Saturday, May 31, 2014

injected,swallowed or otherwise introduced into a members blood stream

the dots were one thing
nobody in Neuronautics
was supposed to talk about
but few
if any ( especially those who were "dotted" with "The Dots")
could keep their mouths shut about it

The sheer wondererous -ness of The Dots properties and possibilities
were simply too
awesome to keep to oneself.

all sorts of talk centered around  "The Dots
that could quicken and purvey full immersion
with the tenants of Neuronautics and the teachings of Gary Rainy
with the assistance
of nano scaled bio sensors

injected ,swallowed or otherwise introduced into a member's bloodstream ,nervous system and brain

Some believed
that the magical microscopic units were supernatural in nature
given to Gary Rainy by the Great Entity on a Mind Walk to distant planets

still other's believed
The Dots  came into usage after Neuronautics acquired Merge Cybernetic Systems
into it's ever growing portfolio of
all matter of real estate and farsighted patents.

Still other's believed The Dots were "lent" to Gary Rainy by an outside laboratory or agency that was quite curious to see what those who specialized in "The Science of the Mind" might
do with technology that enabled the organization to
"take a member through the steps and coarse work that promised Higher Attainment
with a New tool that enabled  a Direct Neural Interface between a mentor and a mentee
as the nano particles shaped and designed as biosensors and biotransmitters
which in the simplest terms
  allowed a new member 's mind to become
to receive and broadcast thoughts, perceptions and feelings for inspection and
correction by his or her Mentor.

The Mentor ,unlike the mentee did not have "The Dots" in their
physical body
Wearable computer based simulators were just as effective
for a thought /perceptions based  "relationship" with those imbued with inserts.

The job of the Mentor was simply to teach a mentee how to think and perceive the fundamentals
of The New Way
via interface
based on the Mentors knowledge of Neuronautics,knowledge  based upon
the Mentors familiarity with the books ,taped lectures and instructive video
they themselves had studied
in order to present a Master Class of Mind "Mediation"Endowment

since the use of nano scaled bio sensors on human beings was illegal
most chosen to be re taught and mentored were never told that their temporal lobes and hippocampus
had been dosed with 'The Dots"

as far as most
"proxy or mentees" were/are concerned the voices and sights and augmentation of their emotional states be remote
indications of either a cosmic intervention
 or a plain and simple break with reality

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