Tuesday, July 28, 2015

death be not loud

curious..now..I feel like the  squid lately..the squid .the rube   whose nervous system has been commandeered..
I am the writer
whose been commandeered is this not so
is not nearly every MOOD I feel introduced
upon me
all but swing what I type
toward Kevin McCarthy type
scenery chewing
and back again to the damn truth

the truth can come out but ONLY
if we
swing your mood and mode
toward this now
and next toward that
I am a Tool..
have they not always said this
but only when I am "at my best/worst"
which I now know almost certainly
is only via the signal
what happens when one becomes aware that one is a Kayak ad come to life?
I had no impetous to wake but writing .documenting..
but now after what I can only explain as a long pause
a fostered
mauever "crash"of sorts..
for my "team" to regroup
as I was going the wrong direction
writing about "some of the action" taking place
on a base
rather than
"In my face"
the stakes were never that high for me
all I want is out
all I want
is them to make due on their promise
of "taking care of the problem"
but thie rpromise was always that IT would nOT be fast..but as slow kill as the
this direct energy.
this over load of micro and scalr waves..
I now feel taking a brand new toll
I almost feel metallic..in my mouth..meaning I taste the current
fry me from the inside out like you do to "the enemy"
the enemy you hit with direct energy so hard their bodies literally shrink to less than a meter
place new dirt...where "it" happened.
be proud of your new toys!!!
.this is not working..on so many levels..
there is a new level....when one starts being aware...and ..at the same time ..it is the same ...lack of awareness one receives..it is not only in human ,un holy..but also..a ....something new

Targeted Individuals California
 Everett R 2013

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