Tuesday, August 4, 2015

story in the age of intracortical interface

Luke wasn't allowed to talk about the tests.
And the way Luke now saw himself
was the way his Tele-Operators saw him.
Luke could not scream anymore.
for he did not want to be saved
he no longer felt his life was worth saving....
All he saw
was the feces his mind threw at the interface.
He thought any other man but himself could TAKE this better
that any other man but himself
had the type of Thinking Style and memories and inner monologue
that would be more agreeable to 'his team" whose job it was to steer him

                                                                          I go back to the WRONG story
                                                                          not realizing that
                                                                          the imbued story "A Little Trick with Nick"
                                                                           was introduced as a character assessment
                                                                             ONE should KNOW without KNOWING
                                                                               was not to be written

But who was anyone to tell anyone
what stories to tell?
when the stories had been shoved into his mind by whom
he did not know
he had by now been called delusional so often
he would let himself believe the cruel entity was
heaven sent
presenting him with schooling

The notebook that contained "A Little Trick with Nick "
had sat under his bunk for weeks now
the implications of the imbued tale
had been raked over in his mind
not as Test
but as quandary
                                                                                   and yes there was no good to come of something
                                                                                 that had already happened..unless this something was to now become something else

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