Tuesday, July 28, 2015


whatever America was before..or fooled everyone into believing it was.(and IT never was what it was...it simply reached some peak in the 1950's ..
like how one feels after a good fuck.
or receiving "money from Home"
I suppose our "Money from Home" was getting our hands on some top notch Nazi Scientists we seemed to wait like 6 million years

 so to get our grubby hands upon..

the 1950's was when America perfected it's super stylization
...into the early 1960's when Rockets were in our hearts and minds and brands
and bands.

the space program was like
a version of  OJ Simpson trial to distract everyone from the come down
of the temporary we won we won.we're rich we're rich!
that only for a gusher
spilled upon "the rest of us"

but this brief brief period
"worked" like wonderbread
upon the land
the Homeland!

but how quickly it kept slipping
how Russian we were dredging up "commies'
but how quick we were to LEAVE Hollywood alone
when it wasn't "Commies' tinkering with what shit went into our eyes and ears...but
a whole new enemy
and that IS
IMAGE..and false images...
and so much sound ...and endless images..now everywhere..so strangely everywhere..that
it is terrifying..
and so confronting and pacifying simultaneously
..a soul killer.

the Russians Had that one right
sad that THEY became more like US
rather than less
the Russians and ALL these enemies
are not sneaky about what they expect their citizens to be

not like the USA!

the microwaves..hit ..and tickle...and make my mouth myoclonic click click click
my body dystonic  tic tic tics.
I get hit and hit with these wavey grave-ly
so tempered and so delicate..
so measured and so soft ...
so my passing will seem "just natural"
please DO ME DO ME like you do our enemies
YOU HAVE long ago MADE me ONE
more so than they can ever be..

this country which can't execute a man on death row
in a speedy (nor humane fashion) has shown their teeth for both torture
DO me Like you DO the "enemy" in Afghanistan
make me shrivel up like a toy...
non human
something LIKE I am now...
an object you needed to play with sound pulse frequency..and symbols..
straight to brain.....

speed it up
speeeeeed it up.....!

 -Cole Cohen 2/13/10 The Memphis Ohio Bi Weekly Magazine


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