Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Frequency Allocation Psychology Studies of 1969

The now disclosed films and audio tapes of Timmy and Tony Tannenbaum  are a must for any psychologist or anyone interested in studies on nature vs nurture as  many of the techniques used in Monarch Programming  would be strongly frowned upon in today's social and political environment 
( neuron and the carbon nano tube)

(1)Timmy placed the ads everywhere online   to sell some of the  DVDS he and Tony had made from "found footage" concerning the taping of their child lab rat beginnings  ...Timmy  used what money he had left from the measly stipend he now received form the Frequency Allocation Committee to keep his mouth shut about the carbon nano tubes betwixt his neurons that so mimicked mental illness he also received a paltry stipend from the state for "psychological issues"  to   make hand fliers to pushpin to telephone poles to sell the Frequency Allocation Tests of  Timmy and Tony done on "the boys" since the day they were born.

Timmy wondered if there was -some law about posting _no bills-
 and laughed -who gave a good f*ck about laws such as that when nobody he contacted CARED about Human Testing ?
would THE STATE dare BOOK HIM for posting bills on telephone poles?

Of course The State knew all about the thousands of Tony and Timmies across the country, The problem was the various kids born for the State's use were trying to fight back...all at once the Tonys and Tims and Karens and Karlas were Hearing and Seeing things..and also putting together what lead up to their being CHOSEN -that Being the CHOICE the STATE made over 40 years ago to "SAY YES to HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION for a bit of dough in coffer .A researcher who had second thoughts on his deathbed about his part in 'the studies" had sent Tony Timmy's brother a large box filled with tapes and film and algorithms ...and Timmy had duplicated the evidence and THIS TIME said the hell with bothering the UPPER AGENCIES who also knew damn well about the tests and just sell the damn records on E-Bay  the upper agencies were a joke when it came to helping Targeted Individuals the fact they  knew according to Timmy made them no better than the Germans who watched the Jews being placed on boxcars but did nothing .No.They were NOT the same thought Timmy because THESE GUYS and GALS COULD in FACT have DONE something ...the Germans who saw the Jews taken away COULD DO NOTHING unless they themselves wanted the same treatment ..NOT SO with any three letter agency man ...Or was Timmy wrong ? Would they risk being "app-ed" or Harassed with Psychotronic Technology or Key stone BOP like Community Theater Stalking...Timmy saw across the road a man dressed just like him placing push pins but no paper on telephone poles ,sometime "these placed provocateurs" were the ONLY thing that made Timmy smile.

 Timmy thought of those old  movies and cartoons  where some actor or character  was in front of a mirror seeing someone ape their every movement .That's what these Organized Stalkers reminded Timmy of. Timmy watched for a moment this man who deliberately dressed in the same exact "outfit" Timmy put on today and made it his calling ,his work to drive exactly to this part of town to place pushpins into telephone poles JUST so Timmy could BE AWARE that "his team" was indeed aware of his every intention."HELLLOOOOOOO Mini Timmy!" Timmy yelled at the Placed Person on the other side of the road knowing Mini Tim would ignore him ,busy as he was placing pushpins into Mime paper. Timmy always hated mimes and often felt sorry for the Placed people whose role in his Harassment was only to do "Street Theater/Truman Show Gaslighting" surely these people were promised more prestigious jobs in "all this"
He imagined their kids asking what they today dad?

Well first I had to drive to a gal named Cindy's house and honk my horn 8 times
to wake her.

why? because Cindy has been having a very hard time sleeping and just moved to a new apartment and I needed to let her know
I will be there for her no matter where she goes.

THAN I had to drive west to another TI's employment
and go into his place of employment and begin taking photographs of him in very noticeable way .Why? so his employers might think I am a private investigator or something that might insinuate that his employee is a menace
Next I had to go and key another young lady's car.Why? because she is starting to come undone since we "app-ed" her and our constituents could use the 40 thou they get if wee can get her hospitalized.
once she is in hospital I might have to go away fro a few days to play mental patient
just to make the gal ...know we're everywhere..

That's a very strange job the kid might say

'well your Daddy is involved with some very strange people...who profiled your Daddy to be just the right type
to play "Clap Back Patty Cake with people's psyche..

