Saturday, March 29, 2014

Exciting calcium ion release through P-type VGCCs

Tru Christie set a metronome beside his workspace earlier that week.
Every 10th tick
Tru Christie pushed a button that sent a pulsed burst of directed energy at Denny Pace's Thalamus and mitochondria.

 Through the biosensors  riddled all through the "Immersive Reality" helmet Tru could feel and hear Denny squirm

The sentence "oh no..Oh no...not this again "appeared as if in 3-d inside  Tru Christie's helmet
which enabled an exact word for word transcription of Denny's real time thoughts

he also heard the stuttering ,simp of Denny's own voice

and saw  in real time the Barnum and Baily Circus Poster across from the bed.
through the visor that
gave Tru access to Denny's Occipitals

The fucking poster was embedded into Tru,s  brain pan from the endless hours
Denny would spend laying in bed staring at the damn thing...
(what22 year old man had a fucking circus poster in his room? Tru thought)

That's how it began
with the poster.

Tru couldn't stand how much  Denny laid around
(what 22 year old man lays around like this ,autistic or not?)
...Tru Christie was then
actually concerned about "the boy"

and asked one of the developers
if there was any Mind Modulation Program that could make "this guy" jump around,.go out "and play" or something...
A white coat type ,too "uppity"usually to bother with "the help" that actually DID the REAL job around here.,actually had to be inside the Proxy all day ,all night...every piss,every sneeze every..

"well," said White Coat ,"I suppose we can increase some of his adrenaline"

White Coat showed Tru how to manipulate a specific pulse toward the part of Denny's brain that might make the "lazy bum" get up and
for Christ's sake..

In the Beginning
Tru had such plans for Denny.
What sights they would see
The Places they would go!

Tru pressed the button
The White Coat had explained he had to be very careful ...
and not hit the button that sent the transmission via this via that ..oh shut up Tru thought as the White Coat explained frequency, biometry...
JUST SHOW HOW TO GET DENNY to a CLUB or something.
GET LAID or something...shut up with the satellite .lite brite  synapse excite technology shit...and let me play with Denny

but in time
Tru became much more
in "the technology shit"
"the biomedical "shit"
and began making attempts to "befriend" the nerdy white coat ,who tru just knew  wanted to hang out with "the cool guy" who in all probability
would have been the same type of guy who knocked over his books in High school......

increased Calcium ions release not only triggers neurological deficits but also can interrupt histamine levels causing severe facial swelling(edema) also  calcium-sensitive contractile proteins can cause severe muscle contractions and disfigurement caused by smooth muscle rigidity which ellipse the facial nerves.....

 ...Facial Swelling so severe that on at least five separate occasion
the Denny Pace
had to be rushed to the hospital

Tru remembered the last visit to hospital
The Denny Pace looked literally like something outta a monster movie
One nurse screamed looking at Denny
another as if intuitively threw a pillow case over his head..
Mrs Pace freaked.
"what in g-d's name are you doing she said taking off the pillow case..."I brought him here to be helped..."

 Tru Christie liked using the "toys"

Denny ,who Tru Christie was now convinced was "playing autistic" probably since BIRTH...he had told the other Tele Operators...."yeah he's that sneaky.."
He explained to the other
Mentors in
 in what they called " Ground Control."who had recently become concerned how much Tru was becoming" personally attached "to
one of his wards

Tru Christie
had never been  interested in how anything other than the "fun stuff" like Visual Overlay and making a Proxy for instance taste his favorite candy bar while eating a carrot now wanted to know how to use the Mind Link equipment to make a proxy for instance lose bowel function or suddenly begin twitching.
Group Control was where
the Tele-Operators
tested the Over Ride Equipment
The Taste
Smell ....stuff
that had been hired to send directly
to a subject's  mind..

the used a variety of gear...depending on the task at hand

Tru used to like putting on the Haptic Jumper
that could send
a sense of smother or literally bodily "possession " to the unsuspecting "Host"
he knew some used the haptic (the Sense of Touch")**suit
to go all "hot and Bothered" on a particularly pretty or handsome
the suit sometimes reeked of it.

