of microwaves and such effecting the OLD MAN's physiology. A dopamine receptor is tapped as is a gland that "is getting in the way" of the SEEN WIRELESS trying it's best to askew the OLD MAN's reason  ...linear thinking and thus credibility

I cannot speak of human testing with Neuro technology without speaking about the OTHER
wages of war and all that war finances in terms of NEW TECHNOLOGY
...MONEYand A.I. as consumer package
but when that second sight is over- layed upon your visual cortex that looks so enticing in the movies
WHO will decide what symbols (and thus CUE) is interfaced upon you..
If the "system" in the making KNOWS you ate a certain brand of crackers
when your mother wore a certain perfume you could not help but smell and therefore associate with "Mother' and with "brand of cracker"
why would the smell of this perfume not
be a "non intrusive" way of getting you to think of crackers?
(and this is me speaking about A.I. at it's least nefarious -but for a moment THINK how very
wrong this is coercive but in no time another "It is what it is"
"goes with it" for the service..
like wireless wave after wave hitting us going through us NOW like X -Rays do- is a 'small cost" for the FUN of knowing what Kim Kardashian just thought
and why are most things "it is what it is?" because we ,as a rule cannot change "what is"
Even if I burned my self in front of the white house protesting Human Testing I would "be in the hands off the mainstream media quoting a 2009 article about "so called targeted individuals" ... who are a "new kinda'"mental patient
trying desperately to find "some explanation" for their suffering
who have collectively focused upon 'the urban myth" of Psychotronic Weapons Testing being done upon the nation's own unwitting citizens..never mind that our symptoms are quite quite different in onset and presentation than those who truly do have organic Thought Disorders
..The media has through instigation or not decided to not report about Targeted individuals ,Human Testing ,Direct Energy Weapons or Neurotronics.Many in the mainstream media who have 'crossed that line" soon find themselves on the wrong end of Raytheon Products.
I sometimes think IF I would have burned myself alive protesting Human testing and Psychotronoc Weapon's Development
the "act" would have been taken as the exact opposite of what I wanted to accomplish..
Up in flames now is the OLD MAN
(voice over)
there would be "concerned" citizens" filming the "act" if only so their visit to Wahington as tourists would not be noteworthy enough for a tweet or Post about their vacation to not be too generic
my act ,My placard "STOP PSYCHTRONIC TORTURE on CITZENS" around my neck
every lick of flame caught on cameras..
the display I realize would be "spun" away from my intent
it would now be
that those who claim they are TIs are mad.."why the poor man lit himself on fire" is how mad* he is.


(voice over)
On the screen we see a hodge podge of Sci Fi...and Cyborg

The audience is often brought into film "sometime in the future" and the audience "asked "to accept that the "tech' is just "part of this future"
there is no footnote explaining for instance on how many innocent people A.I.and Virtual Reality aimed "straight to brain"were tested upon. Mainly as a weapon... to discover just how much focused wave and pulse a person 's body/mind could tolerate without losing function -neurological, vascular etc.
Most Science Fiction movies or TV shows do not deal with the development of the technology meant to work with a human's biological system..having to decode and categorize (and also judge) another's thinking so A.I or Virtual Reality /Interface can be sent back to "it" in real time ...Nor what is done with the accrued neural data taken by this system..Nor if the "user" of Mind to Mind tech can ever quite know if the mechanism is turned off..
WE FADE BACK to the OLD MAN speaking to his copper covered Scarecrow
*almost every Targeted Individual has been "walked through "the necessary
processing ..of being literally documented as "CERTIFIABLE"
the aspects of Neurotronic testing I have chosen not to "delve into" concerning
a "Jacob's Ladder' like walk up /WALK IN
drive anyone initially SANE in the an ER room...and subsequently a Mental Clinic
I too,in the past upon hearing testimony of any TI concluded
the individual "was not targeted "by anything other than psychosis or schizophrenia..
it would not matter if I had read about the billions if not trillions spent by nearly every industrialized and not so Industrialized country making weapons to
"augment "another's brain chemistry (as many high ranking officals and well know ,well respected scientists did in the 1950,60 and 70'swith drugs meant to ONLY cause mental breakdown upon a human subject..
MK Ultra did not go "away" it just shifted it's emphasis from using drugs to cause
neurological dysfunction to more effective less detectable
microwave and scalar wave technologies to do the same exact thing

as for the testing ....or research involving Brain Map and synthetic telepathy..
to not just destroy another but study another .. I think back to my research on Aushwitz before I resettled in Memphis Ohio the research
in a way more disturbing than much I had come across
that many of those held in concentration camps
were commodities to several industries that had "no malice politically or ethnically " for those groups detained in camps
These firms only saw opportunity
to industries (Bayer Pharmaceutical to name but one) wishing to test chemical compounds
on humans...Bayer paid a lot of money to Concentration Camp "doctors" to test consumer based curatives...on concentration camp victims ...

the OLD MAN in front of the hut can no longer hear himself think..
a TONE so LOUD has sounded through his mind...the man places his hands ove rhis ears but knows the sound he hears cannot be blocked like this..It can never be blocked.
He closes his eyes
as his eyes have been sent cartoon images the Old Man recalls from his childhood
...Of course the Images are inconsequential and discordant to the pain from seemingly nowhere..
down his spine..
In the movie.
In "The Blob"
we see the culprit..
and the Source of the Old Man's Imbue..

IT looks so innocuous..yet it too -creeps / And leaps and glides and slides / Across the floor / Right through the door ...into our every day environment that we the audience at first
assume the film maker is playing with us...and is hiding something behind the 'SAFE IMAGE"
that could cause the old man to cry now like a child still holding his ears eyes ,now ears....


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