                       Telephone poles in his part of town were being ripped down making room Timmy supposed for more cell towers to go up. Timmy looked at the old fashioned wires made to protect the electricity and electromagnetics and wondered who thought up this idea that it would be a good idea to send such power out in invisible streams. Timmy wondered if it would be the same if people could actually see the wireless zipping through the air and through THEM as well as if their human body was porous...It was the type of things he and Tony used to talk about before Tony took his life which was never really his own. And never was meant to be. Tony like Timmy were born to be Guinea Pigs ...Tony killed himself after one of the men who was involved in the testing wrote him a letter. One of the original researchers who was dying and needed to get guilt or something off his chest. The letter had the opposite effect on Tony .It was easier for Tony to pretend none of this was really true but just a delusion. Timmy could not help but think if the letter was part of some new test. If the letter was sent to send Tony over the edge. It was the type of thing THEY might do.

After Tony's suicide Timmy began packaging the super 8 footage their foster parents and the researchers who worked with the "parental team" placed in their lives not "to be" parents per se but an ever changing sociological parenting models. Each foster family they went to was as different as light and dark from the previous. All the parents hand picked to 'play"types of Text Book like umbrage .The last set of parents during their late teen years ,meant to be permissive played their parts too well and one drunken night decided to tell "The Boys" that their bedroom were wired with recording devices and also those mysterious boxes that followed them to each and every new foster home were not as one parental figure claimed ionizing air purifiers for the boys asthma(neither Timmy nor Tony ever in fact HAD asthma) but signal transmitters.

Timmy had known about the boxes being signal meant to "correct" or entrain" the "Boys" brain signatures but did not know about the cameras or tape recorders placed in their room for facial recognition studies primarily meant to record any change in countenance when the signal
purveyed upon the twins Happy ,Sad ,Angry, Anxious brain states. The placed parental figure of Permissiveness went on to explain that the recording were also done to see how the children responded to certain sounds and images either broadcast through TV ,radio or silent sound that was emitted from  hidden acoustic devices also placed in the twins rooms from birth. The Permissive drunken father stated that in time ,when technology was improved every reaction that evoked a facial response would be used for Cybernetic Re Parenting with technology that will allow for what they call a brain computer interface. Computers were only first coming on the market and called Personal Computers. It was 1983.At the time Timmy and Tony assumed their Permissive Foster Father was just talking "drunk talk "Neither Timmy nor Tony asked their father the next day to remove the recording devices from their bedrooms. Ingrained in them was that whatever was talking place and being done -somehow -was being done for a good reason. Also Tony and Timmy discussed what their  Foster Father said and assumed that 'it was a test' and if they began looking for recording devices they might me quickly moved and perhaps separated  .Another town and another "type" of  foster family .By now both of the brothers knew and didn't know that their upbringing was about "study" Neither of them could afford either together nor alone to really think just how much this study entailed ..It was important for each of them to carry on in spite of whatever work went into the study to somehow thrive in their day to day activities. Too much time pondering specifically their early childhood sent both into very deep depressions. The cameras which recorded "the boys" expressions of  self reflection worked in concert with the box that sent pulses to cause such emotional reaction to teach "the boys" not to consider their remarkable infancy. 

This is a series of photographs taken of "Kiss II" (1974), an integral hologram produced by Lloyd Cross, inventor of the process. The hologram -- which was made from approximately 360 frames of motion picture footage --. The floating, 3-dimensional image of Pam Brazier blows a kiss and winks as the viewer walks by.


the researcher who sought forgiveness  ended his letter how it began 
that  we couldn't be aware of how "the times" were back than
concerning the FEARS and the cold war

he ended the letter with another SORRY

how could he have dared thinking his kind had a right to ever use such a word, thought Tony
how dare he think the word SORRY was created for such monsters as him.

"I will write back ,"thought Tony trying to think away from his tether ...ready in advance with a hand full of Valium and a pipe full of rock...Tony now did anything to fog his thinking to and from the tether .The interface .The maniacs that had "app-ed" his mind with bio tech

I will write back thought Tony trying to simultaneously THINK to his tether his latest
diversion which focused on spelling words backward in between incited memories of every doorknob he ever turned .Tony had begun to try to think 2 ways
ONE way for "his team"
who garnered his every inner vision and every beat of his inner monologue
Tony could never keep it up..and knew he was not kidding himself..
that "his Mandlers' his Tele -operators also KNEW
but he couldn't let it be easy
ROFAV ROFAV who's my little Rofav
are you my leeetle Rofav
or are You my wittle ROFAV..?
Tony thought ,in a purposely sing song voice..
while SEEING with his minds eye THE DOORKNOB TURNINGS of 1997!
only lately had Tony began truly focusing on THE INCIDENTALS OF DAILY SENSORY INTAKE
Bonk rood
who's my little BONK ROOD? Tony thought hating the kunts who read his every f*cking thought with a
hate so great
.Tony let his Signals pertaining to emotion explode so that the fetching and cataloging of the outburst acted rather like a  synthesized Dust Cloud on Tony's part for a few brief second of hidden thought\
pertaining to the letter Tony was contemplating writing to the old researcher on his death bed daring to apologize for doing Human testing on children
BONK ROOD Tony thought
. ...........................I will find his grand children
or some future  baby born into his brood MUFFIN MAN MATRIX XIRTAM NAM NIFFUM
Tony thought as fast as he could picturing
                                        a shop rite ad..from his youth of cans doing the can can can
to keep the Body Snatchers busy