But lately the suit was fine..
None of the Proxy looked so good anymore.
.the constant taping of the window's of their minds
left all sorts of scuffs , scrapes and dents
all over
their faces

by the 6th month even the horniest
could barely stand
getting into their bloated, scarred and marred skins

Every 9th click of the metronome
Tru pressed the button
Denny was staring at the Barnum and Baily poster...
He and Tru were looking for the thousandth time at the fine lines that gave the printed elephant a sense of mass.

Tru now assumed Denny was doing this on purpose that he knew
the "communion " was not with a space alien but a 48 year old man hooked to over 100 electrodes..

Tru pressed the button that "amped" up Denny's calcium ions now on every
8th tick of the metronome
so consumed with the ticking,Tru did not notice Denny's mother entering the room...her mouth over her own ...seeing the swelling in her son's face 3 times the size it should have been.

Denny Fat head.
Denny Fugly Face.
all happy in his hospital bed .cause a nice nurse.
Not afraid of his monster face wanted to make
Autism Avatar "Happy"
Tru tasted the raspberry ice cream.
Felt Denny's pathetic fleeting happiness(everything with King Autism was fleeting ,every thought ,every feeling lasted no longer than a second,if that)
at the nurse's empathy
YOU Instigate them Denny,"Mrs Pace said,"I know you a little .I'm your mother" 
it was the first time Tru had seen her slip...
...she had "went along" with "the program"
that her son
"voices and Seeeing things and now feeling ,tasting ,smelling things..were just some weird Psychological Manifestation..
Layla pace was the one who CAME to THEM 15 years ago..
responded to their ad
"Can't control your Autistic Son or Daughter's Behavior? The pills not working.Are you at the end of your rope?"There's a New Solution!
:Instigate who?what are you talking about?" Denny said
:the demons,the possession,the space aliens,the schizophrenia..."Mrs Pace said walking around and around the tiny hospital room...holding a pen like a cigarette."smoking the pen so hard" that she bit the tip of it that kept the ink inside..
blue ink
was smearing on her lip..unknowingly
Tru,seeing out of Denny's eyes with the visor first sensed Denny's reaction
"that this was funny.That Ma looked funny like that."
Tru became furious with Denny's automatic response to his mother being in such a state of confusion and frenzy because of HIM
Him of course
was a little bit Tru Christie's fault .
BUT STILL!thought Tru
Dennt didn't know that..
did he.
Tru pressed a button and felt Denny's leg contract right before he cut that particular link between them...
instead he listened in on Denny's mind...which was of course consumed by "self self self"
owwww my leg oww my leg..
seeing through Denny's eyes
his mother calling for a nurse..
the ink still all over her mouth*

"What did you mean? Denny said,rubbing his pulse induced spasm,"I instigate them..."
Tru watched Mrs Pace
watched Mrs pace lie..

" instigate your own problems,,your own...symptom..I'm sort .I don't know what to do..I don't know what to do.."she said hugging her son.
who 's automatic response was first to
flinch away from all physical contact.
but not now Tru was surprised to feel.
not today...
they were making progress.

*PARRY,  chatterbot, written in 1972 by Kenneth Colby, attempting to simulate a paranoid schizophrenic.

"Excitation–contraction (E-C) coupling increases calcium flux  which effects muscles , histamine and adrenal systems
“The really damaging part of a Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasound isn’t observed or felt during the initial usage, It’s the metabolic damage, the free radicals and the swelling that  happen in the hours  or days afterward."
  • Cramp
  • Dystonia
  • Hypnic jerk
  • Myoclonus
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) which  are among the leading causes of death and permanent disability . Headaches, memory problems, and changes in mood and personality are common effects of a TBI. More severe brain injuries can cause devastating cognitive changes and physical and mental functional disabilities. According to the CDC, TBIs are a contributing factor in more than a third of all injury-related deaths in the United States.






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