Saturday, July 11, 2015

Luke tried thinking to himself that  thought he could use the sleep tests.
could use the rest-Luke tried lying to himself he could use "a time out"
the time out of initiated sleep
"although there was very little "Linger" from the tests their teams did upon  their bodies  nor minds entrained to stay  awake for an entire week,"
thought Luke
thinking not only to himself but to whomever was gauging his thoughts and senses
at the time
Luke felt he whatever was left of his moral compass that had not been bypassed by direct or indirect neural interface was being challenged by
Griff ,Mark and Tony
aiming their Emt-tance at him and the others in the platoon
as it was scientifically proven that even without Merge biotech
the damage another's signalship could do to another
was ingrained

the pity they seemed to seek aiming their sensory self perceptions
upon the unit
Luke reminded himself without (he believed) the aid of interface
was just a ploy "that kind" used upon other's to bring another's baseline neural firings to Low Tone..

Luke looked forward to the sleep tests that would begin later in the week (a) to get away from their bad waves
and (b) to hopefully have his affinities altered away from the Sentintmentalities that  Ruiner's
USE to regress another to their level..
it was often during sleep that one's Tele-Operator "rebooted" their ward
to higher Sire
away from the measl-iness
of those whose "Me -ness"
only corrupted Hive Mind...Like Minded "Winning" Co Conscious endeavor
those who marched to their own drum
often beat this drum only to divert others away from the beat
only one leader
one unit must follow in battle..

Yet there was a gnawing in Luke concerning the sleep tests
and Luke knew the Merge made it impossible for him to
hide this worry,this gnawing self referential Ruin-mination
from those whose job it was to monitor his every waking
and SLEEPING thought.
Luke worried that the sleep tests would not simply be about discovery
and research  if microwaves and scalar waves and pulsed sonics could induce
in a human Hzs that kept them "out" and in hibernated restfulness between
active duty...
but that the sleep testing would be another chance for his teams
to "play with Lucid Dreams" again.

The sheer panic of Luke 's thought
that this time
the dreams could last days...
made Luke wish for a jolt of pain that was often transmitted upon his receptors
for thinking in the Uselessness of Projective Analytic Assumptive.
and Luke wondered why  no Tele-Present  Interfaced interference
was over layed upon him...

Perhaps ,thought Luke his team had placed him only on record or automatic..
perhaps Luke thought he was over reacting to his Reactives?
and since no red flags of respondance were incoming to his neurons..
In fact he was meant to investigate ...if only for investigative interface
WHY his mind
why his thoughts feared the thought of Induced Dreams moreso than any other rendition
WHEN it had been explained to him and the others that the intensity of such enactments
were ONLY to prime their mind ,immune their mind to enemies
that might use neuroweapons to instigate Imagery upon them when they were in their most vulnerable state of ex-stend and dis -attentuention.


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