During the dust storm of transmitted nonsense
Tony had begun writing the actually letter to the 91 year old researcher
stating that he ,Tony Tannebaum will find his granddaughter and
 take her  baby away
and first put the baby in a room with no lights only holograms 
and sound ..crazy sound 
to see what a ROFAV BONK ROOD will turn into because of 
this sociological test 
for the greater good

take the baby away 
 like Timmy and I were from our  mother and raise the tyke  in a Fun House of synthetic Hearing and Sight
and than maybe than I will forgive you

Tony was exhausted in just 3 minutes thinking to his tether the nonsense they deserve
and exhausted feeling a type of hate beyond words spelled forward or back
Tony ripped up the letter
and let his tether read him .
he after all had little choice
but he would soon enough

I'm sorry was the jist of the letter.
but some things one can't apologize for.
the letter was long ,handwritten...he didn't have the balls to type what he wrote on a computer...?

I wondered how many of these letters had gone out.
.if he had photo copies some ..or if he assumed that all those part of the subprojects from the mid and late 60's somehow found each other and would network the information to one another that a researcher who had been part of the early tests was "SORRY" for being part of the testing they performed
 on infants
with early holography
to see if a child might respond to radiant image
as one might a person
Every night I still dream of those images..
those ghosts
does it make it any better that these scary things that appeared were made  generated by hidden built in  lasers by people whose intention were Good?
how could their intentions have been good?
except for the lie of greater good..
a greater good they always found their own comfort in
but what about the subjects?

screaming in their cribs
knowing what the night would bring
and than it was not only night but us in the home
the babies
only had to be had
seeing the figures during the day as well
it was never really day in that place ..full of nurses and men in suits
always we were kept in some shade of dark..

I want to find out if this researcher had children and grand children and send this note on to them ..
so his children and grandchildren and great grand children can know what sick f*ck their father was.
and how he should not be allowed to die without people knowing
what he did ..in the name of science..in the name of anything at all

 babies meant to hear  Silent Sound and see  holograms
How synthetic representation of Input upon a developing child might effect their sense of self and perception

was this sorry man really so dim to think babies raised initially for the sound and image tests
were not to be used for human testing well into their adulthood.with ever new
technology that  came down the road?

I  write back  that I will find his grand children
or some future  baby born into his brood
and take that baby away like I was from it's mother and raise them in a Fun House of synthetic Hearing and Sight
and than maybe than I will forgive you

the silent sound I heard in 1968 .1969 1970 was meant to bypass our ears
it was supposed to insinuate itself upon us born only to be pin cushions 
 to over lap upon a human organsim's  mind who had yet to find words in their head.

I had found the papers that described the tests in one of my foster parent's drawers when I was just 10 ..I probably was supposed to find it
to this day I don't know
maybe my finding the papers was supposed to make it easier for me to deal ..or just be one more Imprint
to stifle my childhood
leave a mark where future teams could NOTICE the exact day .year
moment their specimen once again
schism-ed into a new PHASE
Often the schisms were brought on simply by the pulse ..the invisible wireless in every house I lived in
it was before anyone knew the word wireless.
it was when testing was being done with microwaves to see how the wave acted upon a human organism's body\
and mind..
before cell phones
before 1978
every Foster Family of mine had at least 5 or 6 boxes that emitted something unseen

One day I tried unplugging all the boxes and got smacked more than usual for doing it
"why did you do this?" they asked
I told them that at school we were learning about fires and plugs...and anything that was not necessary should not be plugged in
I said the boxes never do anything but take up plugs which can start fires.."

the boxes I was told Do a lot..
and I must never tell anyone about the boxes either.

  when I was moved to another home and read the papers I learned about the white boxes
and what they were meant to do

introducing  pulse that mimicked brain states into the home of children raised to be used for research

