Sunday, March 9, 2014

"a homo is only half human ,"he said,' and very malleable "

...The homosexual is called a Pussy for a reason
by the time he comes of a certain age.
He has created (to survive) a type of Virtual reality
to begin with.
An imaginary friend.
Augmented Sound and Vision might actually
be of benefit for one so removed from normal society
Dr Garrett Ross (2004) 
Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
A four of fish and finger pies
 In summer meanwhile back
Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout
A pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray
And though she feels as if she's in a play


 find an article.
.more like a pamphlet one finds in a Drs office
 telling you how not to catch some kind of Venereal disease

"how to Deal with being a Targeted Individual"

a Targeted Individual by the by my friend
basically a person
found suitably marginal or dissident enough
to be placed on a list
this list makes one 
non person enough
(much like the jews , homosexuals ,mentally ill and political "enemies"
were not only "thought of but  quite literally categorized&embroidered as in Nazi Germany)
quite like the homosexuals,activists and homeless were thought expendable enough to exposed unaware
to LSD -25 and other mind altering substances
by several 3 letter "champions of liberty and justice"in the 1960's
there is a very very long history of human testing
in this nation of pre-emptive 'understanding of methodologies OUR ever present enemies might
"with THEIR sick ,sick minds" attempt
to imply on our lily white
ever right nation

does it really surprise you that
the next stop on the Tuskeegee-ian Tour
of Human Experimentation for Greater Good and our ever dwindling Freedom which can only be kept by
doing away with more and more freedom
lest we not be secure.

there is NO LIMIT
to the EVIL in our Enemies intention
and thusly we must fight fire with fire
evil thought for thought

is it any surprise
that after mind augment testing with hallucinogenics
mind augment preparatory studies
would NEED to be done
with Psychotronic and Neurotronic devices?

if one is against
"giving the inserts a spin" one
in fact
Does become
The Enemy

as if one slated "game' enough to be embedded with injectable nano scaled biosensors
was not considered
or at the very least
"non person" enough
'give Direct neural Interface ..a 'go"

thank good ness I found this piece of literature online
to help me "roll with the technology"
and the
 type of "Truman Show"carnival that surround the subject
and thus the aspects of being a walking talking tape recorder human drone Targeted Individual Circles this type of "engagement" is often called" Street Theater" first one doesn't"t know what to make of "placed People"

essentially actors
or trained "white Noise"
 .to  trigger either associations or remind you"(as if one forced in Brain Computer interface "adventures"needs reminding as a good bit  of the Chatter" is only about bodily harm...) ..that one had better
keep thy mouth shut or perhaps have it cut

"why so serious ?" a placed man might ask 
a stranger.
acting deliberately strange .for emphasis


A Placed Person
may simply  be there
 to  recite a speck of
from a captured read" of one's previously private monologue

 we all have loop- ing through our minds whether we like it or not..

the piece I found on Targeted Individuals and   "dealing " With the intrusion
as if 
it were 
"a gift and not a chore"
 as if Open Mind Technology is but  a slight affliction that  a "good sport" would simply shake off as 
a new 
of normal
this new normal 
is accompanied by 
a new nonsensibility
for instance 
a Placed Man, in a Panama hat and sunglasses might  say , if it is pouring rain outside

"it's so sunny out today ..I sort of miss the clouds..don't you?...

odd that I will find myself saying yes.yes I do

....a half a block later I might consider the man in the Panama Hat
 and what he said
 and look back
 to see if the man is there..

He is not.His job..what this man literally gets paid for .is done for the day


    Remember that you can and will find your inner strength to move forward!
  • When meeting new people, make sure they are not perpetrators.
  • Before setting to constructing your own anti-gangstalking equipment research first the net, there are a lot of TI around the world and some managed to find temporal relief. Do not spend too much at first, your perpetrators love to see you wasting time and money, they at first will lie to be impressed at your work, and when it is done, they will be silent for a while (on purpose) and suddenly return to their wickedness to lower your hopes and moral.
  • Your perpetrators do not use conventional equipment nor mundane technology. They are more advanced than the world we currently know: thought form amplifiers, utrasound, invisible lasers, ultralow frequencies, most are military grade technology.
  • Your perpetrators always prepare an "acting stage" invaded by an army of liars who love acting a role, condensed with all kinds of annoyances and difficulties in the places you often visit, such as the supermarket, the mall, a bus route or the bank.-Aug 9th 2011 (the Journal of Denny Pace)

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