Wednesday, March 5, 2014

  •   part one


  • part two
  • Illegal Human Testing

        part three

Eugenics and Neural Encoding ,a proposal of Paradise -The Cult ofCategorization 

      part four

immersive reality and A.I.
(L.A Referential)

you should be delighted Dumbo
not to be at the children's table
people like you
...i can feel Valerie P.dispel any thought of me out of her mind
to this "pack"
i am barely considered human
it is their job..
to make sure people like me stay away from THEM
don't ask me what happened the last time I dared
venture back to L.A.
the connections these people have 
is beyond comprehension
they can pick you up off the street for simply"lookin funny'
lock you up either in a jail cell
or mental ward
Human subjects
the "apped' ones
embarrass them
they know
they've made us into monsters but don't need the reminding...
they don't wanna see
their Subjects
walking around their town..
word has it half the actors are tagged.apped.controlled
they tell them it's for insurance reason
and so they remember their mark 
their lines..
besides Immersive reality
is the next thing..
and the actors gotta learn how to DO 
it isn't the same type of acting 
that one can do 
in front of a camera
it requires
thought and emmitance
you almost gotta be a rocket scientist swami to go mind to mind
which requires a way of thinking 
that relies more on feeling
than words..
also a  provoked spike in amygdala ...for a neurotronic "hit" of DMT

it's a whole new world 
these monsters are creating
i am almost thankful they've 
mentioned on much more than one occasion they intend to
kill me in a very painful way
that i won't see coming...

KAY serat serando
or whatever 
as i sure I won't see them 
on my side of the crossing
my premeditated murder.
these folks had better
work faster on a genuine downloadable uploadable mind
for life everlasting
cuz fuck knows their 
souls ain't going to no spirit in the sky...
uh uh
no way 
no how...
if I ever really explained what "this Team" has done to me 
you'd be crying for me non stop 
and holding my haND


i don't lie..not about that
i don't go into what happened in real time ..
i will always be afraid to name names places...and events
i'd rather not remember but i do hope i am giving 
something in this long winded 'story' to explain somehow..
what direct neural interface .A.I. and Immersive reality by proxy are .is and hopefully will never be

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