Delta waves
With frequencies below 4Hz, Delta waves are the slowest type, and are associated with deep meditation and dreamless sleep.
Theta waves
With frequencies ranging from around 4-7Hz, Theta waves are seen normally in young children and during sleep or meditation.
Alpha waves
With frequencies ranging from around 7Hz to 14Hz, Alpha waves emerge when our eyes close down and with relaxation.
Beta waves
With frequencies ranging from around 15 Hz to about 30 Hz, Beta activity is linked to normal waking states and performing various cognitive tasks.

to see how a child might deal with
adult like anxiety states and other states of mind a child with Imbue does not experience in brain signal till much later on
The "team " of researchers waited for "baby's" first words ...and helped shape his inner narrative by adding silent words ..
and fears
and synthetic joy
while the Placed Parents were kept purposely out of the way
so my main care giver and those raised like me
would come first from a version of LIDA machine
and the imagery

by way of a laser system deep in the wall eyed walls

holographic images in powerful burst of light

cartoons dance or move around the room
.Often the image was purposely scary
 a clown with a cruel smiling face COME and GO
COME and GO .
More often  the image was only of line ,a stick type figure ..or more it resembled a walking stick insect that had human like qualities and would be somehow lit when the lights were out .9 or ten positions and nine or ten steps always the same further and than closer a strobe like effect closer too close to the crib and than reset back to 1-2 -3 step 3-4-5- steps

the data was not in the old dying man's sorry
Did Timmy or I think the images were real or ghosts ..or what?
All I remember is nobody coming
to ask why we screamed and screamed all through the night

The initial placement of electrophysiological device can be placed in a human organism during the human organism's 2nd or 3rd week. Septal implants placed in child' nasal cavity need not be changed as the human subject grows.There is now a wealth of evidence that the septal implant can glean almost as much neural data from the human organism as an electrode array placed inside a human organism's skull. The electrophysiological device successfully investigates the hippocampal theta rhythm  in the awake human and also gages the human organism's   voluntary  and involuntary movement The septal implant successfully records and transmits extracellular recordings of brain signal cells in the medial septum and diagonal band of Broca (MS/DBB)  .Microelectrodes were constructed from Rediohm- 800 wire supplied bycoated with polyamide insulation. This wire was used to create bundles, each consisting of eight electrodes. Two electrode bundles were loaded into a microdrive apparatus and  arranged so the device  would not be noticeable to the human organism nor would the human organism feel the septal implant. The ends of the electrodes were plated with gold sufficient to bring the electrode’s impedance in saline down. EEG electrodes were constructed from stainless-steel wire coated with PTFE insulation .The operation to insert the implant requires stainless steel  screwed into holes in the occipital and frontal bones to act as anchors. One screw, with a ground lead attached, was screwed into the right parietal hole.The microelectrodes and EEG electrodes can next be slid up past the nasal cavity towards the  hippocampus which can be subsequently realigned  by observing the presence of a phase-shift in the EEG recorded from the inserted device while the human organism is being fitted .
Recording began after approximately 1 week. The electrodes were used in differential mode to produce four signal channels. As each electrode occupied a unique position relative to the source of the action potentials, the size and shape of the resultant waveform was different on each channel, thus providing a unique signature for each source of action potentials. This allowed separation of multiple units in those circumstances when many sources were active at the same time . The signal from the septal electrodes was amplified and band-pass filtered between Hz, while the monopolar EEG signal was low-pass filtered . Both were then digitized with bit resolution, with sampling rates to de noise signal.
In those cells displaying rhythmic bursts, we attempted to isolate individual bursts for further analysis. The spike times were examined sequentially from the beginning of a dataset and the spikes were grouped into collections of spikes in which the interspike interval (ISI) did not exceed a threshold, which was determined by examining the ISI distribution. Cells that fire bursts have a bimodal distribution of their ISIs, with the first peak occurring at the ISI of spikes within a burst and the second at the interval between bursts. For this method, a threshold value corresponding to the trough between these two peaks was used. The correlation between unit firing and the phase of the hippocampal theta rhythm was computed for each spike. The EEG was modelled as a set of independent sinusoidal waves, where the transition from one wave to the next occurred near the positive to negative zero crossing. The time corresponding to this transition was computed by finding the best match between the negative half of a single-period sine wave and segments of the EEG.  The beginning of the EEG cycle was taken to be the starting point of the template, and the phase was scaled to match the instantaneous frequency of the best fit sinusoidal template. After the EEG phase of each spike was found, the mean phase and the mean resultant length, a measure of the degree of deviation from the mean (eccentricity), were determined using methods described by Mardia (1972).
An objective measure of the presence and strength of hippocampal theta rhythm was provided by estimating the power spectrum of short runs of EEG data.

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