Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Denny Pace (notebook7) life in a Kovak Box

you have 350,000 to 750,00
sanctioned "change agents
 walking around with LISTS
what have you got
  but a NEW POLITICAL FORCE in the making

of future LEADERS and LAW MAKERS
weened on categorization.suspiscion and interrogation
of "Sore Thumbs"
and insinuated  thumbnail sketches of  "spotting  "this kind,that kind"

350,000 to 750,000 "change agents" who must not answer to anybody
no checks no balances
for they are "off the grid"

"they know things others must not,"
"they use advanced  technologies" others must never use

they have been
weened on the
"science"of predictive analysis

they look at citizens as "types"
their job is categorizing people according to specific traits

their job is to recognize
in the demographic

weed out or at least monitor
any  deviation from the staus quo
They have been taught to
quantify and segregate
and scan
with sophisticated technology for
clues to discrepancies of or from normal human behavior

facial recognition studies
pupil dilatation encoding and
voice transcription
which studies not so much 'what one says' but the syntax and linguistics
of "how one says it"
there is
new technology that even coverts one's EEG signals into language
(one's thoughts can actually be scanned ,deciphered and than " read" with the help of inexpensive headsets with contain biosensors made solely for the  purpose
of what is called "thought transcription"

"Thought Inscription Technology(i.e.mind reading technology) is being considered as an adjuct to airport security  and other public arenas that
"need" special measures to ensure crowd safety
the thought transcription equipment will be used very briefly
a" quick scan"that is just thorough enough to "conclude" one's motivations
for flying

350,000 to 750,000 agents
who answer to no one
with lists
and advanced technologies
what is on your mind
and the science and thus the right  to determine
who among us
is peculiar
or strange enough to require
more invasive monitoring

a New Regime on  Surveyors
whose god is
Pre Emptive Pre Cursors and Evoked Potentials
there have ben other movements and "regime" begun with people with lists and people who divided the population in traits and categories'
in time "this style" of "crowd control"
and classification became
a political movement
when the technology of survey has gone as far as studying one's pupil dialations
to "see" if you are
Good or Bad...
Right Minded or Wrong Minded
we are letting a lot of questionable
decide who we are
and what may become of us as a nation
and as individuals

we are becoming a nation of the measured
encrypted and decoded

it is difficult not to be reminded of the Eugenics movement popularized in the USA in the 1920's
but this time
we or THEY are not by measuring the distance between someone's eyes
to gauge "personhood"
but measuring Pre Neural and  Post Neural firings
 to get a DIFFINITIVE scientific KNOWING
of what is on our minds
and thus in our souls

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