Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mother burns her baby to death in microwave

Ka Yang to stand trial for baby Mirabelle's murder
  • Radiation from the microwave cooked the child's stomach and small intestine
  • Government tortures citizens with microwaves  accused of doing unsolicited Human Testing on it's people

    • No perpetrator will stand trial for several Targeted Individuals  murders
    • Radiation from the directed  microwaves cooked the Target's nervous system and organs
      No officials, agencies ,corporations or independent contactors or security firms involved in weapons research and electronic harassment with deadly direct energy meant to cause a human to experience what is referred to as a Slow Kill as to mimic natural causes .The weaponry has the benefit of causing neuro and psychological problems intended to mimic organic emotional problems .As there is very little unclassified information about these unique weapons and because no bullets or shrapnel is left at the" crime scene " those who use microwaves and other Neurotronic or Direct Energy Weapons leave virtually no hard evidence .The evidence provided by those attacked with these unseen but powerful weapons is often verbal and can be dismissed as specious .No perpetrators paid to covertly test these weapons on unwitting citizens will stand trial on any charges brought about by several thousands of people who call themselves Targeted Individuals

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